Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1297 Skeleton Reef (First update)

The pus and blood that surged out like a tide not only violently washed away the black insect tide, but also came into contact with the first defensive barrier. Thick sandbags and ceramic metal plates blocked the increasingly turbulent tide. The heat flow and unburned flamethrowers shot out The exhausted fuel floated on the water, and the bright orange-red flames looked like small floating islands in the rapids. The smoke emitted by the incompletely burned oil could not cover up the stench of the blood tide. Even Lara Croft, who was at the highest point of the fire network, almost felt sick because of the rotten flesh-like stench. Fortunately, the number one secret beside her The regiment soldier handed her a breathing mask, which made her feel that the stench that was occupying her nasal cavity like mucous membranes was much reduced, and she would not vomit out the bile.

She couldn't imagine what would happen to the mystic who was still standing in front of the silver stone door at this moment. However, what she saw next was destined to be unforgettable for her life, and she had no time to think about the situation of those people in front of the silver stone door - —With the surging red and black tide, strange pink and white objects surfaced. At first no one paid attention to these obstacles, but until there were more and more of them, they finally formed an isolated, blood-stained reef. Those things looked like mutilated human bodies whose muscles and skin had been hastily removed with knives. There were also pieces of fat and skin with hair. What was even weirder was that there were still live blood vessels on those bones. and tendons, as if there is a terrifying human slaughterhouse under the water, and this is the sewer of that slaughterhouse.

The black beetle floating on the blood wave used the kinetic energy of the liquid to climb up the frontmost Alpha defenses. The hard barrel and flamethrower were gradually chewed up by the supernatural mouthparts. The blood that was separated from life and flowed freely also gradually seeped along the gaps after being soaked in the sandbags. A soldier accidentally let his bare skin come into contact with the splashing liquid. Blood-red herpes appeared on his skin, and then his spirit fell into madness. . The First Secret Regiment and the five genetically modified warriors had to abandon the defense line and go to the Beta fortifications. They used melta from a high position to clean up the monsters that had penetrated below. At the same time, they also ordered the soldiers in the rear to move more sandbags and melta bombs. Blood Tide All defenses must not be flooded.

Lara Croft tentatively fired a shot at something floating on the water. The bullet shattered the red and white brown rocks, sending up half-solidified red-black liquid and bones stuck with broken meat. Damn it, she was finally sure that thing was the human body. The officer with command authority finally ordered the defense platform to open fire in full force. In the blink of an eye, thousands of bullets and artillery shells flew towards the wreckage rocks in the bloody water. The impact of the explosion echoed in the skulls of all ordinary people. Lara Croft Mouth to avoid shattering her brain with the gunfire from the loud bolt weapons platform next to her. The pouring bombs, plasma and individual missiles pulled out dazzling light strips that illuminated the cave in the dim environment, destroying the wreckage of the reef without any resistance, leaving behind incomplete bones and evaporated cavities, with some residues The fat was even ignited by the high temperature of tracer bullets, explosive warheads and flamethrowers, and thick yellow-white smoke emerged between the white bones with some shreds of flesh.

Although the power of science and technology has gained the upper hand in a short period of time, all the wreckage reefs that have emerged cannot withstand the power of explosions and high temperatures. However, every time a wreckage reef approaches the defense line is destroyed, a new one will pop up, slippery and bloody. The skeletons grew out from under the bones that had become dry and hard, and the reefs were connected to form narrow floating islands, like volcanoes rising at the junction of moving plates. It's not something that can be killed. Irritability lingers in the hearts of every soldier. The training they receive is to kill, but what they have to face at this moment is not a creature that can be killed by the weapons in their hands, but a phenomenon caused by supernatural forces. , the burning smoke rising from the sea of ​​blood is definitely not a symbol of victory.

