Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1298 Abnormal Behavior (Second Update)

Taking advantage of the explosion and flash of the weapon platform, Yasok Queen Chakchel commanded her tribe to silently walk to the Beta defense platform below at some point. No fire platform was arranged from the edge but only sandbags were used as bunkers. Partially walked down. At this moment, almost all the palm-sized black beetles were burned to death by the flamethrower. Even if there were some fish that escaped the net, they would be stabbed to death by the Yasok people with short spears. The slippery bones rose from the blood tide in front of her and gradually A small platform was formed, as if it was growing out of the ground. Queen Yasok gave a long shout and waved her hands to invite her tribe to jump off the blood-soaked sandbags with her.

While the soldiers and ten knights of the First Secret Regiment were busy pouring firepower outwards, no one had the ability or time to care about them on such a long and tortuous front. But now it's different. The officer discovered the movements of the Yasok family, and a searchlight accurately captured their whereabouts. At the same time, the news was also passed to expert Laura Crawford and the Martian technician. The female archaeologist took a loudspeaker from a Martian technician and shouted to the Yasok in a broken Quechua dialect, telling them about the dangers of the blood tide and imploring them to stay.

However, just as she finished speaking, Queen Yasok turned around and found her from the complex fortifications. She yelled in a rough voice and then jumped off the sandbag regardless, falling towards the slippery and sharp bones below. heap. Immediately afterwards, a beam of laser heat was shot at the Yasoks, accurately, fatally, and without hesitation. One Yasok's head was penetrated in the blink of an eye, and his body smashed down the defenses like falling rocks, splashing a large amount of blood. This shot came from a team precision shooter of the First Secret Regiment. He once fought guerrilla warfare against local extremist organizations on the battlefield in Afghanistan with his team members, and made outstanding contributions to the Eternal City in obtaining local geological and mineral data.

The shot was so sudden that Lara Croft couldn't believe it. Queen Yasok's cry rang out from the blood flow below, and not even the chants echoing in the cave could mask the rage in her voice. Lara Croft stumbled over the communicator to translate this sentence, but the officer was indifferent to Queen Yasok's curse. "It is now determined that Yasok has surrendered to the enemy," he said, "and is allowed to be killed."

"They don't understand, sir! They don't understand the discipline of the modern army at all!" Lara Croft stood up anxiously. She turned on the communicator and said hurriedly, "Maybe she thought she had a way to solve this problem, so she did it!" After a few more seconds, the captain of the First Secret Regiment gave a reply. In Lara Croft's perception, this period of time was extremely long, because she knew that her words were likely to be denounced as fallacies. All the British officers she had come into contact with believed that authority was above all else. And Laura knew that she was actually not sure. She had no idea what Queen Yasok wanted to do. The superstitious thinking and cultural inertia of this ethnic group could not be understood with her common sense.

"I'll give you three minutes." The captain said through the communicator, his tone still as cold as ever, as if he had been injected with too much combat medicine. In fact, the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment will take drugs to reduce human desires. Apart from the love of comrades and orders, they will not care about much until they retire and can have their own lives. This is the First Secret Corps, sinners brought by the emperor from the battlefield, and they must atone for their sins. "Know what Yasok is thinking, or I will shoot them with bolters before they get close to the stone gate. I will not allow them to get close to those wizards and let them disrupt the Praetorian Guard's plans, do you understand?"

"I see."

"You still have two minutes and forty-five seconds, archaeologist." The captain curled his lips and hung up the communication. The logistics sergeant beside him cast a curious look, but the captain just shrugged and pointed at the rising smoke from the burning fat and the smoke from various weapons. Through the gray-white smoke, they could only see the blinding flash of witchcraft behind the smoke curtain. "This is not soft-hearted, but we may not survive until that time, unless we are lucky enough." He said, "And I don't think the Yasok people can run to the stone gate. Maybe they will die on the road."

"Pessimistic," the sergeant commented. "Lara Croft is important."

"If she is really worthy of the emperor's attention, then she should play some role now." The captain waved his hand. As he said, the Yasok people's march under the searchlight was not smooth. Walking on slippery and sharp bones was a very dangerous thing. From time to time, someone fell into the bloody water and never appeared again. Queen Yasok holds a hunting spear. The closer she gets to the stone door, the brighter the runes on the obsidian hunting spear become. "Continue to pour firepower, but I don't want the precision shooters to take their sights away from the Yasoks. There are also anti-tank missiles. At least one needs to be adjusted to unguided mode. I need the safest means to eliminate all possibilities. .”

While receiving reports from the captains and knight sergeants of the First Secret Regiment in the chain of command, Supiluliumas waved the halberd in his hand to kill extradimensional creatures. These creatures that had just crawled out of the wounds in the space-time structure did not have any skin, their blood-red muscles were nakedly exposed to the stinky air, their blurry bodies flickered out of thin air, and their movements were intermittent. Immediately afterwards, the remaining blood on the semi-transparent bodies of these spiritual entities was burned away, and they completed metamorphosis like insects emerging from their cocoons, completely different from being just blurry shadows in the air before.

They wear a skin woven from extradimensional energy, and develop deformed claws, abnormally proliferated bone plates, skin-piercing teeth, non-biological membrane wings and weird limbs, all of which are extremely threatening. The reason why they appear in this form is entirely because of the world's inherent concept of this kind of existence. The source of extradimensional energy that constitutes them is the South Americans who died in the earthquake. There is an extremely strong religious atmosphere here. Every trace of their unnatural muscles is woven from the souls of those who died in the disaster. Therefore, when millions of people think that They had wings when they should have wings.

However, no matter how terrifying the monster is, it cannot stop the blade of the Praetorian Guard Supiluliumas.

He stood in front of the Seraphim Shield composed of Kama Taj Mystics, using his own strength to fight against the spiritual entities that kept pouring out of the silver stone door. The black and vicious hooks slid weakly from his armor, The blasphemous words uttered by the obscene tongue could not affect his sanity. The extradimensional creatures were chopped into irreparable pieces in front of him, and then turned into smoke and disappeared from the material universe. Supiluliumas turned a deaf ear to the curses vomited by these creatures before they were expelled. Even the constant movement and changes of the four-dimensional, five-dimensional and even six-dimensional space-time vortices and multi-dimensional topological structures behind the door could not make him have any thoughts. hesitate.

His will is indestructible and no extradimensional energy can corrupt his mind because he is a Praetorian.

"Let Queen Yasok come close to me. Don't stop her. I need that hunting spear." He gave instructions up the chain of command and killed the monster with skillful movements. He has experienced dozens of such battles. Although the situations he encountered during the life and death trials were not so dangerous, the number of enemies was definitely there. Until now, the Imperial Guard Supiluliumas still doesn't feel any muscle soreness, and he doesn't even need to replenish combat medicine. "Knights, come to me with jump packs and sufficient ammunition." He knew how to mobilize the knights of another Gene Alchemy product line, because he knew every detail of the creation of these knights, "There is no better time than now. It is more appropriate to dedicate yourself to the safety of the human race. Follow your promise and give everything for victory!"

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