Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1261 Recycling Task (First Update)

Entering the Corboy belt is a very dangerous thing. Most of the stars here are moving rapidly on the ecliptic plane of the solar system. Even a stone the size of a fist can easily break through the thick armor plate of the sky battleship. Because of this, the sky The battleship had to activate the ion shield derived from Wakanda technology and imitated and improved by Immortal City, causing all the asteroids that hit the battleship in the sky to deflect from the surface of the shield. Although the aircraft slowed down after passing through the portal, standing by the bridge observation window, one could still see the high-temperature light produced by the friction between rocks, ice and shields through the thick armored glass. It would not be possible to transmit it if it were not for a vacuum environment. The sound produced by this collision may make people feel like a dense burst of bullets coming towards the face. This is almost a rare light in Coboy's belt.

The accompanying astronomers relied on the difference in observation data of the Coboy Belt planets before and after the war began to guide the Sky Battleship to this place. The anomalous asteroid that caused the flash phenomenon was tens of thousands of kilometers away, and the asteroid was on the star map. There is no record, and the data obtained by the radar also shows that a large amount of abnormal heat remains on the black asteroid, which is unusually conspicuous among the many Corboy belt asteroids. However, the radar still failed to find traces of the emperor, because all the radiation noise left here was chaotic. The asteroids that were supposed to be orbiting on the ecliptic plane all deviated from their original orbits at this moment. Chain collisions caused a large number of asteroids to move at ultra-high speeds. The shield pressure of the sky battleship suddenly increased.

Suddenly, everyone standing on the bridge felt that the surroundings were as bright as day, as if stars were rising not far from the bow of the ship. The hot metal released a glow and passed less than ten kilometers above the bridge, shattering a large number of asteroids still flying in orbit and clusters of extradimensional creatures rushing towards the sky battleship. The majestic smoke and magma were everywhere. Splash, covering the sky battleship in the brilliance of stars. The people standing in front of the bridge observation window were lucky enough to see the scale of the long strip of hot metal. It was a scorching giant sword that was larger than the sky battleship. Although warnings about the high temperature on the surface of the ship continued to sound from the command platform, except for Others other than mortal soldiers are frightened or worried because it means they have found their target. The brilliance quickly passed away and was once again lost in the cold mist of the Koboy Belt. However, all the approaching threats were cleared in an instant, leaving only the frightened people on the bridge.

Not far away, a huge corpse was huddled among several asteroids.

The blood condenses into planetesimals and then steams up due to supernatural forces. The huge corpse showed that it was covered with frost, and the charred colorful wings were still burning like a torch dipped in grease. The sky battleship slowly passed under the shadow of the corpse's wings, and any scale was bigger than this, the largest void that mankind has ever seen. The aircraft is even bigger. Extreme fear of the giant object swept through the minds of mortals on the entire bridge. The Guards had to order the protective armor plates of most observation windows to be closed to prevent those mortals from doing irrational things due to excessive fear.

"Open the hangar and launch the transmission beacon." Constantine immediately ordered, "Send out escort fighters."

"Received, the air-tight sealing procedure is being carried out, and the hangar is undergoing decompression protocol." A mortal officer's face was ashen. Although she could not completely overcome the impact of her phobia of giant objects, she could at least overcome her fear of the Guards. "The pilot is ready, and the electromagnetic ejection No. 1 and No. 2 are ready. The safety agreement has been reached, and the energy storage agreement has been reached. You can exit the warehouse at any time.”

"Launch," the Praetorian Guard said.

A missile was fired from the missile launch bay at the bow of the ship, followed closely by two Hippogriff assault transport boats, which were thrown out of the hangar by electromagnetic catapults. The missile traveled extremely slowly and lost its fairing hundreds of kilometers away from the sky battleship. Just like launching a satellite, the transmission beacon originally packaged in the warhead was separated. Several small thrusters installed later began to erupt frequently to adjust their attitude. Although the two gunships were not void fighters, they relied on their powerful firepower to bear the burden. It embarked on the mission of crushing planetesimals and extradimensional creatures around the teleportation beacon and protecting the integrity of the device.

Several more rockets were fired from the bow missile bay. The armor-piercing and high-explosive warheads of these rockets were all removed and installed into automatic radio transmitting devices as beacons for future sky navigation. Like the transmission beacons, these automatic beacons are equipped with thrusters. The Mars foundry technician looked at the data on the console and was so excited that the mechanical prosthesis on his back twitched randomly. He controlled these beacons to fly towards several small missiles. The planet is then fixed on its surface. In a few hours, the Tianjian Space Station will receive the news here. If the alien fleet enters the communication network formed between these beacons in the future, then the entire Latovinia will receive an early warning.

"When he told me that he would use technology to replace magic, I never thought about how he would do it." The Supreme Mage shrugged, "Although I have seen fragments of time in the future, that is just one of many possibilities. One, I never thought he would push humanity's technological creations into the Corboy Belt."

"Ahem, Your Majesty, I think it should be..."

The Supreme Mage walked down from the bridge observation window, and it was clear at a glance what Tita was worried about. "I know, he is fine. I promise to return your master to you intact." His Holiness patted the shoulder of the Mars foundry technician who was distractedly completing the automatic beacon landing procedure, and there was a sound of metal under his palm. , even the Supreme Mage couldn't help but be surprised, "Start the standard transmission protocol, transmit frequency ███-██-█, turn on resonance mode, receiving end DEC-2115041-N."

The young Martian technician raised his head, green light flashing in his goggles. He looked at the Supreme Mage in surprise, wondering why a person without bionic transformation could issue a coded compressed language that only Martian technicians could understand. He began to wonder if the voice had been inserted directly into his head, and once he started, he couldn't stop this suspicion.

"Move quickly." The Supreme Mage said angrily, "If your Mars Foundry still focuses on your own tasks and doesn't care about his life or death, I will go and twist off your master's head. Hurry up, unless you want to become a servitor. .”

When Victor von Doom received the repeated message from the Coboy Belt in the galaxy's halo, several hours had passed since the recovery operation. He breathed a long sigh of relief, sent a few brief messages to the Interior Ministry office, and then stood to greet the flight formation returning from Cuba. Although this feeling was very strange, the emperor had to appear in front of the cameras of Latovinia's official media and could not show that anything was wrong. As a figure who can suppress the entire NATO and allow the Yugoslav Federation to breathe, every detail on the emperor will be endlessly interpreted and amplified. Tens of thousands of analysis teams will analyze the emperor's gait, expression and emotions. Look for any possible weaknesses.

Since the speech, even the media controlled by the U.S. government, which was busy dealing with hurricane disasters and tsunamis, began to exaggerate rumors such as the emperor's illness. They claimed that the reason why the emperor still did not leave Cuba when the disaster occurred was to accept Cuba. medical measures. Victor von Doom, the regent of Latvinia, had no idea how the analytical teams affiliated with the CIA and NSA could read so much information from the face of a doll. , but it doesn't matter. The emperor's information confidentiality process will not allow any irrelevant information to be leaked. He must also make the doll appear healthy and strong.

"We need Praetorian Guards," said Diana Lister. "Everyone can see the difference between knights and Praetorian Guards. If the Emperor does not have Praetorian Guards around him, it will definitely make people suspicious."

"I believe there must be guards around the emperor, but not here." Victor von Doom said while ordering his secretary to arrange vehicles. He made a little joke, "Don't worry, let those people doubt it. By the time they figure out what is going on, what we have to do will have been completed long ago."

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