Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 137 Execution (first update!)

Although separated by the crowd, Salomon and Coulson could still see the tragic state of the corpse.

The face and throat of this corpse have long been unrecognizable, as if it has been bitten by some animal. Anyone can see the white cervical spine through the blood hole in the neck. The limbs of the corpse were also torn, and when the king's army carried him over, there were fragments of flesh falling on the black mud. Probably because of the fastened bulletproof vest, the torso of the corpse was not damaged too much, but the clips inserted in the bulletproof vest and some other emergency supplies disappeared, as if the hungry murderer was in a hurry. When I impatiently wanted to peel the corpse away like an onion, I was blocked by those fragments. The strong nylon bag was almost torn apart, and the broken black threads were like spores growing from the corpse, stretching lonely to the sky .

If it weren't for Salomon's sharp eyes, seeing the broken S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on the corpse's arm covered in blood, he wouldn't be able to recognize which combat force it was. Coulson became very calm, and he came up with several possibilities in an instant. "He came from the cave too," he said. "Probably after us. The time here is different from reality, so he may just be a step behind."

"That cave will not only swallow us, but other people can also come in through it. Maybe it will be like the drain in the sink, swallowing people incessantly. In fact, I am more worried that this drain will be like " Spray some things from this world outside like in "The Clown's Soul", if it is, then it will be troublesome." Salomon said, "How many people did you bring?"

"Not many, four members of the action team."

"That's three left, we'd better assume they're all in." Salomon sighed, "Get Natasha ready. She has the S.H.I.E.L.D. Can hope that those girls did not see the pattern clearly, otherwise we will not have much time. Coulson, if something is wrong, you and Natasha move as soon as possible, remember those four girls, it is you and Natasha task."

"Then what are you going to do now?"

"Go to identify whether the suspect is a witch, and then find the remaining three people - if they really come, we need people." Salomon said, "I'm going deep into the forest this time. If you haven't come back, don't wait for me, you can figure it out yourself."

The four names that Salomon told Coulson were indeed members of the local witch coven, but in fact they had not joined the coven for a long time, unlike Ann Putman and Elizabeth Paris, they were not Invited by Kazia Mason, but chosen by the Dark One, to join the gathering by accident.

When their work on the farm was over, Mary Plessy gave them stew and bread. In this era, farmers cannot easily remove the ergot fungus in the wheat. In addition, the last winter in Salem was extremely humid, and the mold grew wantonly. The bread given by Mary Plessy was somewhat spoiled, and the four One girl ate bread containing lysergic acid diethylamide.

After that, they saw the truth of the world.

Mary Plessy, hearing that Alice Parker knew the Bible very well, begged Alice to read a verse or two to the Plessys, who could not read. But when Alice opened the New Testament she was carrying with her, she found that the pages were blank, but when she rubbed her eyes and looked at the book again, she found her name was written in blood on the book. However, the hallucinations are more than that. When Brigitte Bishop took a break from her busy schedule and began to sew her dolls, another girl, Margaret Scott, began to have stomach cramps or similar pains, and then the pain gradually increased. , There were several bleedings on her waist. Margaret noticed that the puppet Brigitte was sewing was uncannily similar to her, and as Brigitte moved, bleeding from unknown sources appeared all over her body.

When Suzanne Martin was sent to milk the cows, she saw a little mouse crawl down a branch with something in its mouth. But no matter how much she pointed at the mouse and yelled for others to see, no matter how hard she tried to describe it, no one but her could see the mouse. After being tired of talking, Suzanne Martin gave up the useless description. She stared at the mouse closely. She saw that there were human hands and feet at the position of the mouse's paws, and the face was also human. chicken. Hissing and spitting, the creature spilled milk as it jumped past Suzanne, splashing her all over, before disappearing into the tool shed with its prey.

John Plessy sent Brigitte to find a calf named Metz, who had wandered into the rye a few days ago and had not returned. The grass was higher than Brigitte's head, blocking the little girl's view, but she could still hear Metz calling for her mother, so she judged the direction by the sound. Through the wheat stalks, she saw a scarecrow in the distance, with black straw stuffed in his ragged clothes.

