Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1293 Internal differentiation (first update)

"The difference between the conservative Hydra and the radical Hydra is only related to blood. The ultimate development of the latter is the former, such as the Rockefeller, Cohen, Rothschild, Wallenberg and other families... Regardless of whether the names of progress, democracy, freedom, breaking class solidification, etc. are closed, the former once had to bear responsibilities as an aristocratic class, while the latter will become the former when it develops to the extreme. The real purpose of both is to become a person who does not need to bear social responsibilities. The terminator.”

The emperor knocked on the table and signaled Constantine to pour himself a glass of vegetable juice. Hammurabi could not escape.

The English-style afternoon tea small round table placed in the garden is now filled with all kinds of meat. The giants sitting around the white small round table make the table look like a low stool, which looks a bit out of place. However, what was even more incongruous was the barbecue party in the swimming pool on the other side of the manor. Badr went round and round and ended up at the emperor's side, because there was a women's tea party going on on the other side. Rosa claimed that she wanted to talk to Bayonetta and Joan of Arc. Some whispers. The emperor did not deliberately hide Badr's intention. When he saw him approaching, he asked Hammurabi to move a chair, and then continued to analyze the differences between the conservative Hydra and the radical Hydra to the guards. and common ground, as if this was not a meeting but an afternoon chat.

It would take about twenty-two minutes for Amon's suborbital spacecraft to land in the manor.

"There is no need to kill all the heirs of the conservative Hydra family. Even though this is a good method, there is no need for us to do it ourselves." The emperor frowned and drank the vegetable juice. This is a necessity written on the nutritional menu. Dinah is very strict with her master's diet and health, and even the Praetorian Guards cannot interfere. "There are endless heirs. This is why those conservative families allow illegitimate children to flourish. Hundreds of years of lurking and reproduction have long allowed the conservative Hydra to build a blood relationship network. This relationship may be the result of accepting donations from charitable foundations. single mothers, perhaps orphans and widowed mothers nominally receiving humanitarian assistance.”

"When necessary, those who have nothing to do with Hydra will become the new heirs to ensure that the bloodline will not be cut off due to the sacrifice ceremony." Balder said at this moment, "In my era, many nobles had this trick. , even the royal family will have secret illegitimate heirs or distant relatives living among the people."

"Yes, this is the biggest secret of the conservative Hydra family." The emperor nodded, grateful that he had the opportunity to put down the unpleasant vegetable juice, and happy that Baldr could participate in the discussion. "The only ones with a weak blood relationship are the Malik family and the List family. If it weren't for the decisions of the previous generation of Malik family men and the Second World War, the number of these two families would have doubled. Because of this That’s why I chose to elevate these two families to the dominance of the conservative hydra.”

"In this way, in order to consolidate their status, the Malik family and the Lister family will naturally become hostile to other conservative Hydra families, which is why Stephanie and Diana got so close from the beginning." Constantine He also put down the vegetable juice silently. Although he didn't mean to enjoy it, the taste of broccoli juice was still too disgusting. Now Hammurabi was a little envious of Amon, who was on a business trip to the east coast of the United States. He said, "Compared with profits, those conservative big families care more about whether the family can continue, or whether they can keep assets in the family. The Malik family's previous actions of purging conservative small families have destroyed the aristocratic faction. The consensus and trust between us have created an irreparable rift, and they will always be on our side from now on."

"Yes, the strongest fortress can always be breached from within. If there are no differences, create differences. When conflicts brew to the point where lives are lost, hatred will replace differences of interest, and no one will remember what the original differences were. . In order to prevent the conservatives from reuniting, we must continue to create irreconcilable differences. The greater the differences between the conservatives, the stronger the military-industrial complex and Wall Street investment banks we have in our hands." The emperor vowed, "Wait until Stephen When Ni returns to the manor with Amon, I will find her and give her a few words of warning. Gideon Malik will soon understand what I mean. That greedy and timid old guy, he will happily swallow up other people. The interests of the conservative Hydra family are just that they are unwilling to break up because of my relationship."

The short meeting was over. Constantine stood up and saluted and then boarded the vehicle heading to the tarmac, where the Pegasus heavy assault transport boat went to Latvinia. By the way, he also brought an incubator with a message for Vic. Food by Doom von Doom and Diana Lister. After Hammurabi finished eating, he resumed his duty of protecting the emperor, leaving the tidy small round table to the emperor and Badr. However, the android maids did not move away everything. The vegetable juice made by the head maid Dinah was still left behind. It was visually estimated that there was still more than ten liters, which was enough to supplement most of the vitamins the emperor needed today.

The Praetorian Constantine is currently the nominally highest military governor of Latvinia. Even so, he still needs to lead the First Secret Regiment, local militia, genetically modified warriors, and trained regular troops to fight against the extremes that will almost never disappear. Terrorists, this is currently the most efficient way to deal with them. The murders of kinship massacres caused by ignorance and poverty must be buried forever.

"When ordinary people reach this stage, they will find ways to start annexing industries or enjoying life. They either start mortgage loans and manage real estate, or attend high-class social dances... Although I have not personally participated in it, the social survey of the Sage Clan is very detailed. It shows the social structure at that time." The ascetic monk from five hundred years ago said pretending not to care, "Every sage must learn this knowledge when leaving his residence to enter the secular society. All evidence shows that it is human nature to indulge in pleasure. , you cannot force everyone to be like you and cut off the twin relationship between power and money."

"I don't care." "I thought you valued the Hydra Order." Balder frowned, "Don't you?"

"No." The emperor crossed one leg. "There are many people who want to control power. I have enough candidates. I just need to control the final interpretation of power. This is called political struggle."

For the emperor or the imperial guards, the tools only need to be easy to use, just like the Queen Yasok faced by Supiluliumas. After a period of compilation, the mystics from Karma Taj, the Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximoff and Lara Croft finally compiled a relatively complete set of legends from Queen Yasok’s weird narration In the story, Lara Croft used her professional knowledge to integrate the legends of the Yasok people with the myths of Central and South America, and matched the names of the gods in the Yasok people with other legends one by one. The wizard relies on professional advice and names given by Lara Croft, as well as records in the Kama Taj Library, and analyzes the threats they may face from sources such as mythological relationships, spells, and relief photos.

Unknown things are the most terrifying, especially the silver stone door that is not made of any material known to mankind. Almost all data can show that the space behind that door is not located in the real universe. This means that if you open this door, you are likely to face the threat of extra dimensions, especially in the face of the endless disasters brought about by Quetzalcoatl's awakening. The chorus of a large number of suffering souls further enhances the space behind the silver stone door. The portal to reality will most likely attract more supernatural predators, and there may be a creature living in the shadows chuckling behind the stone door, waiting for some idiot to open it.

At the thought of this possibility, almost all the Kama Taj mystics present felt horrified.

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