Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1294 Chapter 1290 The Experienced Wanda (Second Update)

They were the ones present, other than the Praetorian Guards, who knew best what this meant. This conclusion also allowed Karma Taj to further increase the number of mystics arranged here, making the already short manpower of the Himalayan headquarters even more stretched. Even the instructor Modu, who had just been able to get out of bed, had to lead his newly qualified apprentices. Here, together with the Praetorian Guard Supiluli Umas, they worked tirelessly to supervise the Kama Taj mystics in drawing protective and isolation circles, and took on the work of consecrating all bullets and weapons.

Queen Yasok, who claims that she can open the stone door through rituals, is now under strict supervision by Mordu. Although she only accidentally mentioned certain elements in the ritual, Kama Taj Mystic recognized through Queen Yasok's language and her own analysis that the sacrifice in the ritual elements was actually Quetzalcoatl. The souls of those who died after awakening. Even if we only count the number of deaths in the areas affected by the volcanic eruption in the Andes Mountains of South America, this sacrifice is quite heavy, enough to set off a storm in the ether tide of the outer dimension and block the prying eyes of most prophetic spells.

Perhaps it was because she had not seen the emperor for too long, perhaps because of Modu's inexplicable hostility, or perhaps because the superstition gradually faded because reality and myth could not correspond. Queen Yasok kept finding the Imperial Guards, asking for the people who had been taken away. She was sent back and asked to see "Huhunap" again, which was her name for the emperor. The group of skinny primitive people made a mess in the residential area assigned to them on the Tianjian Space Station. Victoria Hand wanted to lock those hundreds of people into the warehouse to prevent them from continuing to pollute the environment of the space station.

Supiluliumas happily agreed to Queen Yasok's first request. He didn't take the trouble caused by the Yasoks to heart, but he still responded to Victoria Hand's request and transported living supplies and the Yasoks back to the surface, allowing the Tianjian Space Station to temporarily get rid of them. Some burden, after all, the water resources of the space station are precious.

Supiluliumas would not put Queen Yasok's request to see the emperor in the high-priority application form under any circumstances, because there were other higher-priority matters to be processed on the form-forbidden The Guards eagerly hoped to move the main battle tanks underground and rely on the powerful firepower of ground battleships to face the Silver Stone Gate. However, due to the narrow and rugged underground passage, it will take a very long time to dig out a passage to accommodate ordnance. The estimated construction period may exceed two months. Therefore, Mars Foundry technicians can only arrange manpower to build a light track. Transport, transport some heavy weapons and ammunition from the surface to the underground, otherwise after the stone door is opened, they can only rely on firepower platforms and individual missiles to solve the problem.

The fortress-type automatic combat robots that were recently moved underground gave Lara Croft a strong sense of security. Wanda Maximoff told her that one of the automatic combat robots participated in the battle to annihilate the U.S. Sixth Naval Fleet. , which surprised and reassured Lara Croft. Coupled with the subsequent arrival of Kama Taj Mystic, surrounded by professionals and advanced technology, this sense of security has reached an unprecedented level, until Wanda told her that Kama Taj had faced In the case of extradimensional creatures, the female archaeologist realized how serious the problem was. According to Wanda, many people would die in every incident.

"Is this really going to work?" Lara Croft asked worriedly. "Can we really afford this?"

As the work progressed and the grim situation was revealed and the need for personal defense increased, she took up arms of her own. It's just that she did not use live ammunition but used the Latovinian standard laser rifle, because the Guards told her that if bolt guns cannot be used, the penetrating power of laser rifles in the face of supernatural dangers is far greater than that of The stopping power of live-fire weapons now available to the average human being is much more effective.

"Whether we can or not, we have to solve this problem." Wanda shook her head. "In about a few hours, Kama Taj's work will be completed. By then we must open the stone door. If there is a person behind the door, If it is an extradimensional passage, we will seal or destroy it. If it is a group of extradimensional creatures, we will destroy them and then solve the wound in the space-time structure. It can't be worse than Quetzalcoatl awakening, right?"

"How many times have you seen this happen, Wanda?"

During this time, Lara Croft's camp bed had been placed next to Wanda's position, and the two women of similar age often chatted about women's topics late at night. At first, Wanda was a little shy because there were not many women in the camp, but under Laura’s enthusiastic guidance, the relationship between the two gradually became closer, and Laura even got a disk-shaped handmade by Wanda. The black astrological amulet is said to have the function of attracting wealth. She also took this opportunity to learn about Wanda's tragic past and why she embarked on this arcane path. For an ordinary woman who yearns for a prosperous life, this road is too difficult. The work of Kama Taj Mystic is completely the epitome of altruism, requiring dedicating everything, including life, without asking for anything in return, but Lara Croft saw her own shadow in Wanda, so she encouraged Wanda to continue walking and achieve unprecedented achievements.

"About... I can't remember, too many times. There were vampires, resurrected corpses, cultists, worms, monsters with wings called angels, and that time I told you, the trigger that emerged from the bottom of the sea. The giant worm that caused the earthquake on the east coast. That time it was solved on the high seas, and the Avengers also participated." Wanda shrugged, not noticing Lara Croft's curious expression of wanting to explore those stories. "My teacher used to lead me to solve problems. In that case, no matter how troublesome the situation was, it was not dangerous." Laura heard a strong sense of pride from Wanda's mouth, "Although there are many Mystics, but they are not spellcasters of the same level as my teacher. The difference between them is like a pistol and an intercontinental missile. It is said that my teacher even killed gods with the help of war engines. On Earth, In Kazakhstan, I stayed in New York and worked with Kamal Taj to solve the problem of the National Guard F22 fighter jet being shot down by extradimensional creatures on Christmas Eve last year."

"You always tell some bizarre stories, Wanda, and others will definitely think you are bragging." The female archaeologist made a joke, "But now that Quetzalcoatl has completely disappeared, what you said is not an exaggeration. Will your teacher come to the ceremony to open the stone door?"

"I don't know. The Guards are unwilling to reveal any information about him. I don't even know what he has been doing recently." Wanda Maximov answered truthfully, "If he doesn't come, then he thinks The people here are enough to deal with what’s behind the stone gate.”

"Is it really possible?" Lara Croft was surprised, "But I see everyone here is very nervous, even the three-meter-tall giant appears every day. Do you know the true origin of those giants? I I don’t quite believe that it is the product of some kind of super soldier serum. There must be more things in it that I don’t know. The golden-armored giant only appeared after the Kit City incident in Siberia. Is there any connection between this?”

"I don't know." Wanda said truthfully. She is not so wary about Lara Croft's curiosity. After all, not everyone has received systematic confidentiality training, and Wanda also thinks that this is not something that needs special attention, because Lara Croft Fu is just an ordinary person. "He will not tell others everything. For practitioners of the arcane path, curiosity is a poison. I have seen people in the dungeon of Kama Taj imprisoned who went crazy because of curiosity... "It seems that instead of talking about the arcane education she received, Wanda Maximov preferred to talk about the days when she and Pietro were imprisoned in the castle and could receive lessons every day.

"But don't think that my teacher is a particularly serious person. You have had experience with him, so when you know that he can do childish things like putting a cowboy hat on a frog and letting it ride on the back of a turtle. It shouldn’t come as a surprise. When I was in jail, he was teaching one of his morning classes and he asked me and Pietro if we wanted to watch something fun… and then they started a froggy cowboy race!”

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