Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1256 Eternal War (Second Update)

The movement patterns of celestial bodies are suddenly disordered, asteroids and planetesimals deviate from their orbits, solid methane and ethane planetesimals continue to aggregate under the influence of abnormal gravity, and huge kinetic energy collisions lead to huge heat accumulation, just like the constant collisions and small planets at the beginning of their birth. Planetary collisions cause the Earth's core to heat up.

The low gravity barely binds the newly born magma plates to the surface, only a thin line away from the solid combustible gases. Thick fog rises from the rough combined plates of planetesimals that have not yet formed an arc due to their own gravity, creating a life belt. Gaseous water is the first thing you must have to come to a habitable planet. Although there is no sound, this epic spectacle of using materials from the time when the solar system was formed to accelerate the reproduction of the ice and fire in space when the planet was born is enough to make people feel enchanted and lament their own insignificance and ignorance.

Unless the initiator of these scenes is a pair of inhuman giant hands stretching out from hell, forcibly pinching planetesimals that do not belong to the same orbit with pure violence. In the center of the hot core, a giant snake tens of kilometers long was struggling endlessly in the dense molten iron core that was gradually taking shape. A warrior in golden armor passed through the magma curtain floating in the low gravity environment like a comet. Burning solid flammable gas, holding a long sword in hand against the steaming flames and white smoke below, like the angel falling to hell in ancient mythology, falling towards the giant snake in the core of the newborn earth.

His blood-red shirt was burned to the ground in the lava, and his blood vessels vibrated like cannons. Supernatural power overflowed unnaturally from his eyes. His helmet had long been thrown aside, and his long black hair, fixed by a golden laurel wreath, was quickly swept away from below. The expanding gas blows backwards. The closer he gets to the core of the earth and the giant snake, the higher the temperature becomes. At every moment, magma that is enough to vaporize bones and frost that freezes to pieces of steel rushes past him, and then is protected by tens of thousands of spells. Wen engulfed and burned. As if jumping into a summer stream, the sunshine, warmth, and all the beauty disappeared in an instant, blocked by thick rock formations.

In addition to glowing lava and poisonous gases, the collisions between protective spells and dangerous things are becoming more and more frequent and intensive. Under the influence of gravity and magic, the emperor is getting faster and brighter, and finally even in the thin gas The middle shock detonated, and the shield's flashing white light and sparks left two faintly visible gaps on the fall channel, exuding extradimensional energy, as if the hazy glow of the stars in the discrete disk outside the solar system rose on the emperor's golden armor, Elongated to form a huge flash of air.

He smashed into the sea of ​​molten iron like a meteorite burning violently in the atmosphere. The holy sword in his hand spit out a golden energy beam and accurately penetrated the target. The blazing energy penetrates the flesh, bones and rocks of the outer dimension, pierces out from the other side of the asteroid, and extends toward the endless void below the ecliptic plane of the solar system, leaving behind a large amount of electromagnetic radiation noise invisible to the naked eye. The giant snake's icy eyes immediately tightened, revealing a bone-chilling hatred. It tried its best to twist its body and open its huge mouth towards the emperor. The explosion caused by the friction of its bones was even louder than the collision of planetesimals and the song of magma in the earth's crust. Loud.

【This is the third time! You were supposed to be in Uruk at that time (4000 BC), and Tiamat couldn't stop you! ] Its spiritual power was like a heavy cannon, hitting the emperor's spiritual defense. At that moment, the emperor knew the long entanglement between him and the giant beast in front of him, [Curse you thousands of times! This is an eternal war, and we will always be the final victor! And you, you betrayed everyone! 】

"No," the emperor said softly, "they betrayed me."

The giant snake pulled out its wings from the magma, and the magma wrapped around its feathers instantly condensed, shattered, and floated into space in the low temperature of the void. Dark clouds that appeared out of thin air gathered above its head, and a large amount of flammable gases were mixed into the clouds. Along with the thunder produced by the friction of electric charges, a violent explosion that enveloped the entire planet ignited the entire asteroid in the blink of an eye. Even in the silent black space, an explosion of asteroids in the Corboy Belt is as dazzling as a star explosion. The rapidly expanding gas pushes away the rock layer, and then rapidly cools and shrinks due to the low temperature of the void. In the outer dimension The abnormal gravity composed of energy pushed the rock formations to collapse inward with more violent kinetic energy, burying the emperor and himself under the red-hot boulders.

