Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 140 Ritual Teaching (Second Update!)

"Uncle..." Abigail tugged at Randolph Carter's skirt in fear, and Randolph took the girl's slender arm and pulled her back.

"Let's go home." He said, turning and holding Abigail's head, preventing her from looking back at the ignorant crowd. He was less willing to let Abigail see these scenes, and he was less willing to let these people destroy her sanity. Although Abigail will one day return to where she should be, showing her original posture, just like her brother who was born in Dunwich, but not here, but in that window. behind the door.

In fact, the reason why Randolph Carter was able to find Abigail was entirely because the All-In-One noticed the alienation of Abigail, and at the same time he noticed the existence of a very familiar spellcaster.

Randolph, who came to his own body after receiving the request, used almost all his strength to maintain this false reality. He made Abigail temporarily forget what happened after 1692, delaying her alienation. This is a little selfishness of Randolph Carter. His hometown is Arkham not far from Salem, where he came into contact with the silver key (although he also feels that he still has nostalgia for Arkham It's a weird thing, but it's true). If Abigail lost his mind here, the products of his alienation would not be what he is now able to stop.

However, the effect of false reality is not good. Randolph Carter has reset reality many times. Whenever he wants to summon the one who returns all things, the annoying dark man always comes out to make trouble. As for Nyarlathotep's prank, it was nothing more than trying to destroy Abigail's sanity and let her show her inhuman side here-it doesn't make any difference to Abigail's real father, Nai The days that Arlathotep delayed meant nothing to the ruler of time and space.

Originally, when Randolph Carter thought he couldn't get out and went to find the wizard that the All-In-One wanted to find, he didn't expect that wizard to pass through the reality of the outside world and arrive here.

At that time, Randolph Carter understood the development of the whole thing. For someone like him who once walked through the Silver Key Gate, time does not develop linearly. He has seen all the possibilities. When Salomon stepped into Salem, the last possibility was completed. .

That's why Randolph Carter told Salomon that this was his last chance to pay off the All-One debt - just by sending Abigail Williams back the door, a little The little wizard's bill can be easily reversed. In particular, Abigail is currently the best heir (non-blood) of the All-In-One, not comparable to her failed brother who was born in Dunwich like a wild beast. If Salomon succeeds in sending Abigail back, not only will the bill of the warlock in his stigmata be paid, but Salomon himself will even be rewarded.

Because of Tituba's disappearance, Randolph Carter could only take care of Abigail himself. After watching Abigail fall asleep with the doll bear in his arms, he stood up silently and closed the door gently. He went downstairs, boiled a pot of boiling water by himself, took out Ceylon black tea, which was quite expensive in the colony, and at the same time took out the white porcelain cup from the cabinet and put it on the table. After doing all this, Randolph took out his pocket watch from his jacket pocket and looked at the time carefully. When it was a quarter past two in the morning, he put away his pocket watch, walked to the entrance and opened the door of the house.

Salomon stepped on the mud in the alley and came out of the alley next to the house. He looked dirty—he didn't just meet a Gug giant. The dark forest at night seemed to be a gathering place for some kind of monster, and besides ghouls and gugs, Salomon also encountered a shantak hovering above his head. It was an adventure full of stench, filth and a little fright that Salomon himself didn't want to recall. After searching to no avail, Salomon thought of asking Randolph Carter for help—this was a gamble. He didn't know what purpose Randolph had after losing his human identity, but he could only gamble, unless He wants to be stuck here for the rest of his life.

But when he just stood at the door, the door opened by itself. Although he was a little surprised, his little doubt disappeared when he saw that it was Randolph Carter who opened the door. "Respected ancient." Salomon bowed his head slightly, showing respect, "I didn't find that chaotic existence."

"You failed." Randolph Carter said helplessly, this was the first time Salomon saw an expression on his face. "You're in a hurry," he said. "I haven't given you anything you need to know."

"Feel sorry……"

"You need to learn, a lot." Randolph Carter turned sideways and invited Salomon into the house, "But you have one night, and I will teach you personally. But I still have black tea here, so it shouldn't be too much Hard."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Carter, I haven't had tea for several days." Salomon nodded in agreement. Under the current situation, even though he knew that learning those knowledge might affect his mind, Salomon still chose to learn, because the man behind the scenes was hiding too deeply, and he had no clue.

