Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1257 Cleanup Operation (First Update)

Several gunboats hovered at low altitude like carrion birds, casting shadows. Large-caliber heavy explosive bombs poured into the rainforest below, and trees that had grown for hundreds of years collapsed in pieces, along with mutated amphibious creatures hiding in the shade of the trees and under the water.

Aparisha raised his hand and clenched his fist. The knights behind him immediately stopped and pointed their guns forward. They walked as lightly as hunters in the shadows. The sound of the power armor joint servo was suppressed to a minimum, almost no sound. Make any noise that may cause alarm. Just like ignited explosives, the battle broke out in the blink of an eye. The knights pulled the triggers. The dense rain of bullets passed through the trees and hit the shadows rushing in the jungle. The brief flower light of the mass bomb explosion reflected the colorful scales. And the body shattered under the huge kinetic energy.

"Fight freely and hold the line of defense." Aparisha did not wear a helmet, but his orders were still conveyed to every knight's ears through the built-in communication device on his neck armor. Gunshots rang out along the several-kilometer-long battle line, accompanied by the hum of the chainsword engine and screams strangled in the throat. The gunshots gradually stopped after just two minutes, except for the burning propellant that filled the air. The smell and the stench of cold-blooded blood made the entire rainforest calm again. "Continue to advance." Apalixia put down the bolter and hung it on the magnetic holster on her thigh. "Flight formation Zeta, advance to the combat quadrant Alpha-4."

"Vulture received."

The company's gunboats swooped down again, covering the airspace near Alpha-4 in the combat quadrant of the blockade area with firepower. The Hippogriff assault boat relied on its powerful main gun to clear an open space full of tree debris in the dense forest. Immediately afterwards, the fire attack from the rear accurately landed near this open space, forcing all the creatures lurking in this combat quadrant to turn around and return. Several small teams divided into Aparisha and his company approached step by step from the rear and advanced separately. The battle lines are cleared of corrupted creatures. The heavy weapons team composed of the tactical support team carried out tasks across the forest clearings, using the heavy explosive bombs and melt flamethrowers on their hands to further segment and refine the combat quadrant. Many forward tactical teams faced combat pressure, and the armored units also gradually advanced. field, sealing off the combat quadrant with tighter and more powerful firepower.

"Are you okay, Brother Apalixia?" Although all the knights had cold expressions, and their facial expressions were too slow to show any emotions of joy or sadness, the new adjutant still saw the company commander's expression. Strange, "The medical department said you did not receive the prescribed length of treatment."

"I'm fine." Aparicia nodded indifferently, "Thank you, Brother Salazar."

Adjutant Salazar did not shut up. "If you are worried about Brother Nickerson, I heard from the Praetorian Guards that Wakanda and Mars are making combat biochemical robots for the Knights. I believe that after Brother Nickerson receives treatment, he will be able to resume this position. .”

"Brother Salazar, you performed this job perfectly. This is not your problem. I am very grateful that you can hide your personal honor behind me." Apalisha shook his head, "My state of mind has been darkened recently. Shrouded, my mind is like a traveler walking in the desert, but I can adapt, we are born to bear such a heavy war, aren't we?"

Adjutant Salazar's laughter was as creepy as a night owl in the forest, and his scarred face had a smile that was never pleasant no matter how you looked at it. "I'm not questioning your will, brother. No one will think you're weak because we all fought and you were the best of us. The First Company has never experienced such heavy casualties. Yesterday we There are more mourning ceremonies on the magma than ever before, but we, the Emperor, have no one to rely on for victory, not even the Praetorian Guards." He said, "I don't begrudge Adjutant Nickerson at all. , but I can’t guarantee that he won’t be jealous of me. The feeling of holding a double-barreled melta gun is much better than holding the company flag.”

The veteran's sense of humor made Aparisha couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

"I promise you, Brother Salazar, I will let you touch your beloved melta gun again soon." Aparisha picked up the execution ax from the magnetic device of the power backpack. Although the flood had long since receded, the moisture-rich soil of the Amazon rainforest was still extremely soft and soft. When he walked on it, the soil screamed slightly and expelled gas, bringing turbid muddy water to the soles of his boots. "Next phase of combat, huh?"

"You have the final say, company commander."

"Do we really not need to be involved, Constantine?" Hammurabi questioned without politeness. The footsteps of the Imperial Guards made an extremely neat sound on the white passage. The mortal officers and agents working for the Imperial Guards all consciously hid aside and watched these tall war gods passing by. Although these people have overcome their "superman phobia" to a certain extent, they still feel a panic when facing a giant that is nearly twice their height. This is a potential memory that is transmitted along with human genetic material and has not been genetically modified. The average adjusted human being is completely incapable of truly overcoming the concept of fear. Hammurabi did not look at the mortals. He whispered, "There was no Praetorian Guard in the purge, and there was no Praetorian Guard around the emperor. What is our duty, commander? We should stand by his side and then fight." die!"

"Not now." Constantine turned his back to Hammurabi, and the traces of magma burning on his cloak were still clearly visible. This area within the Tianjian Space Station is a military preparation area belonging only to the Imperial Guard. Before the Immortal City captured this area, it used to be the scientific research department and independent command center of the Skrulls. Constantine continued to stride forward, followed by the other Praetorian Guards. "He has other arrangements for us. Don't talk about him as if he is dead. We all know that he cannot die." The commander of the Imperial Guards said, "Aren't you curious why the other two Imperial Guards did it after the armor-conferring ceremony? The guards are not here?"

"I am the tribune, Constantine." Hammurabi turned to look at Amun and Hannibal beside him, "Are you going to enlighten us?"

"He appointed a warden who will be stationed in the dungeon of Kama Taj for a long time." Constantine said, "If you have communicated with the inspector Supiluli Umas, you should be able to understand why he wanted to Leaving in such a hurry.”

"I thought he went to find Enuratu. He has extraordinary care for that mortal." Amon shrugged. He was the one who was most dissatisfied because he could not fight beside the emperor because of his responsibilities. He is the emperor's personal guard. Unlike Hammurabi, who held multiple positions, Amon only served as a bodyguard. He would never leave the emperor's side unless necessary. However, his character was deliberately shaped to be calm and calm, so no matter how dissatisfied he was, he would not leave the emperor's side. It won't show. "I didn't know that the Praetorian Guards would have a natural affinity for the pre-transformation genome line."

"Because this kind of thing doesn't exist at all. I didn't know that your genetic gift included a sense of humor." Constantine rolled his eyes. He stopped in front of a heavy alloy door. From this door and through two air-tight doors, there was the Guards hangar. After passing the genetic coding certification, the alloy door slowly opened. The Imperial Guards filed in and saw a Pegasus heavy assault transport craft and a Sisterhood sky battleship waiting for them. "We will meet up with the warden and the inspector." said the commander of the Imperial Guard. "And the Supreme Mage. I suggest you be more respectful. After all, the Supreme Mage is the emperor's teacher."

"What are we going to do?" Hannibal asked. "Is there any order worthy of our execution?"

"The emperor's order," said the commander of the Praetorian Guards, "we are going to greet him."

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