Outside the newly born lava planet, the short-haired witch stood unprotected on the gray asteroid flying at high speed, looking at the exploding star in the distance. She held the golden rein of Pegasus in one hand, and held a long knife shining with deep purple extradimensional energy in the other hand. The golden decoration on the gorgeous dark black combat tights automatically moved without wind under the influence of inertia. The next moment, a dark portal with a deep purple glow on the edge took shape on the desolate gray asteroid, and then swallowed the witch in one gulp. Even the giant demonic hands woven from strands of black energy emerged from the void. disappeared in.

"Ms. Lara Croft, don't be superstitious about documents, especially when it comes to myths. All documents are written by human beings, and will naturally be added to human imagination and conjecture. No matter how much imagination humans add to myths, How many legends the ancient rulers added to it to unite society and add legitimacy to their rule are all far from objective reality. The facts will not change because of human beings' beautiful imagination. I believe that the things in Asgard are enough to make you You understand this, don't you?" Victor von Doom reminded, "Whether it is Quetzalcoatl or Yinglong, their appearance is a disaster for mankind, and the enemies of mankind are our enemies. .”

Lara Croft nodded, the romantic feelings of the archaeologist being swept away by the bloody reality.

"But this is not without good things. A training camp set up by the US military and the CIA in Modovar was flooded, and the Modovar government asked us for assistance." Victoria Hand said, "The CIA plans to replicate the attack on Cuba. The soldiers in the coup and training camp were all those who fled the country during the first expansion war of the Yugoslav Federation. Now I plan to add combatants to the aid team heading from the Romanian province to Modovar, and look for opportunities to arrest CIA agents or U.S. officer."

"Agreed, Moldovar has many non-metallic riches that are needed for the next infrastructure plan." Victor von Doom nodded, "But we don't need to merge Moldovar into the Yugoslav Federation. Soft control is far better than hard control. Control is much better, so I need a detailed execution plan to make sure things don’t go as expected.”


"You are discussing this kind of thing here?" Natasha Romanov crossed her arms. "Have you forgotten that the most important person is not here?"

"There's nothing we can do, Agent Romanoff," Victoria Hand said.

"Don't call me that, V." Natasha Romanoff wrinkled her nose and deliberately called Victoria Hand the nickname she hated most. Victoria Hand's department is now equivalent to the defense intelligence department of the Latvinia/Yugoslav Federation, and it has considerable authority. As far as she knows, the network security department in Victoria Hand's hands has already violated the National Security Agency of the United States ( NSA) has produced technological crushing, destroying the United States’ cyber information hegemony at the network level and the physical level (referring to destroying thousands of communication satellites of US communication operators and implanting spy programs).

"I can see clearly that it is him who all the enemies of Latvinia fear now. In nine hours it will be time to end the Cuban state visit. What if he fails to show up by that time? What if by that time, the CIA is in Cuba What if the spies arranged by the government discovered that he was gone?”

"He has left countermeasures, Agent Romanoff." Victoria Hand said tit for tat. She waved her hand, and the holographic projection of the earth in front of her immediately zoomed in on Cuba's location. This is an algorithm that uses satellite remote sensing of real scenes on the earth's surface and then renders them in real-time in holographic projections, accurately giving out some information invisible to the naked eye, such as atmospheric oxygen content. The information transmission between the detection satellite and the Tianjian Space Station command system is to compress a picture to a few KB in size, and then achieve the effect through huge information transmission, which places extremely high demands on Latovinia's technical capabilities. "He's going to be out in public speaking and that's all you need to know."

"You mean, he can come back on time?"

"Not necessarily," Victoria Hand said. She pointed to another holographic projection, where astronomers' simulations of the Corboy Belt stars were being fed back in real time. "We discovered a special flash in the Koboy Belt not long ago and are now conducting spectrochemical analysis. I have a hunch that when the report comes out, we will know whether he can return in time."

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PS: I have laid a lot of foreshadowing for the protagonist’s past identity and experience, and made some hints. I wonder if anyone can guess it.

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