Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1248 The End of the Earth (Two in one! Please vote at the end of the month!)

The bleak afterglow made the rainwater sprinkled from the skylight at the top of the cave look like dusty rubies. A large number of snake-men wearing light green robes of the Kukulkan Order unconsciously walked into the dim pool of water, becoming slender and growing scales. body soaked in it. Even though the Jishuitan was extremely crowded, the group of mutants did not have any quarrels, and the grunts in their throats were replaced by increasingly vague hisses.

It wasn't until the Imperial Guards and the Emperor broke in that the group of snakes raised their heads from the water that had become sticky due to skin flakes and other metabolites - their degree of mutation was higher than that of the snakemen in the outer caves, and their scales and feathers were The colors are brighter, and even the bones have become slender and slender, as if it takes time or certain factors to completely transform. But that's where their similarities end, with their wildly proliferating tissue making them look like half-rotten lizardmen.

After discovering the intruder, angry hissing began to spread in the cave, and the snake man rushed towards the intruder expressionlessly. Whether it was rugged rocks or uneven rock walls, their sharp and deformed hands and feet made them feel as if they were walking on flat ground. The knights who entered the cave subsequently fired bombs at the group of creatures that seemed to be out of the human category. They were programmed in the genome. Their hatred of mutant creatures gives them the satisfaction of killing such monsters.

The golden spearheads composed of the Praetorian Guards fired at Dr. Pedro Domiguez while escorting the emperor forward. They believed that the genetically modified warriors could control the scene behind them. The mutated creatures that tried to block this team couldn't even let them stop for a moment. In the blink of an eye, they were chopped into pieces by the guard's spear or the sentry sword. The assault formation they formed was improved from the ancient formation invented during the Ming Dynasty. Come, combined with the war-god-like Imperial Guards, no infantry in the world can delay them for even a second.

Hammurabi and Supiluliumas quickened their pace slightly and used their shields to push away several tall snake-men beside Dr. Pedro Domiguez who had been shot several times. Their sentinel giant swords were thrust into the bodies covered with amphibian scales and colorful feathers. Then they emptied their magazines, turned around and swung their swords, killing all these monsters in less than two seconds. However, Dr. Pedro Domiguez seemed indifferent to what was happening around him. He stared obsessively at the human heart in his hand and murmured to himself. The Chakchel dagger stained with sticky blood was tightly held in his other hand. inside.

The emperor stepped over the head of the creature that had completely mutated into an amphibian, and swung his holy sword to cut off the invisible shackles in the air. Amon and Hannibal immediately turned around and started to be on guard, and then the emperor grabbed Dr. Pedro Domiguez's wrist until his heart dropped, and the crazy man regained consciousness a little.

"He needs sacrifices!" Dr. Pedro Domiguez raised his head and looked at the emperor with frantic eyes. "He needs sacrifices to appease his anger, otherwise he will destroy Paititi."

Amon and Hannibal opened fire outside the altar to prevent the snake men from attacking. After a brief exchange of fire, the well-trained knights began to gradually control the ruins and cleared a safe area on the corpses of the mutated creatures. The commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard walked to the altar and looked at the mountain of internal organs under the high platform with disgust. Without a respiratory filtration system, the stench would be intolerable even to the Imperial Guard.

"There are many hearts here, all of which are sacrifices." Gene Alchemy's disgust at the corruption of witchcraft made Constantine frown. He glanced at the insane Dr. Pedro Domíguez, and deep down he was filled with rage that this man had dared to act against the genetic corruption of humanity. "Are you going to kill him, my lord?"

"No need." There was no mercy in the emperor's eyes. He placed the silver box that the Yasok clan had guarded for generations on the altar stained with human blood. Faintly, the curtain of reality roared with satisfaction as it tasted the blood of the Paititi clan. "You know what it is. Use it, it's your final salvation, Amaru."

The emperor's words and the artifact that appeared in front of him seemed to make the poor man regain his sanity. Dr. Pedro Domiguez couldn't wait to pick up the blood-stained obsidian dagger and inserted it into the gap at the top of the silver box with trembling hands. . The obsidian blade and the silver box were tightly connected. At that moment, the flowing, solidified, and semi-solidified red-black blood on the altar and under the high platform poured into the silver box along the shallow ravine, as if there was something hidden inside. Monsters that only thirst for blood are devouring the essence of human life.

It might have been an hour, or it might have been a few minutes, when orange-red light began to flicker on the ancient words on the surface of the silver box. Dr. Pedro Domíguez holds the silver box obsessively, deciphering word by word the symbols that seemed to be just rust at first. This is the riddle he has pursued throughout his life, and now he has the answer. Lara Croft's voice came out from the Emperor's communication headset, gradually synchronizing with Dr. Pedro Domiguez's voice - she was staring closely at the battle system with the Praetorian Guards on the Pegasus heavy assault transport. The connected screen interprets the runes that you can see word for word. One of the tasks given to her by the Emperor was to ensure that the last member of the Holy Trinity High Council did not lie.

