Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 135 The Witch Gathering (First update!)

Both Coulson and Natasha underestimated the impact of the prisoner's disappearance. Things take a turn for the worse in the early hours of the morning when the jailers and judges discover their prisoners are missing, and the church bells are rung again, ushering in a new witch hunt.

That's why Coulson and Salomon are walking down the street without being questioned, because these fanatical puritans are after women who in their eyes appear to be associated with witchcraft, and have no time for outsiders— But it's just that there is no time now. When they can't find the witch, the suspicious outsider will be the best object for them to vent their fear.

Coulson didn't find out about it until he arrived at the tavern, which was empty and the only drunks who had confided under the influence of whiskey. But Agent Coulson couldn't get in touch with Salomon, so he hurried back to the hotel (he didn't forget to bring the wine) and urgently contacted Natasha to get her ready. Because regardless of whether those fanatics will turn the suspicion on them, Coulson wants to save some innocent people.

But this morning, when the two girls returned to the town after staying out all night, they added fuel to this unreasonable mass hysteria. Ann Putman and Elizabeth Parris wake up Cotton Mather and Inquisitor Matthew Hopkins and describe to them what happened in the glade last night. It's just that their words flickered and changed some key places.

In fact, Ann Putman and Elizabeth Paris did attend a coven last night, invited by Salem coven founder, Kazia Mason. This grumpy old woman is more than ninety years old, but her body is still as vigorous as a young man. She has a haggard, fierce and ugly face. She lives in a small wooden house in the middle of the woods, and rarely communicates with the residents of the town. Exchange, because the locals thought she was already crazy. And this old woman's invitation really interested Ann Putman and Elizabeth Paris, because they had long been tired of the Puritanism in the town, and hated the clothes that only had black and white colors, especially Elizabeth Paris. , she was just showing piety in front of her father, otherwise they wouldn't have participated in Professor Tituba's voodoo ceremony.

The "devil possessed" symptoms shown by Mary Walcott did not make them feel scared, but made them believe in the existence of witchcraft. Kazia Mason approached them at that time. In fact, the purpose of the witch inviting Ann Putman and Elizabeth Paris to the rally was not to make these two girls witches, but to make them sacrifices and sacrifice them to the dark people.

When Ann and Elizabeth received an invitation from the most mysterious old woman in town, they followed her to the glade. As they entered the woods, the light of the full moon was covered by the messy trees, and everything around them fell into darkness. In the end, only the lantern in their hands remained the only light. As the light dimmed, hideous shapes gradually emerged from the swaying shadows—horrible, ugly shadows that did not sway with the lantern light, but silently watched the two girls . They followed the footsteps of Kazia Mason's Mason, walking forward step by step. Ann and Elizabeth held hands tightly, fearing that they would disappear into the woods as soon as they let go. However, the fear they had to experience More than these.

Following their footsteps, a small orange-red light appeared in the dark distance, and they continued along the road. This warm light gradually dyed the forest with a faint red halo. The flames made the shadows twist and dance around them, making them look even more menacing. Just before they reached the place where the flames were, they saw a large tree beside the road, and the flickering light of the flames hit the twisted branches, and it looked like the face of a huge young Algonquin Indian growing out of the tree. out. He seemed to be looking at nothing with empty eyes. The two little girls were terrified. They looked back, only to find that they had strayed off the road and were in a place they had never been before. The road behind them disappeared. The only way was under their feet, leading to the flame .

Ann Putman and Elizabeth Parris slowly leaned over. They found that the bonfire was very huge, and the flames were shaking wildly. They heard a special singing, and the singing words seemed to be impossible for humans to pronounce. The singing was very rhythmic, and the girls could feel that the non-human pronunciation was attracting them, and they continued to move forward with fear. Then, they saw several black figures surrounding the bonfire, and the bonfire Blue, purple, and orange flames danced wildly above the sky, and a thick black smoke poured into the moonlit sky. Kazia Mason was standing in front of the bonfire, and it was she who made the eerie singing.

Seeing them walking towards the bonfire helplessly, Kazia Mason sang another prayer: "I! I! Shabu Nicholas! The black goat of the forest that gave birth to thousands of offspring! Bless the daughters of Eve! Bless Go! Daughters of Gong, Momo, and the Moon with Thousand Faces! Be kind to our sacrifices! Great messengers, men of darkness! Bless your chosen children!"

