Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1275 No comment (first update)

From the beginning, the rulers of Latvinia had their sights set on South America.

Both minerals and crops are urgently needed materials for Latvinia, and the political status of this strategic location is something Latvinia must strive for. Therefore, even if cooperation with Wakanda has been carried out in East Africa, South America is still a place that Latvinia must get involved in. The puppet companies opened in East Africa cannot fully satisfy the growing appetite of Latvinia's industry. Those are always Soldiers sent out to annihilate warlords cannot always guarantee that production targets will not be delayed.

Nowadays, the rulers of Wakanda are trying to use soft methods to assimilate neighboring countries, even if the king of Wakanda took a taste of Kenya's home-brewed Chang'aa, which was added with aviation kerosene, antiseptic fluid and battery acid, and the addictive properties sold by gangs. Glue, and do not agree to use more effective and structural problem-solving methods other than building hospitals and schools to carry out conquest campaigns, completely eradicate poverty and ignorance, and liberate productive forces from the land.

Latvinia is naturally aware of Wakanda's concerns. At the same time, out of respect for its allies, the knights cannot set foot in East Africa on a large scale. All Wakandans hate the knights. The pain caused by the civil war in the Golden City is at least It will take another generation to slowly forget.

Now facing the political dilemma in South America, a company of genetically modified warriors has become the best choice for the Latvian government. This army can spend a certain amount of time clearing out all armed forces on the continent, or it can act as an intervention force between government forces and anti-government forces to obtain resources. The First Company is about to be expanded into the First Chapter, and new knights are being reported one after another via the Hippogriff assault transport. Legion Commander Malcolm and the Regent agreed to let the 1st Company and 1st Chapter stay here for a while until it was confirmed that all extradimensional creatures were killed and the new recruits were trained.

At the same time, they have to assess the primitive tribal warriors living in the rain forest and select strong adult males as candidates for future genetically modified warriors. No matter how reluctant the knights are, they have to do this because they can survive in this rain forest. The surviving strong adult males represent genetic superiority. If the selection of primitive tribal warriors is acceptable, the despicable political behavior of cooperation with the Shining Path makes Aparisha despise, and he would rather accept the killing of these tribesmen. The orders of everyone on the mainland are not willing to bend the knee and act as a political force.

As the Emperor said of him, he was a warrior, not a politician, and Aparisha was proud of this assessment. He was a warrior in his own right, a symbol of the Emperor's destruction that he could smell from afar. He understood the regent's handwriting in this order, but he also knew that the regent's wishes were the emperor's wishes. No matter how much he hated the regent appointed by the emperor, he had to admit that the wisdom of the man in the iron mask was indeed of some use. The knights' explosive ammunition, nutritional mud, armor adhesives, fuel and other materials all require the labor of a large number of workers to create. Just relying on the underground city of the Immortal City is completely unable to feed all the genetically modified warriors in this walking war. machine.

Because of this, Aparisha ordered his subordinate forward-swept wing interceptors and ground attack aircraft to cooperate with Shining Path's plan and launch a merciless attack on the Peruvian government forces. The attack was effortless, and the two interceptors were able to easily destroy all incoming Peruvian Air Force Mirage 2000 fighter jets.

"The brain damage caused by those children who continued to ingest glue and aviation kerosene will be blamed on Wakanda." Victor von Doom unceremoniously summoned Wakanda Princess Shuri to his Office, "Now Wakanda can gradually clear out Kenya's warlords and completely eradicate hunger, but you are holding back because you are worried about meaningless international impacts. I can tell you that Kenya's territorial integrity has been continuously discussed in the United Nations Security Council meetings. Bullshit, the Nairobi government can do nothing but a standard war dog squad to stage a coup, drive out the British Army training troops training in the Rift Valley, end human trafficking and overthrow The colonial government established by the British and Americans turned the newly established Kenyan government towards Wakanda."

"Wakanda needs the support of the international community."

As the head of the Wakanda Research Center - Harnburg, Shuri also served as Latvinia's diplomatic envoy. Due to the special properties of vibranium, Wakanda is now facing many diplomatic requests and trade requests. However, King T'Challa refused them all without exception and only agreed to sell some vibranium orders in the trade system established in Latovinia. This is not only part of the agreement between Wakanda and Latovinia, but also Latovinia as Wakanda's buffer shield to meet the small thoughts of countries around the world and avoid direct conflicts without any room.

The emperor and regent acquiesced to T'Challa's idea, and used this to bargain with the Wakanda royal family to obtain a large amount of high-quality vibranium for military industry. Even arrogant Queen Mother Ramonda and the nobles who always looked down on the outside world had to Hand over this share of vibranium to ensure that Latovinia can always serve as Wakanda's protective umbrella.

"We need to take our time, Victor." Su Rui said firmly. She and T'Challa's mother, the Queen Mother Ramonda, had long warned her that any request made by the Latvian leader must be listened carefully and rejected after consideration. "Wakanda will take time, and the world is not ready for Wakanda yet."

"There is no international diplomacy, Shuri. The United Nations is nothing. The first time our monarch sets foot at the United Nations headquarters in New York, they have to recognize our status. Because we have orbital bombing satellites, we have nuclear bombs, and we have teleportation decapitation strike tactics. "No matter how much T'Challa wants international recognition, getting Wakanda a permanent member of the Security Council is impossible because you haven't shown your fangs yet."

Victor von Doom poured himself a glass of wine and began to tell Shu Rui about his understanding of the world, "We don't have time, Shu Rui. I hope to reiterate to your brother the threat we face, the darkness The Order is not a problem that a few superheroes can solve. We need a well-trained army and advanced modern armaments. The country that dominates the planet is nothing in front of the alien fleet. The world is about to return to its primitive state. War and plunder will be the only tone in the future. Things like democracy, freedom of speech, and human rights will no longer be valuable. The only valuable and absolutely just cause is to fill the people's stomachs, nothing more. So either Wakanda Accept the expansion of industrial agriculture, or join Latvinia in conquest, expand the population, and annex more productive land."

"Oh, so that's the real purpose. You want Wakanda to start hoarding food?"

"It can be said that after all, there is no political demand without a little speech."

Although the regent immediately changed his expression, Victor von Doom sighed quietly in his heart. He couldn't explain this kind of problem to a royal princess like Su Rui. No matter how much Su Rui cared about the common people, she had never experienced hardship and could not understand how terrible the hunger that penetrated into the bone marrow was. Wakanda is a small country with few people. The natural conditions of East Africa and the intensive agricultural technology have long made the Wakanda people forget the taste of hunger, but Victor von Doom deeply remembers the famine he experienced in his childhood. That was the closest scene to hell he had ever seen in his life.

"Due to abnormal global crustal movements, the world's major food-producing areas have either been affected by earthquakes or floods. Food production this year and next year will be significantly reduced, and even the wine market is no exception. Although Latovinia's industrial ecology Twenty more farms were added to the original plan, but this was still not enough to feed our people during the war."

"About abnormal climate and crustal movement, doesn't Latovinia have anything to say?" Su Rui asked, "The first strong earthquake came from South America. Your monarch happened to be in Cuba at that time, but no one could When I saw him, the satellite over South America happened to move away."

"No comment, Princess Su Rui, Latovinia knows nothing about this." Victor von Doom said with a serious face, "Just in case, I still have to remind you. The emperor is very kind, He can tolerate betrayal and your unbridled curiosity, but I won't, which is why he made me regent. Be careful, this world is not all Wakanda."

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