Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1260 Galaxy Halo (Second Update)

The plasma engine at the stern of the ship spit out a cone-shaped tail flame that was 100 meters long, and began to accelerate for half an hour, pushing the sky battleship to exceed the first and second cosmic speeds and leave the earth's orbit, like a slingshot. Thrown into space and accelerated again. Before breaking away from the influence of the earth's gravity, the manic plasma reactor gradually increased its output power. The energy pipelines became hot and the coolant almost boiled. Everyone standing on the deck felt that the accelerating hull was constantly shaking under their feet. The hull structure was designed and built to barely withstand such forces.

Until the sky battleship crossed the lunar orbit and further reduced the influence of the earth's gravity, it began to speed up crazily. The flickering sparks gradually took shape in the void at the bow of the ship, and then gradually expanded to wrap around the missile launch tube extending from the bow of the ship. Some people may be proud of this ship that can sail in the void, because it represents the pinnacle of Earth's technology and Latvinia's industrial production capacity. Alexander Pierce's plan was to have the three Project Insight skycarriers linger in the air for a long time, but the Immortal City Mars Foundry allowed the three girls to fly higher, and even allowed them to pass by the International Space Station. Say hello to the astronauts above and invite them to check out the ship.

Some people really want to do this, perhaps because of the spirit of romanticism after humans stepped out of the earth, or perhaps because this behavior is regarded as a reasonable show off, but no matter what, this application was not even approved by the headquarters, let alone Put it on the table in Wangcheng's office. Even so, this romantic feeling will not disappear. On the track, you can't see national borders, religious differences and hunger, you can't see inequality, crime and the ugliest side of human nature.

Anyone who stands on the track and looks down or looks up will receive the spiritual baptism brought by the vast universe and feel how insignificant their soul is. Especially those Yugoslav soldiers who are accepting the "Unified Truth". They know that their ruler's words about building a community with a shared future for mankind are correct. People standing on the surface are too narrow-minded to understand the emperor.

However, these sky aircraft carriers and modified models do not have any channels or interfaces that can connect with the International Space Station. All materials must be transported by transport aircraft, including oxygen, water, and food. Just like a ship sailing on the sea, this ship is trapped in the boundless sea of ​​​​emptiness. The only thing that can be self-sufficient is a few giant vegetables that have been mutated by space radiation. Even with such a backward void aircraft, as long as it continues to fly in a low orbit, it can ensure that Latovinia's orbital control rights are not affected. All European countries must be vigilant about this, because no one knows the Latovinians. What weapons are installed on these ships.

The ultimate goal of the radical Hydra is achieved at the hands of an organization that opposes them. Even Gideon Malik would find this scene full of irony and black humor. Only one brain is left but he is still acting as a biological gene. Dr. Daniel Whitehall, the lab's consultant, would have been pleased too, before continuing with his radical, demagogic proclamation that made it impossible to leave the lab in the Immortal City.

For the well-informed Sorcerer Supreme, the ship was still too small, and the ion shields mounted on the Sky Battleships were no match for the alien fleets flooding the solar system. The Venerable also knows the true arrangement of his disciples. For today's mission, such a ship is enough.

"The teleportation beacon, that is a teleportation beacon, but the principle is different from the usual ones." While passing through the teleportation gate for the second time and observing, maybe because of boredom, or because I particularly like artificial humans, I respected The reporter took the trouble to explain to Tita. This is knowledge that the Praetorian Guards already have, but to the sisterhood who know nothing about it, it's all still shrouded in mystery. "Generally, the function of the transmission beacon is to send coordinates. It is a passive device. The function of this transmission beacon is to actively transmit the target. In other words, as long as we are close enough, we can bring your master back. .”

"It's like fishing." Tita nodded. She had never fished, but her biological brain was designed and developed to do so. She knew how to lure fish, how to choose bait, and how to judge whether the fishing rod would catch that fish, but she never had time to enjoy this leisurely time.

"That's right, fishing." The Venerable snapped his fingers. The Supreme Mage did not sit in his seat, but walked aimlessly in the bridge until the observation was over. Observation is an extremely difficult task. The Coboy Belt contains thousands of icy planetesimals. By observing radiation noise and optical phenomena, the Sky Battleship can determine the approximate location of the Emperor.

This is something that the Tianjian Space Station cannot do. The Tianjian Space Station is too far away from the Koboy Belt. By the time the people there discover the radiation residue, the emperor may have already moved to the next location. The energy radiation left behind by the Holy Sword is the guidepost for the ship to follow the emperor's traces. By observing the straight lines formed by the radiation residue, the sky battleship is slowly guided to a trap area full of high-speed flying asteroids. Here, , the brilliance of the sun was only a hazy mist, but they still could not find any trace of the emperor. The coordinates of the Coboy belt flash phenomenon previously observed by the Tianjian Space Station were now empty.

"But I still don't understand." Tita said, "You have the ability to bring the master back, why don't you just do it?"

"For your master, the shape of the material world is not actually important. He himself is an entity that deeply combines extradimensional energy with the material universe. Think about it, in a universe that lacks a reference system, he has lost the concept of scale in order to communicate with you. What will he do when the ever-expanding Quetzalcoatl fights?" Before Tita could answer, the Supreme Mage said firmly, "Yes, it means becoming as big as Quetzalcoatl... He can do it, but he can't Will realize that he has done this. So what we are about to see may be several kilometers long. Although it is just a false entity made of magic, it is still full of destructive power. He wants to avoid destroying human existence as much as possible The environment, if we directly bring him back to Earth, no matter how careful we are, he will eventually cause trouble."

Tita shook her head. She didn't think this reason was important. For the emperor's safety, the best way was to teleport him back to Earth. It didn't matter what harm was done, other people's lives were nothing compared to the Emperor's. At that moment, she didn't even know whether she should be angry with the Supreme Mage, because she didn't know whether it was the emperor's order or the Supreme Mage's order. The Supreme Master was not worried about the safety of her disciple at all. She knew that he would not be killed so easily. Therefore, in the eyes of others, especially artificial humans like Tita, the attitude of the Supreme Mage was too leisurely and relaxed.

"I think we have found the trace, Your Majesty." Constantine walked towards the bridge command podium. Even though they knew that they were not in the path of the Praetorian Guards, all the crew members working here tried to avoid him as much as possible to avoid being stepped on by the giants. He stretched out his hand, and the permissions built into the power armor allowed him to easily operate the holographic projection device on the Sky Battleship. "These are the specific coordinates, but..." he moved his finger down, "the radar staff found something different here. They are small, numerous and relatively dense, and these things are flowing in our direction. Come here, it’s most likely an enemy.”

"Enemy? No creature can survive in the void. The temperature here can freeze blood into ice.

Constantine waved his hand. "Our enemies can, don't use common sense to understand those creatures." He said, "Activate the weapon system and send escort fighter jets. If the enemy is here, it means that the emperor is not far away. This is the most powerful clue at present. We cannot let go of any possibility. His Holiness..."

The Supreme Mage nodded and agreed with the Praetorian Guards' approach.

"Indicate the direction and make another jump." His Holiness said, "Be more precise. Don't think I can understand your scientific terminology."

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