Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 134 Find the Clue (Second Update!)

The mystic opened his eyes, but for a moment he couldn't figure out where he was. It took a few seconds before he recalled what had happened in the past two days. Although he still had some headaches, he was able to cast spells, and he probably guessed what was going on. The next step is to find the mastermind behind the scenes and expel him from this world. Salomon reached out and took out a bottle of potion from the dimension bag and drank it, then got up and opened the door to call the guest room to prepare hot water. He hadn't showered for two days. Although the conditions of this hotel are not particularly good, but some services can be completed under the money offensive.

While he was soaking in the big wooden bathtub, enjoying the hard-earned warmth of the cold morning, Natasha walked in wearing local clothes. "Finished?" Salomon raised his eyebrows and asked, "How is Tituba?"

Natasha looked haggard. She yawned and blinked again. "I stayed with her last night," Natasha said. "She woke up once, and the potion you gave was very effective, and she fell asleep again. Coulson said we should hide her, and he has continued. The gold you gave is worth a month’s rent, at least gold is still hard currency now. Make room for me, I want to come in. By the way, can you do laundry here? I only have one set of underwear. "

"I will dry it with magic, and your clothes can be handed over to my invisible servant." Salomon said, "Including the water temperature, it can always be kept at the most suitable temperature. These are all tricks."

"But it's unbelievable to ordinary people." Natasha Romanov generously took off the local people's clothes, mud-stained shoes and other clothes. She did not shy away from the sight of the mystic at all. He stretched his legs and stepped into the bathtub. She leaned against the bathtub, closed her eyes, and let out a long breath. She had a hard time these two days, and even her sleeping time was sacrificed by the task.

"I'm in good shape, right?" She glanced at the water, then narrowed her eyes and smiled, "Your reaction says it all."

"I didn't expect you to be so straightforward." Salomon rolled his eyes, "I'm not yet an adult, so I don't need to use the swallow's tricks on me. I won't be fooled. Ms. Romanov, you want to You know, I respect you very much, and I respect your contribution... So, if you have anything to say, you can tell me directly, without going through this method. "

"Your development is quite good, and your figure is also good. It can be seen that you have been exercising." Natasha winked at the mystic. She did not explain her real purpose, but planned to increase her weight in Salo There is weight in her heart, because she knows that what she wants may be difficult to obtain. She said, "Adult men will make some hot-headed actions under the influence of hormones. How do you hold back? Puberty is the age when hormones surge. Or is this a gentleman's demeanor?"

"This has nothing to do with being a gentleman. It's about restraint." Salomon pulled a towel to block Natasha's privacy. Although the effect was not good, it was better than nothing. He said, "Learning magic requires moderation of desires, and I'm very good at controlling my desires... well, except for intellectual curiosity. But your black suspenders really hit my hobby, and I'm satisfied. You just rest here , Agent Coulson and I will go to the town to investigate. To be honest, Agent Coulson’s actions are really ill-considered. It would be more practical to assassinate the witch judge directly. I leave my gun to you too, remember to lock the door , I will summon a magic servant to serve you before I leave."

Natasha stuck her legs out of the water and pressed them against Salomon's chest, preventing him from leaving the tub. "Agent Coulson is still sleeping, we can stay a little longer." She said, "He also helped a lot yesterday. The outlanders who care too much about the affairs of the town are conspicuous. In fact, Agent Coulson has already It's very conspicuous, because in the past few days, there are not many boats docking at the small pier in the town, and not many foreigners come here. I suggest you and Coulson go to the tavern, I can imagine those idiots in The tavern boasted about his bravery in catching witches."

"If they know that the prisoner is missing, they will surely say that they have prescient vision, and it will make those fools more fanatical and superstitious. I plan to go to the forest, that is, to the suspicious glade we discovered earlier. I have a hunch... Last night, those witches in the town will definitely go to the meeting, and they created the alien magic in the forest." Salomon grabbed Natasha's foot and tried to move it away, but the female agent refused to let her go. Even put your feet under the water. The mystic master caught her in time, "Stop messing around, I'm leaving."

"I feel more like you are running away, magician." The female agent said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to be such a shy person."

"If you continue this behavior, I think you may have to fight another lady." Salomon shrugged, "I am her guardian, she is a demon wizard."