The high temperature that had been brewing on the surface of the silver box for a long time surged up Pedro Domíguez's arm. However, this crazy man held on to the silver box tightly. Even the pain caused by the burnt palms could not let him go. Give up the truth. Then a tattoo of orange-red and blazing white was formed, turning him into a human-shaped star radiating orange-red brilliance. This light is completely different from the light emitted by the emperor. This is light at the level of the material universe rather than the light of the soul. So much so that the power armor of the guards and knights automatically turns on the filter mode to filter out these strong lights that can burn the retina. , even the hiding snake man screamed because his eyes were blocked by this bright light.

"Flare, target Alpha." The voice of the commander of the rear self-propelled artillery vehicle crew in the chain of command came from the communicator. At this time, Aparisha was also watching the fire team's preparations through the chain of command on the data board. The readiness icon accompanying each self-propelled artillery crew turns green, indicating that the autoloader and CNC aiming system are all ready.

"Target locked."

"Wait for rapid fire, launch!"

"Hurry up, Constantine, hurry up!" As the scheduled combat time got closer and closer, Aparisha became more and more anxious. The rumble of cannons could not even cover up the pounding heartbeat in his eardrums. He said worriedly. Looking at the mountain top illuminated by the dazzling light, the emperor's desperate words were still lingering in his mind. If he hadn't been able to learn about the operations in the ruins on the top of the mountain through the communication system, as the frontline commander, he would have used the highest authority in the chain of command to lead the support forces that landed from the Tianjian Space Station and rush into the ruins to bring the emperor out.

He cursed the commander of the Guards in a low voice while hoping that the incident would turn around. Now in his eyes, Constantine didn't seem to be very qualified as a bodyguard. Apalisia wanted to suggest that the emperor replace all the guards with Hell Knights, but he was always rejected by the legion commander Malcolm at the secondary military meeting. .

"Sir." His adjutant had the same mood, "Do you want to extend the combat plan?"

Aparisha took a deep breath of the air that smelled of gunpowder smoke and earth. Every time the self-propelled artillery fires, the bracket inserted deeply into the mud always stirs up a large amount of mud. Aparisha hesitated for a moment. He looked at the sun that was gradually being swallowed up by the eclipse and said, "I believe in the emperor's ability to foresee. He said fifteen minutes and forty-five seconds, so fifteen minutes and forty-five seconds, even if The same goes for the twenty seconds left. Let the artillery prepare the terminally guided armor-piercing projectiles as planned, and we'll know who to hit when the time is up."

Fifteen seconds.

The countdown on the helmet's HUD holographic display was approaching the red line, and there was a tense atmosphere on the battlefield.

Ten seconds.

The next flare was fired, and the automatic loader had already changed the type of ammunition.

Five seconds.

The afterglow was already swallowed up by the shadows. Aparisha gripped the handle of the execution axe and pressed the power switch.

Three seconds.

He let filtered air fill his three lungs, and a war cry brewed in his chest. However, a sudden violent earthquake strangled Apalisha's war cry to death. This was an earthquake of unprecedented magnitude. The rocks and the ground were all falling apart in the violent shaking. If there were not enough brackets, the self-propelled artillery that had been set to shoot Zhuyuan would also lose its accuracy due to the ground vibration.

One second.

At this moment, it was as if the sun was rising from the earth's crust, and a loud roar sounded deep underground and then quickly rushed to the top of the mountain.

Ancient ruins and huge rocks were blown to pieces, majestic heat swept through the rainforest, and huge amounts of smoke and red magma spewed out from the top of the mountain. Wet trees were ignited in pieces, and the muddy ground melted into magma in the blink of an eye. The loud cracking sound of the mountain was even more shocking than the thunder flashing in the sky at this moment. A high wall made of colorful scales rises from the ground. Above the lead-gray cumulonimbus clouds, two huge blurry colorful curtains slowly open in the thunderstorm, like a creature stretching its wings behind the clouds. On the coastline that the knights cannot see, the tsunami rising from the deep sea is gradually approaching. From the satellite images, a huge creature is rising from the ground.

With her modified eyes and electronic eye system, Apalisha could even see a large number of mutilated bodies of mutants flying high into the sky under the pressure of the earth's crust. Some of the lighter stones even rubbed in the atmosphere, burning violently like meteors and then Falling to the ground, triggering close explosions again and again. Many tanks and armored vehicles either had their tracks submerged by magma, or were pierced by meteorites and burned into a ball of scrap metal. Only some of the armored vehicle crews who were lucky enough relied on their close-in defense systems to defend against anti-tank missiles and shattered nature's attack.

