Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 138 A Little Adventure in the Dark Forest (Second!)

The mystic grasped his wand tightly, jumped over the low bushes, and stomped hard on the monster that had been hiding behind the bushes. The monster let out a cry that sounded like a cry, but was quickly gagged by Salomon with a magic missile. But magic missiles couldn't kill the ghoul, and the mystic jumped back deftly, dodging the dirty razor-like bone claws. The ring slams the ghoul's head.

This wasn't the first ghoul he'd encountered. The dark forest at night is like a large dungeon labyrinth. It is extremely difficult for anyone to pass through this forest, because no one knows how many people are buried in this forest. These ghouls will come from every day. out of every grave, and like a hound scurrying through every shadow. So far, Salomon has not found any traces of the other three members of the action team. Ghouls are emerging one after another. If he hadn't carried the one-time wand loaded with 50 magic missiles, these monsters alone would be enough to kill them. He is exhausted.

Thanks to the second-level spell darkvision, Salomon will not be tripped by twisted tree roots out of the ground in the forest, but his vision is still affected by the dark environment 60 feet away. It's not that he hasn't tried dancing lights, but that only makes him more vulnerable.

After Salomon finished handling the ghoul, he suddenly heard a sound of horseshoes—this was very abnormal, because even hard horseshoes could not make a sound on the soft black soil in the forest. . After a while, the sound of the horse's hooves stopped and stopped so close that Salomon could even hear the horse snort. Immediately afterwards, the surrounding low bushes rubbed against each other, and the mystic master clenched his wand tightly, and lifted the ghouls under his feet farther away, so as not to affect his battle.

But what came out of the bushes was not a monster with rubber, but a few humans in local costumes. The mystic did not relax his vigilance, because he smelled a strong stench of rotting corpses from these people, and their rotting eyeballs were also covered with mud and maggots. He had never seen a corpse, but these rotting corpses made him feel sick. These people are not living people at all, but dead corpses. These corpses are not undead creatures bred by dense negative energy, but dead corpses that stand up from the grave and are manipulated by something unknown.

The mystic knocked down these corpses one by one, and he summoned a flaming radiance to descend from the sky. This is [Visandi's Holy Flame], a spell modified by Salomon himself. No matter what these corpses are manipulated by, flame and light are the enemies of the shells of the corpses they manipulate—the bright flames exploded in the dark forest, and while scorching the bones and carrion of the corpses, Dispels nearby shadows. With a quick glance, Salomon saw that in the dark corner behind these corpses, there were corpses that he could not count for the time being slowly pouring in. He saw a group of corpses under the scorched bones and flesh. A plump two-headed maggot three feet long came out.

This may be something that manipulates the corpse. The mystic has no idea what kind of creature it is, and he doesn't want to think about it.

While backing away, Salomon took out his fireball wand and began to cast spells on the corpses and maggots. As the spell ended, a dazzling flash flew into the shadows. Accompanied by a dull sound, the flames of the explosion swept through the bushes, trees, and walking corpses. The soil and fallen leaves were lifted by the expanding shock wave and fell back to the ground. In addition, there are various types of rotten limbs and blackened internal organs, and these filth are smashed down like hail.

The shadows were dispelled, as the mystic's spell dried the bushes in an instant, turning them into clusters of low, crackling bonfires, and the corpses seemed to fear the flames, burning Hesitating before the bushes. The mystic turned his head and left. He only felt that his current situation was worse than that in the "Walking Dead" TV series, because the strong corpse smell was even more unbearable under the effect of high temperature.

And just after Salomon left, those corpses stopped moving, and a man who was completely black (actually closer to agate black) but without African features appeared in the pile of walking corpses. His limbs are long and unnaturally bent, and he holds a "Book of Azathoth" in his hand. The black man thoughtfully kicked the burning fallen leaves under his feet, and finally heaved a helpless sigh. This is just a small game of his, for which he also summoned his servants, just to create some scary atmosphere.

He felt that his elder brother wouldn't mind his little pranks, it was just a small joke, as long as that girl returned to his elder brother's side, he would definitely not mind other things. Except for that soul, the soul that has been booked - he likes the fireball spell cast by Salomon very much, no matter which world (Glarion) he is in, he likes this spell, and he likes the moment when this spell appears. The extreme chaos and disorder displayed, in addition to fireball, he also likes things that can blow up bigger, as well as scorched limbs flying around.

Oh, except for the last one, it always feels a little stinky.

But not necessarily! The black man blinked—maybe an avatar likes it?

No, why should I consider them? Fuck off, get out of my head, get out of my game!

He was not satisfied with the chaos he had enjoyed tonight, not enough, not enough! How can this chaos stop here? Comedy and tragedy will be intertwined here, reason and ignorance will erode each other here, let those servants of false gods be more fanatical, he will let blindness drill into everyone's brain like a worm, and he will write his own scriptures for everyone to read.

How did I write it?


The black man licked his lips and opened the book, which read:

"On the last eighth day, the god returned to the earth to examine all that he had created after his encounter with the Bearer of Many Faces. The god asked the man why he wandered in the world of the god, and the man replied, I have come here to take it into my pocket .

The man with a thousand faces beheaded the god with a big sword and usurped his throne. Then the man cried from the highest mountain in the land: My name is Nyarlathotep, Chaos that crouches, and all things shall know it. "

right! That's right, this is it! I am their god!


Salomon ran in the dark forest, leaving the burning trees behind him, the warm red light of the fire illuminated his way until he stepped into the cold shadow again. He didn't know if the movement just now would attract local people, but he didn't have time to think about it so much, he had to confirm again, did anyone else from S.H.I.E.L.D. come here—they were ordinary people, keep them away The grotesque magical world is his calling.

But when he walked towards the direction of the cave, Salomon smelled a stench of beasts, which was a kind of disgusting stench mixed with the stench of fur and rotting protein. Nose, but also smoky eyes. He saw a huge arm covered with soft black fur coming out of the bushes, that strange arm split into two at the front end, each finger tip had a sharp claw, that arm alone was enough to Salomon is so tall. The owner of this arm came out slowly from the shadow-covered bushes. Its head was far from that of an ordinary beast. Two glowing pink eyes protruded from both sides of the head, but the weird head was more What is frightening is the huge vertical jaw, which is split from the top of the head until the huge mouth of the neck is covered with sharp and huge yellow teeth, and the smelly saliva keeps dripping. You can clearly see the monster's throat.

The moment it saw Salomon, it roared ecstatically. Its sacrifice has a result, and the result is right in front of its eyes, as long as it catches this delicious human being and eats him...

"Okay." The mystic looked at the wand in his hand, then at the huge monster, and at the distance between the monster and him.

Salomon turned and ran.

Ask for a ticket! ! Tickets are urgently needed!

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