Kazia Mason waved her hand, and two cloaked figures stood out. They were girls they didn't know. The two girls took off their cloaks and stood naked in front of the campfire. They tried to use their hands Covering the naked body, but in vain. Kazia Mason ordered Ann Putman and Elizabeth Parris to do the same, but the terrified girls wouldn't do it anyway, so Kazia Mason cast a spell and made the girls vomit After a few minutes, what they spit out was not undigested food, but maggots.

This is real witchcraft, not useless rituals!

Ann Putman was so ecstatic that she immediately agreed to do it, and she asked Elizabeth Parris to do the same. So the two girls also took off their clothes, and according to Kazia Mason's instructions, they put their left hands on their foreheads and grabbed their right feet with their right hands.

Kazia said in a low roaring voice: "Are you going to give up what is in your left and right hands and dedicate it to the people of darkness?"

The two girls replied, "Yes, I give up what I hold between my hands, and give it to the One of Darkness."

Kazia drew a symbol on the pitch-black ground with her finger, then reached into the flames and pulled out a piece of charcoal that didn't seem to burn her. Kazia dropped the charcoal in the center of the symbol, then stood back and chanted with the others. Something seemed to change in the air, the temperature plummeted, the fire was surrounded by an unnatural halo, it was an indescribable color, Ann Putman tried all the words and couldn't prepare to describe the scene at that time. The two naked girls suddenly looked very terrified, as if they had just realized that everything they did was not as interesting and beautiful as the witchcraft game they imagined.

A figure slowly rose from the ground, as if it had appeared here directly from hell, and the dark man walked forward holding two burning wooden sticks. He was tall and naked, with mocking eyes and a mocking smile. His skin was like black oil, and his body proportions were very abnormal. He first approached Ann Putman, touching her head, and as he did so, Ann seemed to enter a state of ecstasy, in which she seemed intoxicated. The dark man was slowly sucking her soul, and with this move, Ann also became pale and sickly, and Elizabeth also froze in place with shock.

Just as the dark man devoured his soul, a huge invisible force hit the dark man, and the dark man took a few steps back, and then the force struck again, knocking the dark man further away Some, two burning sticks fell to the ground, and the act of absorbing souls was also interrupted.

The Dark One recognized the spell - the Fist of Yog-Sothoth.

He noticed a figure standing in the shadow where the firelight never shone. The dark man laughed sarcastically, then turned and disappeared into the dark woods. After recovering, Ann Putman and Elizabeth Paris ran into the forest screaming, and the other witches immediately put on their cloaks and took the clothes that Ann Putman and Elizabeth Paris had left behind. They felt an equally powerful force attacking the man of darkness, and panicked, they quickly evacuated the scene, leaving only a huge bonfire burning in place.

When Ann Putman and Elizabeth Paris returned to the town and got dressed, they immediately told the judge and interrogator what happened last night, but in their descriptions, they did not attend the Witch The people at the gathering, they just accidentally watched the situation when they went to the forest to play games.

Ann Putman described to the judge in detail the scene they saw in the woods, the bonfire and the naked woman, the black man and the smoking stick, and the horrible and strange singing. It's just that Ann Putman didn't know all the witches in the town, so she listed some unpopular guys in the town out of fear of witchcraft. The first accused was Sarah Goode, who was disliked by many people because she often smoked with a pipe; the second was Sarah Osborne; the third was John Plessy and his wife, Mary Plessy; and finally accused, the real witch, Kazia Mason.

The judge immediately ordered that the king's army should bring guns and arrest the witch according to Ann Putman's confession. But except for Kazia Mason who escaped successfully, everyone else was caught and thrown into the cell.

The trial was fast, and the judges interrogated in ancient ways. The captured suspects were taken from their cells to a dark room where Cotton Mather and the Witch Hunters would interrogate them. Each suspect was forced to sit on a wooden table in the center of the room. Sitting on a chair, his hands and feet were bound, and he was questioned by the interrogator Matthew Hopkins.

The judge will prepare a unique interrogation style for each of them.

New week, ask for votes! ! Super need a recommendation ticket!

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