The whole world seems to have returned to what it was like billions of years ago when the earth was still a pot of hot soup. Volcanic smoke rises into the sky and reaches into space. As far as the eye can see, the once dense Amazon rainforest has returned to the original earth in a short period of time. Appearance. The only remaining ancient ruins on the mountain structure are protected by supernatural forces - on the sun stone engraved with stars and totems, a golden-armored warrior stands among the rubble in the sky, with a shield of orange-red sparks blocking his path. Among the giant creatures, protect the guards and knights from this terrifying force. However, the falling boulders continued to burn on the shield, and dazzling symbols and topological graphics flashed frequently.

"Artillery fire!" Aparisha raised his execution axe, turned to the knights who had been waiting behind him and shouted, "For the glory of the emperor!"

The hovering jet motorcycles and hovering speed attack boats roared, and the previously silent warriors changed their composure and burst into thundering roars. They faced the boulders falling from the sky and hit the ground, rushing towards the low mountains flowing with magma and poisonous gas. Even though there were charred rocks and flowing magma outside the car, the armored department and artillery unit still followed the orders issued by First Company Commander Aparisha with steely discipline and calmness. Shaped charge armor-piercing projectiles, rockets, lasers, high-temperature plasma clusters, the knights took the time to shoot everything they could at the monster wrapped in volcanic smoke. The roar of the artillery and the explosion caused by the shells cutting through the air Perfectly integrated into this doomsday symphony.

Accompanied by dense loud noises and ear-piercing howls, the frequency was far beyond what the human ear could accept. The noise reduction devices in the knights' helmets even resonated. Many knights' ears began to bleed, and even suffered extremely serious injuries. of concussion. In front of them, the towering wall of flesh and blood made of colorful scales began to twist. Continuous and repeated attacks finally broke the scales of the extradimensional creature, and the unnatural blood flowed like a waterfall, but no one had time to cheer for it, because the moment the creature's unnatural blood came into contact with the soil and magma, many larger-sized creatures... The small malicious creature began to grow out of thin air, slowly taking shape from an illusory figure, and finally appeared alive in the material universe.

At the same time, severe pain caused the red, blue, and green wings above the clouds to twitch unnaturally. The strong winds set off by the giant wingspan blew away the accumulated clouds, triggering thunderstorms that lit up the night sky. Until then, a wave of A huge snake head lowered from the clouds, like a city, its cold yellow snake giant eyes stared closely at the golden figure in the magma. Even though the genetically modified warriors have lost their fear and other extreme emotions through psychological adjustment and other methods, as a substitute emotion produced when the brain processes information, when facing such a behemoth, the knights feel that anger is flowing in their veins, igniting like fuel. own heart.

Aparisha and the adjutant holding the flag of the Hell Knights 1st Company jumped out of the hovercraft and ran along the path of the upper layer of magma that had not yet melted, towards the only intact mountain structure. The bolt gun in his hand kept shooting at the snake-like creatures not far away, and at the same time, he kept killing amphibian creatures that emerged from the magma and should not exist in the material universe. His armor kept giving out overheating reminders, the cooling system was overwhelmed and sprayed out coolant that boiled into steam, and the cloak made of fire-resistant material was completely scorched. It wasn't until the molten rock reached his calves that he realized that he had already lost his weapon. magazine.

"My lord! Retreat quickly!" The nearly damaged communication grille raised Aparisha's volume to the limit. He swung his giant ax and split a deformed amphibian in the middle, spreading fetid pus and blood all over its body. "We can use interstellar missiles! Constantine, get the fucking emperor out of here!"

The giant snake in the cloud continued to lower its body with movements that seemed slow but were actually swift.

Just like what is depicted in ancient murals and sculptures, the extremely gorgeous feathers on the top of the snake's head and around its body spread wildly, even changing the direction of the atmospheric flow and forming a turbulent vortex. Heavy rains, hurricanes, thunderstorms and earthquakes struck again in an instant, but the emperor remained unmoved. The thunder falling from the sky spread and crawled on the Seraphim Shield. The wind of Vatum fought against the hurricane in the sky in accordance with his orders. The knights gathered around him fired with the weapons in their hands - the emperor raised A silver box with a dagger inserted and glowing with orange-red molten light appeared, and then time seemed to freeze. The flow of magma stopped, and the jumping flames were rigidly fixed. The giant snake in the cloud seemed to have hit an invisible barrier.

"I already know your true name," the emperor shouted. Indifference, anger and disdain. "You will no longer be my opponent."

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