Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1244 Chapter 1240 The Wizard and the Explosive Bomb (First Update)

There are almost three hundred wizards gathered in the Watum Temple. These people hold a large number of secret books and communicate frequently. They play a decisive role in the progress and exploration of the entire magical world. The people standing here now cover almost all the people on the earth. The leaders of magic schools recognized by Kamal Taj, and some of the spells and magical philosophy works of these schools are also preserved in the Kamal Taj library.

They were cloaked and hooded in black, but the Emperor could make out faces hidden in their shadows. Some people had a good chat with him at the wine table, and some were just casual acquaintances, but whether he was familiar with these people or not would not affect the outcome of today's matter.

Compared to the illegal wizards and cultists who make trouble, this group of people is already quite law-abiding, but even so they still cause a lot of trouble. They have neither the ability nor the will to clean up the degenerates in their own schools. These schools continue to produce cultists and are even disconnected from some degenerate wizard organizations and black magic biological organizations. Not only that, some of the experiments of these schools are even more outrageous, such as binding extradimensional creatures into human bodies and forcing extradimensional creatures to reveal their knowledge and secrets by torturing humans. This kind of experiment was discovered hundreds of years ago. It is forbidden, but there are still people who are tirelessly experimenting over and over again driven by curiosity and desire.

Whenever a cultist who believes in an evil god from an extra dimension is born, it will bring unimaginable disasters to the entire earth. However, Karma Taj cannot directly interfere and inspect these schools to completely cut off the source of corruption. As the emperor said, Quetzalcoatl is not the first extradimensional creature to be summoned to the earth, nor will it be the last. The best solution is to completely end all possibilities of summoning extradimensional creatures.

The bear-like Earl of Kooz was only slightly shorter than the Hell Knight. The Siberian prophet immediately stepped aside when he heard the emperor speak. As a frequent visitor to the Wumen Bar, Count Keoz had already noticed the changes in the attitude of the Supreme Mage in the past ten years through the mouth of Kama Taj Mystic. At the same time, he also knew about the Emperor's increasingly ruthless behavior in recent years. This seemingly rough but attentive wizard firmly grasped the old British man Monaco, who was still trying to struggle, and pinned him firmly in an inconspicuous corner. If the emperor wanted to eliminate the risk of magic, then Monaco, who was good at using The sorcerer of the black magic of the Indian continent must have been the first to die.

"The wizards who support this decision are lying on both sides of the hall." The emperor shouted loudly.

The anti-teleportation circle arranged by Kama Taj Mystic here was made by the emperor. Apart from being unable to leave the hall through dimensional jumps and space folding, the combat ability of the wizards present was not greatly affected. Hammurabi knew that an anti-summoning circle should have been deployed originally, but unfortunately Kamal Taj was short of manpower and the construction period was too long. The emperor could only choose the most critical anti-teleportation circle construction. The Hell Knight Tactical Team who stepped into the Temple of Vatum immediately prepared to take action after receiving the order. Bolt rifles and bolt pistols were loaded, the chainsword and power sword began to be powered, and the Tactical Support Team's two 0.998 caliber anti-armor guns were loaded. The heavy chain-type individual explosive cannon and the two double-tube fusion melts have already started buzzing, and the excessive firepower is ready.

But the one who took action first was not the Hell Knight, the Praetorian Guard, the Kama Taj Mystic or the Emperor, but a wizard carrying a spirit body. Weird purple flames appeared out of thin air and rushed towards the most gorgeously armored Hell Knight Captain. Sharp laughter like metal scraping glass kept emitting in the air. At the same time, several invisible figures appeared as if they were living in frosted glass. The hound-like creature passed through the material and pounced on the Imperial Guards and two Hell Knight tactical support teams blocking the door.

The Emperor's exquisite heavy bolt pistol thundered.

Many things happen at the same time.

The moment the rapidly flying bomb warhead touched the spine, the huge amount of kinetic energy immediately crushed the spine, ribs and muscles, throwing up the crushed organic matter fragments, and when they fell, it seemed like a thick rain of flesh and blood. At the same time, the strange purple flame creature that was originally dancing in the air let out a scream and began to expand with uncontrollable joy. The bright flames burned through the concrete and granite floors of Teotihuacan uncontrollably. By the way, it also devoured the body of a wizard who was close to the exit and unable to dodge, leaving a shrunken, dark, charred corpse the size of a child on the spot.

