Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1249 Convergent Evolution (First Update)

In the northeastern corner of the wilderness, there is a mountain named Ji Li Mound. Yinglong was at the South Pole, and after killing Chiyou and Kuafu, he could not come back up. Therefore, there were several droughts. After the drought, it took the shape of Yinglong, and there was heavy rain.

——"The Classic of Mountains and Seas·The Great Wilderness Eastern Classic"

The cockroach riding on the dragon and the elephant is slightly beautiful, and the red cockroach and the green cockroach are winding.

——"Historical Records·Biography of Sima Xiangru"

Yu tried his best to drain the ditches and guide the river to Yiyue. The yellow dragon dragged its tail in front, and the black turtle carried green mud behind.

——"Collection of Relics"

Huanglong is included, and he has the official position of earth; one is Chen Ling, and the other is Quan Xing, the god of thunder and rain.

——"Poetry to Prevent Disasters"

The god of the Yellow Dragon is called Xuanyuan Star. The main force is thunder and strong wind. The feudal camp in Kuyu is prone to severe diseases and frost.

——"Shangqing Lingbao Dafa"

The Pegasus heavy assault transport craft, which was escorted by many fighter jets and on standby in suborbital space, was equipped with many observation equipment. The images presented by these devices made everyone who received the information hold their breath. Victoria Hand and Sisterhood Chief Commander Tita, who were staying on the sky carrier, saw the total solar eclipse happening at an extremely fast speed, as if an invisible creature opened its mouth to swallow the star. Lara Croft stood On the bridge of the Tianma heavy assault transport craft, the observation equipment clearly and intuitively photographed the gray-black cumulonimbus clouds below that spewed thunder like tree branches.

With Paititi as the center, orange-red firelight and thermal radiation penetrated the dark clouds covering the Amazon rainforest, rapidly expanding to the surrounding areas. The hot air on the ground and the cold air at high altitude caused the clouds to surge rapidly, and the changeable airflow formed a A cyclonic vortex, the giant creature slowly lifted its body from the thunder and gray vortex. This is an extremely shocking scene. The images displayed on all display devices are crowded by the huge body of this creature. The colorful scales and fluttering wings are bathed in the dim light of the total solar eclipse. The huge amount of rain between the feathers and scales is like Pours to the surface like a waterfall.

Whether from suborbital or space, this monster's body can be visually observed with the naked eye, and satellite reconnaissance shows its full picture in the form of data and charts. Even though Lara Croft has experienced many adventures, when she saw this monster on the screen, she still felt the fear of giant creatures in human genes.

As the legal ruler of Paititi, Enuratu cried bitterly while looking at the burning land on the screen. Regardless of the outcome, the Paititi people once again lost their homeland.

"The experimental orbital satellite cannon is ready." Marbas, the supreme sage of the Martian casting planet and the fifth demon god pillar, looked serious.

He sat in the command seat on the bridge of the Tianjian Space Station, and a large group of red-robed Martian Mechanical Sages communicated with their companions in another orbit through the console. The mechanical star mentioned by Supiluliumas is actually an experimental artillery cast from Mars. For Latovinia and the Martian Foundry, dropping a hydrogen bomb from orbit to the surface is not only low-tech but also less effective at breaking through air defenses - the artillery is built on Mars, assembled in orbit, and finally rocketed across the void Sent into Earth orbit. The origin of this technology is known to only a few people, but this does not prevent the emperor from using it as the final means of ground warfare at this stage.

"When can it be launched? What will happen after the launch?" Natasha Romanov asked anxiously.

The same was true for Steve Rogers on the side. He didn't know the emperor's true purpose of going to Cuba until the last moment. Although he was dissatisfied with being excluded from the decision-making team, the scene he saw now forced him to admit that this was not a problem that the Avengers could solve, at least not with the shield in his hand, because this was A giant snake that is at least twenty-three kilometers long, and a human being is not as big as one of its scales.

"Wait for my Lord's orders." said the Supreme Sage of the Mars Forging Planet. Natasha Romanoff has always been curious about the companions who appear inexplicably around the emperor, especially the ruler of Mars who has strong scientific research capabilities. Almost all Latovinia's ordnance and production equipment come from Mars.

"When my Lord thinks he needs it, he will tell me." Marbas touched the symbols and heraldry made of gold thread on the collar with his fingers. It was a golden lion and the disassembly of a circular seal. equation. However, Marbas did not tell the truth completely. Even after possessing this weapon, he still frowned.

The solar wind in space is becoming more and more violent, with an unprecedented intensity. Not only are ionospheric aurora observed at both poles of the earth, but the anti-interference measures of the Tianjian Space Station and all orbital weapon systems are undergoing severe tests. The phenomenon of geomagnetic storms on the earth is becoming more and more serious. This extremely serious space phenomenon has added another fire to the already worsening earth environment. Marbas knew very well that the emperor's orders from his mouth would probably not be able to penetrate the strong interference and be sent to the bridge.

"But if the situation is not under control, then I will have the authority to launch autonomously." As if realizing that his words could not convince everyone, he added, "But I am not a military personnel or a politician, so I need staff, That's you. Ms. Natasha Romanoff, Mr. Steve Rogers, I trust you to provide the correct opinions. Ms. Victoria Hand, we have two minutes left on the call, next cut Movement can have irreversible effects on communications.”

"I already know your true name." The emperor's intermittent voice in the earphones brought Lara Croft back to reality. She recalled that during the intense evacuation work, the emperor asked her a very interesting historical question while standing on the hillside after the rain: Why do the same events often appear in the myths of human past?

In this regard, the emperor has a hypothesis worth studying.

"Like biological evolution, many myths in the world have a path of convergent evolution. The ancestors would process the local geographical environment to create their creations. At that time, the earth's orbit and atmospheric environment caused frequent rainfall, and many people who lived along the river since the Stone Age Human settlements are often eroded by floods - Greek mythology has Zeus ending the Bronze Age with a great flood, Atrahasis myth has Enlil's Flood, and China has the legend of Mount Buzhou, which includes Mesopotamia. This also led the Jews to record the Great Flood when writing the Torah, which added legitimacy and imagined community to the rule of the ethnic group. In addition, the heroic epic of Gilgamesh in Uruk also had a unique influence on the Jews of the past. Less enlightening, including the Garden of Eden and Ecclesiastes. Since the environment is similar, Goliath, Titan, Frost Giant, Fire Giant and other similar creatures in Mesopotamia, ancient Greece and Germanic mythology are also very likely to belong to the same species, which proves that at that time The earth’s environment and creatures will have the same impact on the civilizations of different ethnic groups.”

"Maybe, not necessarily. Is there anything else in this world that you can describe as 'possible'?" Although exhausted, Lara Croft still tried to smile. She is also quite curious about the answer to this question, and she also has her own set of understandings. "The world is getting weirder and weirder now. The Nordic gods actually exist, and immortals like Yage and You also exist. Is there anything else that is impossible in this good time?"

Laura swore that she definitely saw happy emotions in the emperor's obsidian eyes.

. Generally speaking, her relationship with her sponsor is quite relaxed. Unless the sponsor wears that armor, she can still be sure that the person in the armor is still a sponsor she knows well, otherwise he will not be so active. The ground used multiple transport planes to take away the Paititi Aboriginal people, residents of San Juan Town, and Yasok from the surface. "Anything can happen, Laura." The emperor said softly, "Don't be fooled by the mythological narratives of different peoples. The same thing has different names in different regions. If mythical creatures really exist, they also have different names. Name. So, is Quetzalcoatl also recorded in the myths of other peoples?"

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