Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 136 False accusation (Second update! Please recommend!)

Cotton Mather skipped over the male suspects and would start by questioning each of the women, asking if they were witches and if they had performed witchcraft. If the answer was yes, Mather said the court would show mercy and God would show His mercy.

He would then ask the girls to describe in detail the evil they had committed in the name of Satan, no matter how evil—talking animals, covens, black men with flaming sticks raised from hell, and anything else, Stories are believed by Mercer to be signs of sin. After the confession was concluded, a witch hunter handed the girl a handwritten confession note and ordered her to sign it, after which the girl would be sent back to her cell before the next girl was taken away.

If Mather was not convinced by the confession, or if he felt that the confession lacked details, or if the suspects tried to pass the crime on to others to mitigate their fault, he would start interrogation, and those who refused to confess the crime would be severely punished. to interrogate. The interrogation method is naturally in accordance with the "Hammer of the Witch" published in 1486. All suspects were not innocent in the eyes of Cotton Mather and interrogator Matthew Hopkins, but witches because:

If the defendant lived an immoral life, then of course it proves that she had associations with the devil; and if she was pious and dignified, then she was obviously pretending to use her piety to divert people from her associations with the devil and her nightly participation in witchcraft. The magic will doubt.

If she appeared frightened at the interrogation, she was clearly guilty, her conscience had given her away; if she believed her innocence and kept her composure, she was undoubtedly guilty: for witches have the habit of lying shamelessly.

If she pleads not guilty to the charges brought against her, it proves her guilt; if she despairs, despairs, and keeps silent because of the extreme horror of the false accusations against her, it is already a direct proof of her guilt.

If an unfortunate woman rolls her eyes in agony, it means she is looking for her devil with her eyes; and was looking at him.

If she finds strength to withstand the torture, it means that the devil made her bear it, so she must be tortured more severely; Instruct her not to confess and not to reveal the secret.

Agent Coulson wandered anxiously outside the courtroom. He didn't know how many of the arrested people were really related to witchcraft and who were really innocent. The mystic who could give him the correct answer is now Not here. Coulson was very anxious, he wanted to save the innocent, but worried about saving the real witch. But as the king's army escorted the prisoner to the court, Salomon also appeared outside the court - because the farm he was going to was the private farm of the accused John Pryce and Mary Pryce, the king Salomon was there when the army captured them.

"There may be innocent people inside, because they can't catch real witches, but I'm not sure, because I also have the weakness of ordinary people. In any case, you have to know, so many people can't hide for long " Salomon had already guessed what Coulson was thinking, and he said to Coulson among the noisy crowd, "Besides, I don't want you to act recklessly before identifying whether those people are innocent one by one. I have already Found the real suspect, I've got the lead, but I don't want us out-of-towners to be suspicious until then. Don't you see that I'm trying to keep my local presence to a minimum? That Matthew Hopkins Stan is from London. Natasha lied too much back then. I am not a knight. This kind of lie will be exposed in no time. At that time, no matter how we explain it, we will be considered witches. .”

Coulson just looked at Salomon without answering, and the mystic could only continue talking on his own. "Okay, but I suggest you just kill Cotton Mather and Matthew Hopkins, I already told you that in this twisted reality, no grandfather paradox will happen, kill both There's nothing wrong with a guy who doesn't want to die, the United States is not independent yet." Salomon lowered his voice, "There are no laws in this land, Coulson. If you want to be a law enforcement officer, then you have to Be a legislator first, and if you want, you can be Thomas Jefferson again. Cotton Mather and Matthew Hopkins are the best candidates for law enforcement. I'm sure you must have heard it when you studied history. them."

"You convinced me, Salomon." Coulson smacked his lips, "If things really come to that point, I will do so."

"Very good, now we need to divide and cooperate." Salomon turned his head to look at the court outside the crowd, he turned back again, and said to Coulson, "You go to rescue the innocent, and I will go after the real one." Witch. But I need you to scout for me and remember a few names: Bridget Bishop, Suzanne Martin, Alice Parker, Margaret Scott."

"I remember." Coulson took out a pencil from his pocket and wrote down his name on the pad. "Would you mind telling me what's going on?"

