Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1296 Blood Moon Gate (Second update)

Victor von Doom continues to urge the emperor to go to the underground caves in Peru, because current intelligence feedback and archaeological data indicate that the danger level of the silver stone door is increasing. The regent does not believe in any Kama Taj mystic except the Supreme Mage and the Emperor. Unless those old guys whose joints rely on magic to drive can wake up from the thick dust, he does not believe that Kama Taj has the ability to solve this problem. .

But this is impossible. That is Kama Taj’s trump card. Unless there is a catastrophic event, no one will wake up those guys who can no longer breathe. Mystics who are about forty to one hundred years old are Kama. Taj's real main force, even this part of the force has been deployed to other planets to guard certain strategic locations.

For ordinary people, there are no dark corners in a cave illuminated by industrial lighting facilities 24 hours a day, and there are no dark scenes that are difficult to see clearly in horror movies or weird creatures living underground, even if there are Torn apart by strong firepower. However, the excessive light used for military purposes can even make people who want to rest unable to sleep, so that technicians sent by the Mars Foundry to Peru to work must turn off the optical receivers of the prosthetic eyes in order to allow the fragile body to get a short rest. .

It seems that except for the inexplicable tense atmosphere in the air, the hot underground rock seeping water slowly and regularly making a drowsy sound in the cave, and the electronic equipment that needs to be repaired due to volcanic ash and other reasons, there is almost nothing abnormal here. state. Compared with the harsh environment on the surface caused by volcanic eruptions, forest fires, blanket bombardments and massacres, underground caves will now be more suitable for human survival, at least they will not be burned by thermal radiation like those who insist on staying on the surface [Note 1] Peel off a layer of skin.

However, the extradimensional energy detected by the instrument is still soaring. The extradimensional energy radiation behind the silver stone door has reached the highest value in the history of the project. This situation occurred after the Yasok Queen and the Yasok tribe merged, as if the existence of the door I have tasted the soul of this ethnic group and can’t wait to tear open the curtain of reality and walk out. People with talents feel that the inexplicable pressure squeezing their scalps is gradually increasing, and it seems to be squeezing their eyes. Battlefield pressure.

The magic circle drawn by Kama Taj Mystic on the ground shared part of the pressure and locked the extradimensional energy overflowing from the silver stone door like a pressure cooker lid, but Supiluliumas still let the defense line retreat. , to prevent the flesh and blood present from mutating and corrupting on the physical and spiritual levels. Lara Croft woke up because of the emergency evacuation bell. She opened her eyes and found that the industrial lights did not shine through the gap above the bed curtain as usual. The nearby A-14 and A-15 lighting groups totaled four lights. All power supplies were cut off by Mars Foundry technicians, and Wanda Maximoff, who was supposed to be lying nearby, disappeared.

At first, Lara Croft wanted to go to Wanda to find out what happened, until she discovered that the copper astrological amulet given to her by Wanda Maximoff gave off a blue shimmer. This is a small function of the amulet, used to alert nearby dangerous extradimensional phenomena. For ordinary people who cannot see visions, this function is extremely practical. Wanda Maximoff once told her that if the amulet lights up, leave immediately and don't stay.

She was glad she took the advice.

Insects that came from nowhere crawled down the rock walls on both sides and gathered into a sea of ​​insects in the cave. Everything left behind was swallowed up by the tide of insects, including the laser rifle that was issued to her and was too late to be taken away. It was just one look back that made her whole body tingle. When Lara Crowe had just retreated to the safety line a hundred meters away, the soldiers and knights of the First Secret Regiment had already taken out their flamethrowers, using violent flames and stellar high temperatures to thoroughly cleanse the sudden attack and follow her closely. Swarm of insects behind. The Yasok people were forcibly driven behind the defensive line by soldiers of the First Secret Regiment wearing black void combat uniforms. Queen Yasok was saying something to the expressionless soldiers, but no one had the time or energy to pay attention to her.

At this moment, the first row of Alpha defense platforms had opened fire, and the melt and flamethrowers poured heat into the sea of ​​insects. The air was filled with the stench of burning protein and metal.

"It's like a scene from The Mummy," Lara Croft complained.

She was sure that there was no environment to support this group of insects, because she had read the biological population report here from a very boring biologist. She was also certain that normal insects would not turn into ashes after being burned to death, that their chitinous carapace would not look like this when burned, and that insects would not emit a spine-chilling little scream when they died. The sea of ​​insects seemed to ignore the mystics of Kama Taj. When they touched the runes engraved on the igneous rocks with their small and vicious legs, these insects would naturally turn into a wisp of green without the need for fuel or the heat of nuclear fusion. The smoke seemed to confirm her idea that these insect swarms were not natural creatures.

Lara Croft saw from a high place that Wanda Maximoff and other Kama Taj mystics were still staying next to the silver stone door. In front of the twenty-meter-high stone door, they were as small as ants, even if Even the golden-armored imperial army was nothing more than an ant twice as big. She had to take out a .50-caliber anti-material sniper rifle from the pile of arms boxes at the back, load the bullets skillfully and then set it on the preset position. Good ceramic reinforced concrete protective fortifications on the shooting holes.

Although the Holy Trinity mercenaries died at the gunpoint of the knights, not all the arms transported to Peru were taken away. The Guards made full use of these arms and explosive cannons and laser cannon automatic fire platforms to create several The crossfire network extends from the inside out, from low to high, and whatever comes out of the silver stone door will eat thousands of bullets in the blink of an eye. Lara Croft's current location is the Delta 3 defense platform at the highest point of the fire network. There is a sandbag stacked behind the prefabricated ceramic metal defense plate. There is a large-caliber heavy explosive automatic fire platform on each side. It only takes three soldiers to defend this place. That was only if she wore noise-canceling headphones, otherwise the loud noise from the automatic weapons platform firing in the cave would be enough to shatter her eardrums.

Through the thermal imaging scope, she observed that the group of Kama Taj wizards were surrounded by heat visible to the naked eye. In her eyes, it was hundreds of bright white thin rings, forming a large area around the mystics and the silver stone gate. Complex vortex system. However, there is a vacuum zone in this weird thermal vortex, and that is the Praetorian Guards Suppiluliumas - the heat dissipation holes on the back of his power armor should be very contrasting in the thermal imaging image, but in In Lara Croft's sight, the entire Guardsman Suppiluliumas looked as bright as day, and even the crimson shirt was dazzlingly bright, as if he was radiating heat. But Wanda Maximoff standing next to him didn't seem to notice the heat, and still stood there with a natural expression, holding a snake bone iron staff.

The spell vibrated in the air. At first it was just a subtle vibration that tickled the ears, and then it was followed by a sound of nothingness that was so grand that it was almost an aria. Visible firelight floated in the air like phosphorous fire. This was the second time Lara Croft saw large-scale magic appear. The first time was at the massacre scene in the Temple of Watum. The 20-meter-high silver stone door roared and opened a gap slightly. The smelly and pungent crimson blood immediately spurted out, as if the door was a cut artery.

The thick crimson liquid immediately submerged the feet of most of the mystics, and only turned into water when it got close to the Imperial Guards. A language incomprehensible to ordinary people rang out from behind the door. The Imperial Guard nervously grasped the garrison spear, activated the battery, turned on the switch, and pointed the blade flashing with blue current at the silver stone door.

[Note 1] Refers to the Paititi people led by Enuratu. It seems that because the corn planting season (the second corn season) is coming, the stubborn Paititi people insist on finding a new settlement on the surface of the earth, so the emperor gave them a river and a large amount of high-yielding corn seeds. , medicines, food and prefabricated boards and other things needed to survive here.

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