In fact, if Salomon followed the four witches, he would be able to meet the Dark Man, but now there is no time-this is a feeling that Randolph put in Salomon's subconscious through dreams, and also The impetus that urged him to come here.

The next morning, Salem was extremely quiet. It seemed that everyone's energy was like firewood, which was burned out during the witch trial last night. The men were sleeping soundly, and the women were silent. Judgment feels terrible.

Salomon walked out of the mansion clutching his forehead. He had already stored the book donated by Randolph Carter in the dimensional bag—because the cover of the book was too evil, taking it out at this time was asking for trouble. He learned many secrets from Randolph Carter, many things that even the Sorcerer Supreme did not know.

For example, this universe is somewhat related to another universe, but not much. If it weren't for Abigail's own particularity, that is, as the "living silver key", she has countless possibilities, she might just be an ordinary little girl. Salomon can understand this point, because he has seen the influence of parallel worlds—if mutants are compared to ripples spreading across the entire pond, then Abigail Williams is the splash from the pond next door, It's just that these water splashes just fell on this pond and caused some ripples.

Randolph Carter also told Salomon in detail about the mastermind behind the scenes, several incarnations of Nyarlathotep, and the measures that should be taken in the face of these incarnations. Originally, Randolph Carter wanted to cast "Nordenstone magic" to ask for help before Salomon's arrival, but due to Nyarlathotep's obstruction, now his strength has become weaker and weaker, and his body is not at all. Unable to bear all the power, the main work can only be handed over to Salomon.

"It's a destiny," he said. "Believe it or not, it's your destiny that you're here. You're going to get something. That happened, but you're going Axis ahead, so you don't know your fate."

But when Salomon asked about this matter, Randolph avoided talking about it, and turned the topic to the nature of this reality-covered in 2010 (or 2011, Salomon did not know that the outside world had passed how long) fragments from 1692 above.

This is what Randolph did with the power of the One-to-One, and he modified part of reality as a result. But Salomon thought of the Eternal God—or did he come here at the behest of the Eternal God? After all, the function of the Eternal God is also related to time and space...

Randolph continued to explain: Now this reality is about to collapse. If Nodens descends after casting the "Nordenstone spell", this reality will not be able to withstand the coming of the One Who Returns All, and Ah, who was exposed to the real reality Bigel will also be out of control. So the best solution is to get rid of the mastermind first, and then cast the "Yog-Sothoth spell" to ask him to take Abigail away. After that, everything that happens in this illusory reality will not affect the outside world.

This is the task Randolph Carter entrusted to Salomon - to kill or expel Nyarlathotep's incarnation "Dark Man", and then cast "Yog-Sothoth's magic". According to Randolph Carter's description, Yog-Sothoth will come down an incarnation of the ancient immortal named "Tavier Yat Umr", who is kinder than the other incarnation Much more, as long as he does not spy on the true face of this avatar, Salomon can guarantee his own safety.

This was the focus of last night's teaching. He spent a lot of time teaching Salomon how to perform the ceremony, repeatedly mentioning every detail, and Salomon also transcribed the ceremony on the parchment. As for the other book, it was the magic book of Randolph Carter. He gave several spells to Salomon. Due to time constraints, Salomon could only learn by himself later.

In addition, Salomon also mentioned Tituba to Randolph Carter. Randolph Carter stated that he could retake Tituba and hide her in the house, because when this was over, Tituba would cease to exist.


"Where have you been?" Coulson didn't seem to sleep all night, he was waiting for Salomon in his room. He saw Salomon come back clean and tidy, (cleaned with magic), but his face showed exhaustion. Coulson said, "Natasha went to monitor the four girls. What did you encounter yesterday? Are there any new actions today? And those who were arrested..."

"Don't worry about the witches, and don't worry about the captured people." Salomon said, "I've found the mastermind behind the scenes. If we solve this problem, we'll be able to leave here soon. As for the person I met last night What happened... Dear Coulson, you don't want to know."

ps: Involved books "Dunwich Horror", "Dream Quest Unknown Kadath", "The Silver Key", "Through the Gate of the Silver Key"

It seems that many people want to end this episode quickly... Then I can only end it as soon as possible, but there are still many things that have not been written in QAQ. But this plot is not useless, but a foreshadowing, about the re-encounter between the parallel world and the future Star Sea, so...

Ask for a ticket! ! !

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