The deafening gunfire had not yet relieved the tinnitus of the wizards present. The two tactical teams immediately aimed their guns at the wizards who were trying to hide and did not support the emperor. All the Hell Knights pulled the triggers without hesitation, and a dense crossfire network instantly filled the entire Vatum Temple Hall. Until this moment, even the most stupid person knew that this was a trap. Spells with different languages, different tones, and different emotions were recited in a short time, and translucent light sources, noises, and smoke instantly filled the temple hall. .

Then bright lightning emerged from the smoke and hit a member of the tactical team.

The Hell Knight flew up into the air as if he had been hit hard by a locomotive, and crashed into the stone wall full of reliefs praising the god Vatum. The strong human body and thick armor were instantly squeezed until they were as thin as a coin. A huge amount of blood squeezed out from the gaps in the deformed power armor. The energy backpack caught fire at the astonishing high temperature, igniting the flesh and blood in the armor. But the Hell Knights did not react in any way. They did not roar, swear, or mourn. Instead, they were silent and determined, pressing forward step by step with their bolt rifles, using fully automatic bolt rifles to maintain firepower against the wizards. suppress. When they approached a certain distance, venomous snakes with creepy scale patterns swarmed towards them. Every step forward, the two warrior teams crushed a large number of fleshy quagmires composed of slippery striped bodies. Many venomous snakes He also climbed up their armor and clung to the gaps in their power armor.

The tactical team noncommissioned officer first used plasma pistols and bolt guns to force the shield to the limit. When they approached a certain distance, the tactical team noncommissioned officer immediately drew his chainsword, and other team members drew their monomolecular combat knives. They broke free from the mud and rushed over, running over like unstoppable tanks. The thick shoulder armor made a dull sound when it hit the wizard, and the twisted human body flew out like a cannonball.

The sound of single-molecule blades cutting bones and human bodies is like grinding teeth, but it is much shorter and sharper.

There are wizards who try to sneak into the hearts of the Hell Knights and manipulate them into turning against their comrades, but the brains of those hiding behind the shields suddenly boil, and hot pink and white tofu-like fluids flow from their eyes, noses and ears. This is the end of the wizards. , the hearts of all Hellknights have accepted the Emperor's protective spell, and thousands of ancient oaths protect their spirits and souls. However, the power of witchcraft cannot be defeated by explosive bombs and sword blades. The ubiquitous shadows and invisible claws began to cause casualties to the tactical team. Shadows and deformed limbs continued to pounce on the Hell Knight, tearing apart the armor and chewing on it. Devouring flesh, the stench of witchcraft fire spread under the feet, burning the powered armor.

The tactical team fought in silence, ignoring the pain.

The knight captain led the escort team to aim at the flaming creature and continuously pulled the trigger. The large-caliber explosive bombs pierced the air and sank directly into its body. Even if the knight captain and the escort team emptied the entire magazine, it was of no avail. The flame was still there. Expanding uncontrollably, swallowing corpses and living people one after another. As if he had finally eaten, a strange face poked out of the flames. The face had an overly elongated chin and burnt skin, and the eyes were filled with flames.

The passive hot wind blew in the temple. The knight captain hung the bolt pistol on the magnetic lock holster on his thigh, raised the giant sword in front of his chest with both hands, and then strode forward to challenge the flame monster. The escort team also rushed He raised his bolt pistol and chain sword and rushed forward, attacking the enemies around the captain to prevent them from interrupting the duel.

The Captain of the 7th Knight of the 1st Company of the Hell Knights wears a white cloak embroidered with the blade emblem, which represents his superhuman combat skills and commanding abilities. He has also proven that he is worthy of this honor - he carefully circumvents the Circle and feint attack, the monster's charred black claws that emitted sparks were immediately bitten by the blade of the flickering force field. The charred bones and dried muscles were cut off and disintegrated by the decomposition force field. No more than ten people were killed. Within seconds, the sword blade was thrust into the monster's mouth.

The knight captain withdrew his sword, took out his plasma pistol, and shot the monster in the head before it fell to the ground.

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