"As long as you can understand." Salomon sighed, pulled Coulson away from the crowd, and came to a remote corner. The mystic began to tell what happened after he left the woods. After leaving the woods, Salomon took out the crystal ball from the dimensional bag, and walked towards one of the birthplaces of alien magic power, Plessy Farm. He is not afraid of those fanatical Puritans discovering that he can use magic, and he is not worried about those weak guns. Since these people are fanatical enough to dedicate their souls to God, Salomon doesn't mind sending them to see God .

The owner of the farm, John Plessy, was a tall, lanky man in his late sixties, and though he had a rather gentle disposition, he had a rough exterior, which gave him a somewhat bad reputation among those who worked for him over the years. He has been through many misfortunes, including the death of his first wife ten years ago, and the deaths of all his children last winter.

Mary Plessy was John's second wife. She was a rather plump woman, but not overly fat, in her forties, and a really good farmer's wife.

When Salomon appeared in front of them, the gentle and kind farm owners immediately stopped their work to welcome him. Although they didn't know Salomon, in Mary Pryce's opinion, a The outsiders who appeared here definitely needed help. When Salomon asked them if they knew anything about the strange happenings in Salem, John Plessy immediately showed his anger. This resentment was not just because of the conflict of legal status between the village of Salem where they lived and the small town of Salem, but because, in the eyes of these farmers, townspeople were all clumsy.

"They're always late," said John Plessy, "and can't do anything. I've paid them a halfpenny each, but they can't do anything."

"They?" asked Salomon. "Who?"

"Ha, the distant relatives of the Putman family, the little girl named Alice Parker, and Margaret Scott in the town, Suzanne Martin, Bridget Bishop... my The mother-in-law also prepared a thick stew and black bread for them, but they didn't come today!" Although John Plessy complained, he didn't owe anything in practice own helper. In fact, the fact that those girls did not come to work today made John Plessy quite worried. When he knew that Salomon was going back to the town, he entrusted Salomon to find out the names of those girls. By the way, ask him if they still want to help him.

Salomon took note of these names and agreed to John Pryce's request. But before he could go far, the King's Army had already arrived at the farm. Salomon watched with his own eyes the King's Army drive John Plessy and Mary Plessy out of the farm, and the freshly squeezed milk was also sprinkled. On the ground, unfed poultry scurry about. The mystic waited for the king's army to rummage through the farm before returning to the farm with the Agamotto crystal ball—there is indeed a strange magical power here, but it is constantly dissipating, and it may disappear in a few days—— The Plessys had nothing to do with magic, but the girls who worked as helpers.

"Okay, I'll try my best." Coulson nodded and agreed, "I think I can ask Randolph Carter for help, he's a local..."

But Salomon shook his head frantically. "No." He said, "Randolph Carter may be on our side, but he is not a human being, but an existence beyond human comprehension. He doesn't care about the lives of a few ordinary people, what he does Because it has something to do with his purpose. Don't seek his help, he may betray us."

Salomon warned Coulson again not to go find those girls by himself, because those magics were far more weird and terrifying than the magics he had learned, they were out-and-out black magic, and the subjects of black magic The tragic situation can challenge the limit of human psychological endurance. The agent agreed, but the mystic was still worried that he would die—this is the instinct of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, especially the direct descendant of Nick Fury, who is the most deadly one. Agent Coulson, as one of Nick Fury's most trusted agents, is as deadly as his boss.

"Then we must at least rescue them before they are hanged. You know, the number of people is not the reason to stop me." Coulson raised his eyebrows and said, "Hanging in this era is not so merciful. I read A book, the hangings of this age bear the stamp of a dark age, and the hanged die a slow and painful death. You at least tell me who the innocent are."

"John Plessy and his wife Mary Pryce must be, others..." Salomon took a breath, "I will observe them later. Remember to act again at night. Tonight, I will go again Go to the woods. I have a hunch that the man behind the scenes will appear there tonight."

At this time, the king's army who went to search the forest also returned, and they came back with a dead body.

The corpse of a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.

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Thanks for the 100 point reward with a mind beyond the alphabet.

Thank you for the 500 point reward of Guolu Shashen.

Thank you girl Azhai for your 100 point reward.

Thank you Gongzi Ming for the 500 point reward.

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