"Ha, she, a witch!" Natasha chuckled twice, "Is a witch more attractive to a magician?"

"No, she just... has longer legs than you."


"I haven't had a good conversation with you yet." Agent Coulson yawned, and he was standing on the street talking, "This is the first time I've seen the Asgardians since New Mexico. To you. How did you meet Commissioner Fury?"

"I broke into his office and let him see the horrors of the wizarding world." Salomon walked side by side with Agent Coulson, "Don't even think about finding information in my file, I believe Nick Fury will definitely Will keep it a secret, like how he got blind in one eye."

"You even know this?" Coulson was a little surprised, "Could it be that Chief Fury told you about that?"

"Skrull, I know it, and you know it," Salomon said, "but he certainly didn't tell you the whole truth."

"Fight aliens."

"It's fine if you think about it, he will definitely not tell you the truth." Salomon touched the dimension bag on his waist, and took out a few guineas (1.05 pounds) and a few half-pound coins, which were provided by him. Coulson also suffered a loss in currency exchange, but no one cared. "These are enough for you to drink for a day." He said, "If you can, bring me a bottle of rum and wine, I don't mind. After you go out, you can ask Nick Fury for Asgard mead, which I brought."

"But you are underage." Coulson shook his head disapprovingly, "According to the law..."

"The United States is not yet independent." Salomon stuffed the gold and silver coins into Coulson's hands, "I need you to find out if there are any abnormalities in the town. There are monsters in the forest, but there are monsters in the town. Nobody saw it, it was a weird thing."

"I know, I've seen the monster," Coulson said, "but the little girls thought it was a wild dog. I'm going to Randolph Carter's house today, remember, and I'm going to tell What about my adventures?"

"I already know the identity of Randolph Carter." Salomon rubbed his forehead subconsciously, "But it's also good to observe Abigail Williams. Remember, don't go too deep into certain issues, you There's nothing that can protect your sanity."

"Since I learned about magic the day before..." Coulson looked around, and lowered his voice, "I don't think I know this world anymore."

"This world is more complicated than you think, Agent Coulson." Salomon shook his head with some disdain, "SHIELD always says that it is the line of defense against the weird world, but in fact, this world is far more than humans know. It's even weirder. Don't take it to heart, after all, there are many things we can't understand, and don't try to understand, it will only drive yourself crazy."

"Thank you for your suggestion." Coulson gestured, "I'll see you tonight. When you come back, I'll tell you about my mustache."


Two wooden sticks were lying on the black glade, and Salomon observed these two things that had not been seen before - one end was charred, and the other end showed the shape of a palm under the action of powder . The mystic guessed that this should be the result of Randolph Carter's work. Legend has it that Randolph Carter once thwarted a conspiracy by that being, and this time, the man behind the scenes was even more concealed. He might have been summoned through a witch assembly. The weirdness of this forest also shows that this is the place where the incident happened. In addition to the ghouls that only appeared once, the crows in the forest are also singing ominous songs. Salomon followed the new footprints, and saw the face of a young Algonquian Indian growing out of the tree trunk, his eyes were wide open, and the pupils seemed to be focused in the void.

The mystic cautiously reached out and touched the face. It was a face of flesh and blood that had once belonged to some Indian and that grew out of a tree trunk. Salomon's heartbeat accelerated suddenly, and he heard the whisper again. The mystic shook his head, throwing out the sound that should not have appeared.

He walked on, and there he saw a pile of burnt charcoal. Perhaps because he came early, the burning charcoal had not yet completely burned into white ashes, and blue smoke curled up from the pile of charcoal. In addition to these charcoals, there are still logs that have not been completely burned. Salomon can guess how big the bonfire was last night. In addition to the bonfire, there were two piles of dead maggots on the ground. Salomon had no idea what these maggots were for. He suppressed his nausea and bent down to smell it, but he only smelled a sour smell.

It's stomach acid.

It was another coven, and what rituals did they perform. Salomon made such a judgment.

The mystic followed a line of rough and fresh footprints and walked towards the north of the forest. When he got out of the forest and looked to the north, he knew where the clue he wanted was.

There is a private farm.

Ask for a ticket! !

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