Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1252 The Final Battlefield Part 2 (Second update)

If there is any moment worth remembering in a lifetime of fighting, Aparisha would definitely say it is now.

There will never be a more glorious moment than now, there will never be a sacrifice more worthy of praise than now, there will never be a moment more pure, more sacred, and more righteous than now. As often depicted in ancient religious murals, warriors and saints face the light and charge against evil in the apocalypse. Isn't this what they were created for? Isn't this the glorious death they've been hoping for?

The plasma turbine blades rotate rapidly, and the heat dissipation channels and coolant make a boiling scream.

The heat-insulating armor was squeezed open by the steam, and the heat flow spurted out from the gaps, pushing the satellite orbiting weapon out of its established position.

Even so, the ruby-red light beam still continued to impact downwards, with the light beam as the center, all the clouds and volcanic smoke were pushed away. In many worlds invisible to ordinary people, layers of invisible shields were broken, and hundreds of millions of runes were shattered into rapid, vague whispers. Marbas, the Supreme Sage of Mars Casting, stared closely at the clouds and volcanic smoke struck by the beam on the satellite remote sensing images. The visible monster standing on the Andes Mountains was completely enveloped in the high-temperature beam, and everyone in orbit seemed to be able to Hear that scream. Hundreds of displays on the bridge respectively display the space station's propulsion system, hangar status, surface hydrological status, heat radiation, energy signals, orbital weapons status, etc.

Several holographic projection screens used to display heat showed that with the footsteps of the flood, many areas were surrounded by icy blue, and in the Peruvian Andes, the heat brought by experimental weapons was like ink dripping into the water. The dye bloomed, and the annular clouds layered on top of each other, like a nuclear bomb released from the surface that lasted for one minute.

Natasha Romanoff, Steve Rogers, and Sam Wilson looked at the power of this weapon in amazement. They never thought about the consequences of amplifying this directed energy weapon. However, what makes them even more worried is that the space station and satellites have detected the disaster-stricken areas. Many places that were originally inland are now submerged. Even Saudi Arabia, a rare dry land in the world, is now facing the intrusion of sea water. All human societies are beginning to be overwhelmed, social security is on the verge of collapse, and the balance between crime and survival is shaking violently.

When Steve Rogers proposed that he wanted to land on the surface for rescue work, Mabas didn't even pay attention to him. No one has the ability and time to satisfy Steve Rogers' whims, not even Sam. Wilson also shook his head. The latter called his family when the flood first started. Although he knew that the FBI was eavesdropping on his sister's calls, Sam Wilson still spent a long time to comfort his relatives and promised to call him home after a while. go home.

But now, the means of communication has failed.

"Is the communication restored now? I need to talk to the emperor!" Marbas was very anxious. Although he had independent launch authority, he actually did so in accordance with the instructions. The emperor's spiritual information penetrated layers of obstacles and reached his receiver, but no one knew what the weapon would do to the emperor after it was launched. What harm.

"Not yet, sir." James, a technician from Mars, frowned and said, "The ionospheric interference is too severe, and the solar wind has once again aggravated the interference. The power of the communicator of the Tianjian Space Station is too low, and we cannot burn through the interference."

People in suborbital and Tianjian space stations have completely lost all means of communication with the surface. They can only watch everything happening below through observation equipment. After being attacked, the huge monster completely broke free from the ground, ignoring the missiles fired at it - it flapped its wings and flew upwards, its size doubled, and all the interceptors and assault aircraft hovering in orbit over Peru All the boats made an emergency evasion, but the turbulence caused by the flapping of the giant wings caused many aircraft to lose control and were unable to pursue them. The clouds and mist gathered, rotated, and erupted under its wings, and then suddenly accelerated across the line of dawn and dusk. The sunlight once again shone on its elegantly stretched wings and scales. If it hadn't been for its overly large size, and if it hadn't been for the poisonous waves rising from the Andes earthquake zone. The thick smoke, if it weren't for the missiles that drew several white lines behind it, this breathtakingly beautiful sight would be enough to make people intoxicated.

