Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1246 The Eve of the Decisive Battle·Part 2 (First update)

Lead-gray clouds surged rapidly in the sky, and toxic volcanic ash combined with cumulonimbus clouds and drifted into the distance driven by strong winds. The hot sulfide black rain is highly corrosive. Although it does not last long, as the frequency and intensity of earthquakes become higher and higher, sulfide acid rain also appears more frequently. What started as raindrops lasting about a minute has now turned into a 20-minute sulfide rainstorm. Even the Hell Knights responded quickly, covering the heavy artillery with a tarpaulin to prevent water from entering the barrel, and then ordered the armored vehicle crew to Start the sealing procedure and evacuate to a safe area to standby.

But for ordinary people without protection, the threat of sulfide black rain is quite deadly.

While Enuratu set about burying the tribal warriors who had died in previous battles, he ordered all non-combatants in the tribe to start working. The girl and the old woman brought the rainwater purification device to filter out the chemical-smelling water to clean the wounds burned by the acid rain of the people who came to seek shelter. The analgesic supplies originally used for the life support system and medical system of the Hell Knight's power armor were also diluted by the accompanying medical staff and injected as anesthetics to civilians injured by mudslides, acid rain, etc.

The rebel camp was filled with wails of pain. Enuratu was walking in the camp as the legal ruler of Paititi. In a trance, she felt that she had come to a strange place, instead of her husband's bizarre wish to escape Ku. The long-standing stronghold of the Kurkan Order. She even saw idle mechanics using biochemical prostheses to assist in field surgeries - or as shadowless lamps, depending on which biochemical prosthetics the mechanics chose, but most low-level Martian technicians have strong light illumination attached. The prosthetic body of the equipment - even the Hell Knights as combatants are taking the time to load ammunition, clean the power armor, and prepare for battle.

Only the superstitious Yasok clan has nothing to do. They are incompatible with other people. The Yasok Queen Scarlet Fire Chakchel is still leading her people to eat. They seem to have no sense of taste and are not picky about high-calorie protein ration bars at all. the taste of. Enuratu was surprised to find that the Yasok people living near Paititi were not outright barbarians. They also made quite traditional corn tortillas, but they did not stuff them into their mouths after making the corn tortillas. He didn't share it with anyone, but placed it in front of a randomly carved shrine, and he could barely tell who it was.

Meteorologists sent in forecasts that were quite bleak.

The west coast of South America is the famous Pacific Rim earthquake zone. Paititi where they are located is at the junction of the Amazon cloud forest and the Andes, and is inevitably affected by volcanic eruptions. Even not long ago, they had witnessed with their own eyes the orange-red fire of the distant mountains, like smoldering paper balls, very conspicuous in the increasingly dark environment - in the Enaptina volcano, Sabanka Large and small volcanoes in the Andean volcanic belt, such as Subvolcano, Misti Volcano, Columa Volcano, Hulix Volcano, etc., began erupting to varying degrees a few hours ago.

The prophecy of Quetzalcoatl's awakening has reached its final stage. Erupting volcanoes will reshape the world, and geological changes will also affect the weather to varying degrees. A large amount of volcanic ash was blown across the Pacific Ocean by southeasterly winds. A large number of cumulonimbus clouds with thunderstorm danger formed in a short period of time and began to rain acid rain.

However, Latvian meteorologists did not say anything dead, because many people had witnessed the scene when the emperor's plane landed in Cuba. That weird phenomenon that goes against the common sense of atmospheric science is still the subject of research by meteorologists. Until now, the weather in Cuba has remained sunny, as if cumulonimbus clouds and monsoons completely ignored the island. This situation also occurs in La In the province of Tovinia, everyone can be sure that this is inseparable from the emperor himself. Therefore, when a bright dawn appeared over Paititi, the thunder stopped, and the cumulonimbus clouds disappeared, Apalixia, the first company commander of the Hell Knights, immediately ordered his subordinates to prepare for battle within three minutes (organizing the dirty clothes) Tabard), their supreme commander is about to return to Paititi to lead them.

Although the transport aircraft lowered its landing claw, it did not step into the muddy soil.

