Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1251 The Final Battlefield Part 1 (First update)

The further they go, the more mutated monsters become. The stench of extradimensional energy emitted by them almost suffocates the knights. Anger pumps into the blood vessels like fuel, igniting the knights' will to fight. There are many types of these snake-men, and Aparisha's power armor quickly marked some of the types that the vanguard had encountered before. Some were mutated from humans, and some came to this world through the curtain of reality. The degree of mutation of the latter is extremely high. The giant snake-men who originally protected Dr. Pedro Domiguez are everywhere. Even a strong knight needs a lot of effort to kill this monster.

The monsters that came like a tide from all directions were repelled by the firepower network formed by the knights. However, it did not take much time for these creatures to reappear, with an even greater degree of mutation. It was difficult to tell whether they were human mutated and corrupted snake-men or aliens. The best way to kill the dimensional creature snake-man is to kill it and then observe whether the body will decay and dissolve in a very short period of time. The little experience gained in the battle did not make the knights much easier, because they faced a desperate scene. The tens-kilometer-long road to the hell of Quetzalcoatl is dotted with dense monsters. No one knows whether the knights have more ammunition or the number of monsters, because the floods cross the mountains and meet the magma to form a huge steam flow. Covering all battlefields, everyone must fight in the thick fog, and the scene ten meters away around them must be seen clearly through electronic eyes.

Everyone stepped on the corpses to fight. The blood of the genetically modified warriors and the mutated creatures soaked up the feet, cooling the magma. Even the breathing filtration system could not dispel the stench of sulfur in the air. The knights have already been conducting coordinated operations through the chain of command composed of the communication system in the power armor. Discipline and organization are engraved in their souls. Even if they face battle losses exceeding 30%, they can still fight in an orderly manner. However, the enemies they have to face are not purely organic creatures. Many snake-men have also grown colorful wings and lost their limbs. They rely on witchcraft wings to hover in the boiling air with amazing and non-aerodynamic dexterity. Dance, wantonly attacking fighter jets and gunships descending from suborbital space, and sometimes descending from the sky to attack knights on the ground.

Even worse were some snake-men holding staffs. Although the knights encountered no more than five during the twenty-minute battle, each snake-man wizard caused great casualties to the knights. Either the armor turns into stone, or they are hit by invisible sound waves and their internal organs are shattered and they die. Under normal circumstances, the bombs fired at the snake wizards will be blocked by strange witchcraft. Only sufficient firepower and courage can break the barrier. It takes the knights nearly three minutes to kill each snake wizard.

The knights spontaneously organized tactical support teams and heavy armored vehicles to form an anti-aircraft fire network. On this lightning-thundering night, under the clouds dyed red by thermal radiation, thousands of burning stars fell into the sky. Aparisha heard the painful wails coming from the communication channel, but she still took a step forward, stepped over the mutilated corpse of a certain knight, and wielded the execution ax to chop into pieces the twisted and mutated body in front of her. His bolter had long been empty, and reports from the tactical team continued to fly past him.

"Brother!" he shouted, "Adjutant Nickerson! Brother, cover fire!"

No response, still no response. It wasn't until the artillery was loaded and fire coverage was implemented, turning the solidified rock into magma again, that Aparisha had a chance to look back. He saw that his adjutant was already lying on the hot rock. The blood flowing from the missing limbs quickly evaporated and dried up. The genetically modified organs tried their best to stop the bleeding from the wound, and the brain subconsciously ordered the lungs to contract and relax to increase the blood oxygen concentration. Even though the adjutant had fallen, the battle flag symbolizing the first company's military industry was firmly embedded in the soft magma and remained standing.

Emotions such as anger and regret came up quickly, but these emotions also disappeared quickly.

Medical officers rushed to help and loaded the adjutant into a field medical vehicle converted from a heavy armored vehicle. There was not much expression on the face of the first company commander covered by the helmet. He continued to remain silent, and then took advantage of the short battle gap to adjust the order of succession in the chain of command - he had done this kind of work many times, and each time it meant something. A battle-hardened knight lost his ability to fight, but this time it was much more dangerous than before. The soldiers he led advanced too much and escaped the cover of the armored troops. The claws of the mutated creatures could even reach his powered armor. All this was because he was too impatient with the advancement strategy formulated by the emperor. His uncontrollable rage made him indulge in killing, and he failed to fill in the fire channels left by the emperor and the Praetorian Guards as the vanguard in time.

He will repent, but not now.

Aparisha knew he had no time to mourn. He didn't know if his adjutant would survive or if he could still fight. Fighting and death are inevitable in the life of all knights, but Aparisha hopes that one day she can lie on the blood-stained ground and meet a glorious death.

Even if we set foot on this road paved with magma, we are still more than ten kilometers away from Quetzalcoatl.

Just as Aparisha took a deep breath and prepared to mechanically receive the next attack and advance order, the snake-men's attack failed to arrive. Those mutated creatures did not dare to step forward because of fear and panic. They all crowded together, Keep yourself as far away from the emperor as possible. Against the backdrop of the giant Quetzalcoatl, all distances seem very small, but to the knights, the aura exuded by the emperor riding a pure white horse and holding a holy sword is far greater than that of Quetzalcoatl in the sky. And huge and intense. Many people saw the Emperor fighting beside them. Whenever the knights were in a tough battle, the Emperor and the Praetorian Guards would always lead a jet motorcycle team to appear across the battlefield to block the offensive. More jet assault motorcycles used by the knights They also fell rapidly from suborbital under the guidance of the program. A few were intercepted and shot down by flying snakemen, but most of them landed on the ground under the cover of fighter jets and gunboats.

This is a charge.

Aparisha was ashamed of his unreasonable suspicion. He summoned all the main battle tanks, armored vehicles, hover motorcycles and hover speed attack boats that could still move. All the tactical team knights who had not yet been assigned to the task, regardless of their original organization, all Get on the vehicle and assemble behind the emperor, organizing the army for the final assault - the emperor drives a pure white horse past the scarred armored troops, waiting for all the knights to assemble on the corpse of the mutated creature under gunfire. He just nodded towards the knights who suffered from burns, missing armor, and mutilated limbs. Just such an action could make the genetically modified warriors regain their confidence.

"We have not failed yet, and no one can deny our efforts." The emperor took off his helmet and looked at his soldiers with eyes filled with supernatural power. Even though rocks and burning corpses were falling in the sky to produce ashes, they still could not cover up the brilliance on his body. The brilliance enveloped him like a cloak. All the knights who have been in contact with the emperor can see that the current emperor is very different from the emperor before the war. He is more powerful, more holy, and more...incomprehensible, as if the stars in the void are wrapped in human mortal bodies, Although I couldn't feel the heat physically, I couldn't look directly at him mentally. Aparisha knew better. He knew that the emperor wanted to take them into hell, dig out honor from the corpses of the enemy, and use sacrifice and courage to forge the future spirit of the future race.

"We hold the sword for the survival of the human race, and we have not yet failed. The real failure is that we die meaninglessly, allowing the evil of human nature to gnaw at our honor and usurp the peace we have created. As long as we still Stand here, holding the gun and sword, then we will not fail!"

The emperor raised his holy sword, and the dazzling light penetrated the thick fog.

Immediately afterwards, a ruby-colored beam of light fell from the sky, and the majestic heat dispersed the clouds and thick smoke. The giant thing in the revealed cloud casts a shadow, the scales shatter, the flesh evaporates, and the sound that is incomprehensible to humans spreads visibly to the naked eye.

"Fight or die!" The emperor turned his horse and led the imperial guards into the thick fog. The light guides the knights, and they follow his footsteps into the final battlefield.

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