Crimson thunder struck the silver stone door out of thin air. Through the blurred smoke, Lara Croft could only vaguely see the golden glow reflected from the power armor of the Praetorian Guards shrouded in smoke, as well as Wanda Maximo. The husband’s iconic red hair and the huge ruby ​​on the snake bone staff. She could not understand the vague non-human language that came from behind the curtain of reality, nor could she understand the dazzling flashes and roars after the smoke. Compared with her, the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment who had experienced the battle of Noah Doon were They need to be much calmer. Although their scalps are still numb due to supernatural phenomena and they are irritated because they cannot defeat the real enemy, at least they are not as overwhelmed as ordinary people with fragile minds.

Wanda Maximoff stood behind the Seraphim Shield, looking through the flickering sparks at the indescribable terrifying existence inside the silver stone door. It was an extremely huge eyeball, but after the initial fear, Wanda felt that the look was somewhat familiar. However, reality gave her no room to think. She waved her staff again, summoning crimson thunder and crashing into the huge vortex formed by dense stars behind the door. With a cry of pain that was barely audible to human ears, the eye disappeared.

Just as originally expected, there is no real space behind the silver stone door, but a scar in the space-time structure. The curtain of reality is torn behind the door, and the illusory predators in the etheric ocean can't wait to take on the skin of their victims and create spiritual turmoil in the physical universe that can penetrate the barrier and nourish the outer dimensions. Gods, demons, elves, no matter what they are called, cannot change their essence. Just knowing their existence is enough to distort the human spirit. Even the well-trained Kama Taj Mystic needs to resist the whispers behind the door at all times. , control your thoughts and stay focused.

Prayers are the most suitable means and mantras are regular exercises of concentration.

A red-purple storm is brewing behind the door. No one knows what will come out from behind the door. Penetrating your spirit into it without any precautions is no less than diving into the deep sea without using any protective equipment. The huge pressure and unpredictable ether rapids are enough. People are completely lost in it, leaving only an empty shell occupied by extradimensional creatures. The Praetorian Guard Supiluliumas killed the deformed creature that crashed into the material universe from behind the door at a speed that ordinary people could not see. The sharp blade flashing with electric current cut through the tough skin that was as wet as tanned leather and filled with accumulation. Liquid's recurved joints, while skillfully shooting a young mystic with tentacles coming out of his ears.

He glanced at Wanda Maximoff, daughter of Sithorne. In addition to supervising the entire work process, the most important thing about his job is to monitor Wanda Maximoff's mental state, and Wanda Maximoff's job is to study what is behind the door and throw her heart into That place that conventional psychological perception cannot understand.

"I need time to cast the spell." Mordu said. Other Kama Taj mystics were struggling to bind the door, and he led other wiser mystics to try counter-spells to seal the scar, even though this attempt was likely to fail, because historically There has never been a case where the scars on the structure of space-time have been truly eliminated. Unless the laws of the material universe forcibly close it, all human efforts can only temporarily bridge it rather than heal it.

"Shoot!" The calm voice of Guardsman Supiluliumas came from the communicator. Due to extradimensional energy and electromagnetic radiation, the voices of the Imperial Guards were mixed with vague electric noise at this moment, and the chopping of flesh and blood-curdling screams were also transmitted to the ears of all soldiers through the pickups of the Imperial Guards' power armor. middle. Then there were two more gunshots coming from the stone gate. The Imperial Guard seemed to be struggling to chop down something, and there seemed to be something behind the stone gate that was ready to move. Under the illumination of the searchlight, deformed claws and half-arms were vaguely revealed. Transparent skin and bone plates, tentacles and twisted limbs. "Toward the place where the stone door opens, ten meters high!"

"Team C, Team D, aim at the coordinates mentioned by the Guards, and fire the laser cannon!" The officer immediately gave the order to the weapons operator of the Beta defense platform. His laser pistol fired a shot out of boredom, miraculously killing a black insect trying to crawl over the rock wall. The unpleasant burning smell was like the smoke produced by lighting dozens of large bonfires. The gas environment is almost negligible. Also ignored are the officer's most proud marksmanship and the green phosphorescent lamp embedded in the rock wall. "Sergeant, send someone to capture those damn primitive people! If that doesn't work, kill them!"

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