The driver's superb driving skills allowed this huge aerial fortress to float at a subtle height above the ground. The strong wind and heat expelled by the engine's breath dried the shallow water at a speed visible to the naked eye. The ground became solid again, and the hydraulic ramp door slowly lowered. The Praetorian Guards walked down the ramp first, and then their emperor - this time the emperor did not cover his glory with a cloak. As commanders, Constantine and Apalisia stood in front of the phalanx of Hell Knights. The first company commander and the four knight captains shouted orders, and all the Hell Knights uniformly drew their weapons and greeted the emperor as warriors. All Hell Knights were excited to see the titan-like Emperor with their own eyes. Many Hell Knights who had fought alongside the Emperor had only dreamed of this day.

Aparisha keenly smelled the smell of blood on the guards and the emperor, and the blood stains on their boots also showed that they had experienced a tragic massacre. The Seventh Knight Squadron of the First Company originally planned to be on standby at the Tianjian Space Station, but he received a mission briefing from the captain of the Seventh Knight Squadron. The battle losses listed in the briefing were shocking.

It is difficult for Aparisha to imagine what kind of mission would cause such heavy losses to the genetically modified warriors when the emperor and the Imperial Guards also participated in the battle, but now he does not have much time to take a closer look. In the detailed mission report, he only knew that the emperor went to a place called the Temple of Watum.

No pleasantries, no nonsense, the emperor stopped briefly to review the soldiers. He nodded towards these soldiers and then strode towards the command post, seemingly satisfied with the discipline displayed by the Hell Knights.

"We have completed the reconnaissance work. The opponent's firepower configuration is clear at a glance. Radar scanning and seismic detection have drawn a complete topographic map of the Kukulkan Order's headquarters." Aparisha and the knight captain quickly followed up, walking beside the emperor. Next to it, he also smelled a stronger smell of blood. "The shelling continued, but the frequency was reduced due to weather problems, and the irritant gas was not as effective as expected, and those people would not surrender. The drone captured a photo that resembled the target, Dr. Pedro Domiguez. , based on this, an assault plan was formulated to seize the Chakchere dagger with the help of a quick strike.”

"Follow your tactics, Apalixia. You are the frontline commander, and even I have to follow your tactics." The trust in the emperor's words made Apalixia so proud that he completely forgot about his previous interactions with the guards. Constantine, the commander-in-chief of the army, was unhappy. This kind of battle similar to a hostage rescue operation is not the specialty of the Hell Knights. They are better at killing rather than searching and rescuing. Otherwise, a team equipped with a jet jump pack can complete the task and annihilate the Holy Trinity mercenaries and Kuaishou. Order of Kulkan.

"Put me into this raid. The Praetorian Guards and I will be another raid force used to achieve tactical goals. I think it is very likely that Pedro Domiguez is conducting some dark rituals. The Hell Knight is not suitable for dealing with this kind of target. I need the Hell Knight to quickly come to my position to provide support after completing each tactical objective."

"As you command, my lord." Apalixia did not question the emperor's statement. "The raid will begin in ten minutes. Please be prepared."

"Ten minutes is enough for the assault transport craft to land from low orbit. I will complete the civilian evacuation before the raid is launched, and you can also prepare to take over the rest of the first company." The emperor paused, and Aparisha found that the emperor's inner doubts even made him His steps were a little slow. "We may die, Aparisha. Quetzalcoatl is a powerful enemy we have never encountered before. You must be mentally prepared for the annihilation of the entire army." These words made Aparisha tremble. The emperor was the most powerful human being he had ever seen. He couldn't believe that Quetzalcoatl would actually let the emperor speak out the words of death.

"You must know that the way we walk in war is not for personal glory - although there is no shortage of laurels on that road - but personal glory will never be our first pursuit. That is what the teaching machine will not tell you. dogma, you must choose whether to practice this principle of war, so that others do not have to embark on the road of war full of thorns like us. The future of the human race is built on such a cornerstone, and generations of people have used their own blood to fight against Sacrifice to forge a peaceful and secure future."

"I will obey your instructions, my lord." Aparisha bowed slightly, showing humility that made Constantine look askance. "For the sake of unity, we will fight until death."

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