Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1276: Endless Entanglement (Second Update)

Large-scale hoarding of food, fuel, steel, and building materials is one of Latvinia's top priorities today. The emperor and regent foresee that the global transportation system will collapse when an alien fleet invades on a large scale, as stated in "Leviathan" As written, the return to the primitive social state will use the most cruel means to eliminate the population that was born due to technological development and the global supply chain and exceeds the capacity of the local food supply chain. Everything will become "everyone opposes" "Everyone" state of war.

By then, not only food import and export will become a problem, but fuel oil, which is the blood of industry, will be no exception.

Both Central Asian oil pipelines and Russian natural gas pipelines lead to Europe via the Balkans. This is why even if Moldovar is needed as a geopolitical buffer, Regent Victor von Doom is still obsessed with using informal means to control Moldovar. Doval's domestic capital and government power. Losing Modovar will also lose at least half of the Balkan Peninsula's fuel and natural gas supply. The same is true for Greece and other countries. All actions are to ensure that Latovinia's industrial process can have sufficient blood, otherwise this newly born giant will It is very likely that he will die from cerebral ischemia.

This problem cannot be completely solved even by the many large-scale nuclear fusion power stations being built in Latovinia. Not all problems can be solved by sufficient industrial electricity. A giant mining shield machine built on Mars was delivered to the earth. Later, fuel will also be needed to complete the task of opening a new oil pipeline. It is necessary to have sufficient food, fuel, and a military-industrial system so that the emperor and regent can allow people to survive better during the war, protect those populations that may be eliminated by the ruthless world, and unite survivors and alien opponents to re-form primitive ethnic groups and organizations.

Since part of the project is located on the seabed of the high seas, Regent Victor von Doom faces a barrage of protest messages every day, from animal protection groups to marine environmental protection groups, from well-known news media and well-known academics, who also It was unclear why these people were so enthusiastic about the project being carried out in Latvinia, until Victor von Doom uncovered the foundations to which these people belonged and the investors of the organization, and then as expected, he saw a Old friend, Endowment for American Democracy.

The regent then collected the protests marked as handled and placed them in the lowest level of the briefcase to be handed over to the emperor.

This is not a trick of Whitehall civil servants, but because the documents on the briefcase are more important than the last. After the first expansion war, the foundation's legs were broken in Latvinia - literally. All the people working for this organization in the country had their legs broken and were thrown into the war zone in the Middle East. They had no identity documents, no money, and no survival supplies. Their only value was that the regent paid the smugglers so that they could reach the war zone safely. Money - now small things like protests issued by the Peaceful Evolution Foundation can only take a back seat. These briefcases were originally delivered to the emperor by air transport, but now the regent learned that the emperor was still staying in Kamal Taj's library, so many of the briefcases were brought to the emperor by Kamal Taj apprentices through the portal. He took it away from Tovinia Castle, then hired a dozen people to carry it to the library, and sent the official documents signed by the emperor the day before back to the regent for processing.

The regent finally couldn't hold it any longer and walked through the portal to Kama Taj. When he passed by the martial arts training ground, he was always on guard against possible attacks. Mordo's biggest dissatisfaction with the emperor was that the emperor appointed Victor von Doom as regent. Mordo did not trust the mystic who once defected. The reason was because he once trusted Victor von Doom. The two of them are close in age, and Modo has spent a very long time with him. They trained and studied together, and they spent a long time as apprentices together. How much Modo once trusted him, now he hates him so much. As for Mordo's vow to personally kill the defected mystic Victor von Doom - but fate played a joke. The former defected mystic reappeared and stood majestically as the future master of Kama Taj. beside, and even has the power to issue orders like Kama Taj and other mystics.

Not surprisingly, Mordo stood in front of Victor. This was the only way to the library. Victor von Doom sighed and spread his hands to show that he meant no harm. "I don't understand. Isn't he worried about your betrayal again?" Modu raised his tone, using a mocking tone squeezed out of his humorless brain, trying to use such a weak The blade of language went to harm Victor von Doom. "Perhaps as his older brother, I need to teach him what kind of people can never be trusted."

"I'm not here to quarrel, Mordo. Except for apprentices, no one needs your guidance." The face under Victor von Doom's iron mask suddenly wrinkled. Although he tried hard to suppress his anger, he still endured it. He couldn't help but retort. He didn't expect Mordu to be so stupid and unable to see the real reason why he left Kama Taj. "Let me find him. That alchemy doll will soon have other uses. He must appear in public at a specific time."

"The order I received is not to attack you. I am not like someone who can turn a blind eye to his oath."

The cold wind on the plateau has been filtered by magic, losing its sharpness and bone-chilling chill, and transforming into a gentle warm breeze that encourages spring flowers to bloom. The dark green cloak behind Victor von Doom was rolled up by the warm, floral-scented wind, like dark green wings. "I apologize for what happened in the past, Mordo. But don't test my patience. You must know that I have never killed any mystic or hunter who came to hunt me." He said, "Not only do you not understand my hon. Mo Du. You don’t know your fellow juniors, nor me. You just think you know them very well. You are using your own thoughts to speculate on others, which will only make you look stupid."

After saying that, Victor von Doom stood there with his hands folded, ignoring Mordo's anger.

He knew that Mordo would continue to haunt him and vent his past anger. Victor von Doom knew that the way he acted in the past was very bad, but he still adhered to the bottom line, did not use secret methods to earn wealth, and would never harm any Kama Taj mystics, even when the mystics were necessary Always available to help. Because of this, the Supreme Mage did not take action when he found Victor von Doom in person. Instead, he patiently chatted with him for a long time to find out why he wanted to leave Kamathaj - just in Wei. When Keldor von Doom apologized for his actions and refused to return to Karma Taj, the Sorcerer Supreme told him that the child in Karma Taj that he had picked up from the church parking lot had grown enough. That child had an idea of ​​his own that could help him realize his wish. Now the wait has come to fruition. The tribe where Victor von Doom once grew up will no longer face hunger and poverty.

It was not until the arrival of the Guardsman Amon that Victor von Doom unilaterally ended the confrontation with Mordo. The latter waved away the apprentices who were watching the show angrily and unceremoniously increased the intensity of their training. . Victor and the Supreme Mage have long seen Mordo's character weaknesses. His stubborn and arrogant character is suitable for being an enforcer but not suitable for being a ruler. Because of this, the Supreme Mage has never included Mordo in the list of successors. , if there is no one person who can control all situations, Modu will not even have a chance to gain power.

"What are you looking for?" When Victor von Doom found the emperor in the library, he was surrounded by ancient stone tablets. "These are prophecies," said the Regent. "There are no answers here, only danger."

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