Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 139 Bad Anatomy (First update!)

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In another distant world, there is such a saying, called Mao Duo Weak Fire, Big Body Weak Gate, which vividly describes the general weaknesses of various monsters. As a spellcaster, Salomon naturally couldn't rush up in a daze after seeing the monster. He had to find the monster's weakness to launch an effective attack.

According to his poor knowledge of another mythological system, since this gug giant has so much hair, the fireball technique must have a certain effect on it, but because the distance between him and the monster is too close, The explosion range of the fireball also included him. Therefore, Salomon chose to run towards the area with dense trees, trying to let those thick broad-leaved trees block the monster's path, so as to create a distance for him to cast spells. He now very much regrets that he did not purchase explosive throwing weapons such as grenades before setting off, otherwise, with his aim (produced by using spells for a long time), it is very likely that he will be able to throw the grenade into the big mouth of the Guge giant.

However, this kind of thinking is just a thought. Even the thick American elm that has grown for an unknown number of years can't stop the Guge giant rampaging like a truck. There was a sound behind him, and it was getting faster, closer, and louder. One hand of the mystic reached into the dimensional bag and kept groping. He found two egg-shaped ceramic bottles, and then he threw one of the ceramic bottles behind him without looking back. There was a slight sound of ceramics shattering, and a dazzling fire lit up behind him—this is alchemy fire, which is extremely flammable, and the cost is much lower than that of blazing glue. It was the work of Salomon when he was practicing.

Even if the Gug giant could wade through the flames with those thick soles, the viscous alchemical liquid would stick to its soles, and this liquid was extremely difficult to extinguish unless it was placed in an oxygen-free environment. This excellent flammable substance will cause continuous burns to the Gug giant. Although it cannot hold it for long, it gives Salomon time to cast the spell-thanks again to Eton for the full set of experimental equipment, if there is no In a complete laboratory, Salomon could not have achieved success in alchemy.

Felburst + Hada's Grasp + Sloth Lance = Moves hit creature 10 feet in a straight line + slows movement speed by 10 feet.

Salomon chose to push the Gugs back into the flames. Although the fire is gradually shrinking, the fallen leaves that have accumulated for a whole winter have played a good role in supporting the combustion. The mystic threw the remaining alchemy fire on the Gug giant, and the ceramic bottle that hit the target did much more damage than before. The ones that are thrown away will be higher. This beast-like monster felt a sharp pain, the flames were spreading along its fur, its skin was being scalded and scorched, even if it kept patting the burning part of its body, it would not help. The monster roared in desperation, trying to jump out of the flames and smash Salomon to the ground, but the magic blast combo of the mystic was enough to keep it in the flames no matter where the gug giant wanted to go , Salomon can pull it back or push it back - as for jumping, that's even more impossible. Grease is a time-tested spell, and Salomon also uses it very well.

As the fire became more intense, the Guge giant also became more and more crazy. It fell to the ground, roaring, and kept beating the ground with its forked arms. This behavior based on the instinct of the beast was very effective. The flammable liquid was thrown aside along with a large handful of soil and fallen leaves. There was no longer any flammable material to support the combustion, and the fire on its fur gradually extinguished. But at this time, it had suffered extensive burns all over its body. Due to its excessive range of motion, most of its scorched skin peeled off, revealing the smelly subcutaneous tissue. The more it hurt, the more it struggled. Can't think.

Unthinking, irrational foes are nothing to the caster, and Salomon went around to the other side, summoning acid (trick: acid splash), which easily corroded the gug's airways (if the scientific name was If so), kill the monster. But he can't leave now - this has something to do with the habits of the Gug giant and where it appears.

The Gug giant is a creature that is afraid of ghouls. The place where this monster appears is where there are no ghouls. Moreover, the Gug giant likes to eat people. Since this monster is close to the cave, it is mysterious The mage believes that the remaining agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. may have died in the mouth of the monster. However, if this speculation is to be confirmed, Salomon must open its abdomen to see if there are some items left by SHIELD agents in the stomach pouch (if it is in its digestive system), such as bullets, Indigestible things like magazines and Kevlar body armor.

No, nothing. This is both good news and bad news. The good news is that no more innocents die at the hands of the Gugs, the bad news is that Salomon, Coulson, and Natasha cannot get ammunition assistance from the outside world, and the worse news is that Salomon After forcibly dissecting the Guge giant, he felt a strong sense of discomfort. After barely finishing his work, he jumped off the monster's corpse and ran to the side, holding onto the elm tree, and vomited out everything he had eaten before.

"I won't do such a stupid thing again next time." The mystic spit out another mouthful of sour water. He swears that next time he must dissect a creature while wearing a protective suit, even if it's just a mouse! Or a frog! The intestinal fermentation of the gug giant almost made him faint, but he had to hold his breath and patiently search for the residue in his digestive system. This monster was not scary when it was alive, but it caused a great psychological shadow on Salomon after death.

He took a long breath and continued walking towards the cave. He has to go there, Coulson and Natasha need manpower very much now.

While Salomon was heading towards the cave, the witch trials in the town were going on. Judge Cotton Mather stripped the last remaining witch naked to show the ecstatic crowd outside the courtroom where he had bled from a needle hole in the suspect - he used the needle-prick test to find the witch imprint. This method originated in England. They believed that witches would leave marks, such as birthmarks, etc. after they made an alliance with the devil. Pricking those marks with needles, the witch will not feel pain or bleed.

And if the suspect feels pain, the interrogator Matthew Hopkins will use the tear test method: they believe that witches do not shed tears, if the suspect is made to cry during the appraisal, but there are no tears, then the suspect is a witch; And if the witch cries tears, it is the devil who is at work, and the witch is still guilty.

In addition, there is a fire identification method: let the suspect run a predetermined distance with a red-hot iron in his hand, or walk through a red-hot plow with blindfolded eyes and bare feet, and check his hands/feet three days later. , indicating that the suspect is guilty. If there is no injury, the suspect can be released. But this method was not used because the judges and inquisitors wanted to kill the witch immediately.

There is also a simpler and more direct method, which is the flood identification method: tie the suspect's hands and feet, tie them with a rope, and then throw the suspect into a pond or river. If the suspect is floating on the water, it is undoubtedly a witch, because witches are notoriously light (legendary witches can fly on broomsticks). If the suspect sank, then he was not guilty—although by this time most suspects would have drowned. Sometimes the suspect sank into the water and survived drowning, and that couldn't be acquitted either, because the devil gave her the ability to breathe underwater.

"Everything in our modern life is indebted to the Greeks, and everything that is out of date is due to the Middle Ages." Coulson rubbed his eyes and said this sentence. Natasha looked at him with some doubts, and Coulson had to explain, "This is what Wilde said. In Europe from the 15th century to the 18th century, the craze for hunting witches led to the death of about 100,000 innocent people. Now I have seen it with my own eyes, and this scene will also appear in my future nightmares."

"If Salomon were here, he would attribute this fault to Christianity. I know his contemptuous attitude towards religion." Natasha said, "Then what are you going to do next?"

"We can't do anything." Coulson looked again at the innocent people hanging from the tree and the fanatical and ignorant crowd around him, "but at least we saved one. I want to protect her, even if I will It cost me my life."

Don't keep books QAQ

I'm so distressed QAQ

Ask for a ticket! !

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