People at the Tianjian Space Station clearly saw the broken scales and burnt wings of Quetzalcoatl through satellite observation equipment. A huge amount of blood spilled from it to the ground, condensing, breaking, melting, and then condensing again in the air, like a crimson gem. Suddenly, a blazing white light shot up from the ground, breaking through the sky full of poisonous gas and hitting Quetzalcoatl straight towards Quetzalcoatl. This was a violent impact. Quetzalcoatl's body suddenly accelerated. The air around him made a loud noise due to the sudden squeeze. The movements of the wings were no longer as relaxed and graceful as before. The white light was free from the influence of gravity. , flying into the atmosphere against Quetzalcoatl's body.

In the blink of an eye, the pure white shock wave disappeared, and the high temperature generated by atmospheric friction enveloped the two.

The ends of the feathers that had been scorched by the experimental laser weapon burned violently in the atmosphere, and the scales were peeled off layer by layer. The screams of this creature could be heard across the planet. The observation equipment of Tianjian Space Station discovered that there was actually a person in the beam. Immediately afterwards, everything disappeared, as if it was blocked by some kind of blindfold, disappearing from the empty atmosphere, leaving no trace - giant creatures, pure white light beams all disappeared, and even the atmosphere was affected by the sudden disappearance of mass. The backfilling produced explosions and vortices - the next moment, the giant creature and the person driving the pure white beam appeared again, but they were not at the position where they disappeared, but moved hundreds of kilometers away, so that the Tianjian Space Station could not keep up immediately. Observational steps. Then there was another flash, and the beam and the beast had reached the mesosphere over the South Atlantic. At this time, the atmosphere gradually became thinner, and the flames on the giant beast had been extinguished a lot, but the speed of this impact still reached the first cosmic speed. Under such a violent impact, Quetzalcoatl flew towards the sky again.

Aparisha struggled and unsealed the helmet with trembling fingers.

He took off his helmet and vomited out the bubbling pus and blood. Even though the toxic gases in the air continued to irritate the nasal mucosa, he did not choose to put the helmet back on because the helmet had been torn from the top of his head to his eyes. There was a crack, and the electronic components flickered with sparks. This feeling of exhaustion and exhaustion was the first time since he received the transformation. Even during training, he could fight continuously for more than a week. This arduous battle proved that genetically modified warriors can still fight until they die despite being injured many times and even nearly losing consciousness.

Aparisha clutched her bleeding belly and looked around with bloodshot eyes. Most of the knights were in no better condition than him. Only the Imperial Guards could kill the Snake Man who had also lost the ability to fight due to the air blast as if nothing had happened, as if the white light in the sky did not exist. This is a difficult battle, but also a glorious battle. Even the most reckless young knight will become a mature and stable veteran after experiencing this unprecedented war, provided that he can survive this hellish battlefield.

This is not an easy task. Quetzalcoatl suddenly escaped, triggering a violent earthquake, and leaving a crack filled with magma and toxic gases on the surface. The tight fire network was destroyed, and the tide of corrupt creatures noticed this and The offensive has been strengthened, and there are many looming snake wizards among them. It seemed that the target's movements made the emperor change his strategy. He ordered the Pegasus to speed up and knock down the snake-men in front of him. All the knights and guards had to quickly follow up and rushed into the dense snake-men battle group to fight. In a no-man's land, the artillery fire from the rear covered the knights at a distance of less than one meter. But at that time, no one cared about such trivial matters. Not many people still retained their sense and would not even realize whether the corpse under their feet was an enemy or a knight. Even so, the knights could still understand who to aim their guns and swords at.

Aparisha vaguely remembered that she had killed nearly two thousand enemies.

"Stand up, our work is not over yet." Constantine lowered his head and looked at Aparisha who was kneeling on the ground. He was dissatisfied with the Hell Knight's performance in this battle, not out of spite, but for reasons that Aparisha didn't yet know. "We still have many snakemen to kill. The order he gave us is to clear out all corrupt creatures here and destroy all symbols."

Aparisha asked breathlessly, "What on going on?"

Constantine raised his head and looked at the sky through his electronic eyes. Quetzalcoatl's body is gradually shrinking and moving away, the dazzling fire light is gradually fading away, and the rumble caused by the sonic boom is also gradually disappearing. "That's a battle on another level." He said, "The emperor has his own problems to face, and what we have to face is a battle in the material universe. This is called performing his duties, but it does not mean that he does not need your help."

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