Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1245 The Eve of the Decisive Battle Part 1 (Second update)

The two veterans of the tactical support team, armed with double-barreled fusion melts, left the team and walked towards the two tactical teams step by step under the cover of heavy bolter machine gun fire to provide them with fire support. They aimed their guns at the fuzzy hound creatures that rushed towards them, and the star-like shining high-temperature heat rushed towards these monsters that were not afraid of standard 0.75 caliber explosive bombs.

Even in the messy environment, the wails of extradimensional creatures are still creepy. The veterans released their triggers, and the monster's figure disappeared from the molten red-hot slate, leaving only a whine full of malice, and vicious words composed of curses and curses dripped from the tips of their tongues, cursing the humans who killed them.

The Imperial Guards in crimson shirts also walked into the black-robed wizards at this time, like a lion walking into a flock of sheep.

The Guardsmen waved their halberds seemingly casually, and the blades flashing with electricity easily broke through the shields and killed the wizards around them who were trying to attack. The guard spears spit out dazzling gun flames from time to time, accurately hitting some people who were attacking. The wizard who takes the crucial step. The Imperial Guards opened a fire channel filled with corpses and blood among the witchcraft and the crowd. The emperor stepped down from the high platform and waved the holy sword to break the witchcraft one after another that was constantly taking shape in the air. The short-term foresight was completely unable to avoid the emperor's sword, and the illusive light would be shattered in the blink of an eye.

The light he radiated caused those spirits to feel unspeakable pain, and the wizards who made contracts with the spirits were in agony because of the wails and screams of their partners. The spirit screams and dives into deeper dimensions, trying to escape death by hiding beneath the surface.

For some wizards, losing the messenger who communicated with the outer dimension also lost the most powerful means of casting spells. They tried to use other weak spells to attack the emperor. Some of them even took out different firearms from various eras, ranging from guns to Shoots bullets or energy out of his mouth. However, a barrier blocked their offensive. Wanda Maximoff waved the snake bone staff, and scarlet tide appeared out of thin air and then submerged the human body, leaving only pale bones in place. Bullets flew through the crowd and exploded. High-speed flying fragments and molten metal jets destroyed the unprotected and fragile human body. Sword blades and chain saws cut open the limbs after losing their witchcraft, leaving black blood, bone residue, and minced meat. guts, a bullet.

The knight captain stepped forward quickly, raised the plasma pistol in his hand and pulled the trigger. The high temperature, flash, and turbocharged plasma vaporized all organic matter, and finally exploded into an orange-red fire. The Praetorian Guards waved their halberds, and the cut human body drew an arc and fell into the crowd. The gunfire of the bolt weapon and the orange-red spark shield kept flashing in the cold hall.

More and more people chose to surrender. They held their heads and lay on the floor covered with pus, blood and stumps. Even if the emperor's boots passed in front of them, most of them still did not dare to move. The temple gradually became quiet, and the air was filled with the stench of rocket propellant, witchcraft and death. The Hell Knights and Praetorian Guards followed the emperor's footsteps, using their weapons to clean up the wizards who were not completely dead one by one.

The army created by the emperor himself killed more than 150 wizards who tried to resist in less than five minutes, and lost more than 5 people. The smell of human excrement when they died filled the entire temple. The thick blood-red liquid flowed along the cracks in the granite floor and slowly slid into the temple's ditch. This is a heavy blow that the Earth's magic school has never suffered. For the first time, all the wizards who come here understand how precious the tolerance of the Supreme Mage is in the past. Many survivors also realize that the pattern of the entire magical world will usher in earth-shaking changes.

"He's paying the bills," Monaco said. "We're his sacrifice."

"Shut up, old guy!" Count Cooz cursed Monaco in a low voice as he lay on the ground. He had long since taken off the black cloak that hid his identity. The originally smooth black bearskin cloak was scorched by the fire of witchcraft and became sticky and smelly due to the blood of the unlucky people around him. Soon it would attract flies. He was lying next to a bloody rib that might have belonged to one of his friends thirty seconds ago, but Count Cooz was certain that the intestine belonged to another person.

"Shut up, I beg you, Monaco!"

The old British man curled his lips and continued to kneel with his stiff back, but the stickiness under his palms and the bloody smell in his nose made him feel nauseous.

"These Kama Taj mystics will serve as my representatives. They will carry a formal order and follow you to the sect's stronghold. As my representatives, they will count all the mystical books and magic weapons and register them to help you. Sort out and summarize all the experiments that have been conducted and are currently ongoing, conduct safety assessments, and thoroughly identify all possible hidden dangers." The emperor stood in front of the pile of corpses and announced the future dogma to all the survivors of the Vatum Conference. "The wanton life of the past is over. Kama Taj will not approve any dangerous experiments and knowledge without permission. From now on, the world will enter a new era. You can pretend to surrender, but my army I will always find you, no matter which planet you are on."

All the survivors stood in front of the hundreds of steps of the Watum Temple. Dozens of soldiers in power armor stood with the mystic of Kama Taj in short robes and holding magic weapons, staring at them. . The survivors watched the emperor's army enter the temple with flamethrowers, while they stood shivering in the rainstorm, letting the rain rob them of their body temperature without using any magic to protect themselves - sometimes the rain turned into hail, sometimes like Boiling water is so hot that sometimes it even tastes like metal. They were not allowed to protect themselves unless given permission - after a while, greasy and thick black smoke emerged from the cracks in the stone, successive explosions began to shatter the rock, and the flames flowed through all the granite like liquid. , the ancient temple was covered in fierce fire in an instant.

A giant aircraft descended from the turbulent dark clouds, and the flashing thunder between the clouds flowed on its golden armor. The aircraft slowly landed on the makeshift platform. The instigator of the massacre at the Temple of Vatum put on his cloak again and stood firm in the howling wind. A new era is coming, but on the eve of this new era, countless blood will continue to flow and be completely forgotten.

Enuratu looked at the prefabricated baffle erected outside the rebel hall with a frown. The expansion bolts passed through the holes under the baffle and nailed it firmly to the ground. A large number of explosion-proof sandbags are piled behind the baffle, trying to prevent outside objects from entering here. These strong bunkers that can protect against bombs are not to block attacks from either side, but to block the intensifying storm and the rocks and branches blown up by the wind. The burning brazier swayed in the strong wind that penetrated the hall, unable to provide any more warmth, and the generator hummed to provide more light, and hope, to the rebel camp.

This hall has never been so lively, and there are more than just Paititi people who follow her. Giants in power armor, skinny Yasoks, and Paititi people who had experienced a counterattack war all gathered together. Even ordinary residents of the small town of San Juan were brought here to escape the disaster. . According to expert assessments, the cave can withstand a considerable degree of earthquakes, but they still retained an outward escape channel to avoid flooding and collapse.

It is now six o'clock in the afternoon, and the light is slowly beginning to fade from the clouds.

The time to launch the attack is getting closer and closer, and the Hell Knights are becoming more and more silent. Aparisha polished her execution ax in silence and filled the heavy bolt pistol with bullets one by one. A few hours ago, the Praetorian Guards and their master suddenly disappeared and were informed that they would return before the attack. Aparisha knew that the attack would begin as planned, regardless of whether the Praetorian Guards and the Emperor arrived on time. However, the current situation is very different from before. Heavy rains and storms are getting more violent, mountain collapses occur frequently, all aircraft have entered low orbit in advance to avoid the storm due to potential risks, and some assault tanks and armor are buried under the soil.

Before the battle even started, the Hell Knight's armor strength had already suffered losses.

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