When she got closer, she looked at the scarecrow again, and she felt that the other person seemed to be looking at her, and a wave of fear surrounded her. Immediately afterwards, she heard the scream of the calf, as if it had been attacked by something. Brigitte let go of her fear for a moment and ran over, and she quickly found the dead calf, its throat and stomach ripped open - and the black scarecrow lay motionless and silent above the body. Standing there, or so the girl thought, until the scarecrow spit out blood all over Bridget, and the girl screamed, until John Prycy came and took the dead calf, Bridget Tate slowly calmed down.

They were working late that night, and as they were crossing the dark forest between Salem's village and the town, they happened to come across the Dark One eating an offering from Kazia Mason. They fled in panic, but the dark one had chosen them, and their names had appeared in the "Book of Azathoth". However, until Ann Putman began to inform the townspeople, the four girls hadn't acquired much magic, and they could only curse others subconsciously-for example, Priest Paris fell down the stairs and broke his leg, It's the result of these four girls' unconscious curses - something they've also discovered, which thrills and terrifies them.

Now they were so terrified by the massive witch hunt in the small town of Salem that they hid in their homes without even telling John Plessy. This is why John Plessy commissioned Salomon to ask these girls, because it is spring and the farm is in urgent need of help, and Pryce and his wife alone cannot take care of it. But now the Pryces don't have to think about these things, because once they are arrested, their property will be confiscated. Even if they prove their innocence, those properties will not be returned to them, but will be distributed to the judge , Inquisitor and Clerk.

Just as Salomon entered the depths of the dark forest with his equipment on his back, Coulson also inquired about the four girls. Remembering Salomon's instructions, he did not face the four girls alone, but followed them from afar. Luckily, the four girls stayed together, and Coulson only had to keep an eye on one to find them all. Natasha also participated in the stalking. She changed into a local costume, filled her figure with extra clothes, wore a turban to cover her hair, and covered her cheeks with a thin layer of soot, making her look inconspicuous.

But neither Coulson nor Natasha let their guard down. They carried pistols at all times, because in this era without laws, danger is everywhere. They took turns to keep an eye on Tituba, who was placed in the hotel, and they had to go back to take care of her. This kind of stalking lasted all day until late at night, and Coulson, who was staying in the hotel, did not see Salo. Mongolia returns. When Natasha returned to the hotel, the worried Coulson told her about it.

But Natasha has nothing to do, because Salomon has banned them from entering the forest, and then Coulson and Natasha will go to the prison to rescue the innocent people identified by Salomon—this It's a thankless job, and there's not room for so many people in a hotel room. But to Coulson's surprise, until late at night, the court in the small town was still brightly lit, and many townspeople gathered in the court, shouting to hang the witch.

Judge Cotton Mather and Inquisitor Matteo Hopkins no longer intend to keep the suspects behind bars because they fear they will disappear in the prison at night like Tituba . The loss of a prisoner had brought Cotton Mather under Governor William's accountability, and he intended to settle the matter as soon as possible.

They concluded their interrogations in the morning and at noon, sentenced them in the afternoon, and executed them immediately in the evening. In their court, the suspects are not allowed to defend themselves, because it is a lie spoken by the devil, and the verdicts are all death sentences without exception, the only difference is that men are crushed to death by stones, and women are hanged . And those fanatical residents of Salem seem to be in the Tyburn execution ground in London. They are extremely satisfied with their addiction to the display of power and "justice". When naked and scarred women struggle on the gallows, When they were incontinent, they shouted loudly and vented their fears, as if it was their cry that hung the witch on the gallows.

This scene shocked Coulson because he saw the ugliest side of human nature. Before entering S.H.I.E.L.D., he was just a student studying history. He joined S.H.I.E.L.D. after graduating from high school. He had only read about such tragedies in books. He had always believed in law and humanity. But when he witnessed the frenetic scene in person, he felt like he was in hell.

"I am……"

"Kolson, are you okay?" Natasha looked at Coulson with some concern. She is not surprised by this scene, she has seen many scenes of mass hysteria, and she has seen even more tragic ones. But for a more "positive" person in S.H.I.E.L.D. like Coulson, this scene is no less than a destruction of his persistence in humanity. (be sensible)

It wasn't just Coulson and Natasha who didn't join the frenzy, but also Randolph Carter and Abigail Williams hiding behind him. Abigail clutched the corner of Randolph's clothes tightly, showing fear and worry. She was worried about the missing Tituba, while Randolph Carter looked solemnly at the black forest in the west, expecting some of them to appear there. want to see something.

Ask for a ticket! !

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