Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1313 Chapter 1309 Diplomat Colonel Zemo (First update! Please vote! Please subscribe!)

General Hale didn't know how much preparation the emperor had made for Asgard's legacy. It was enough to let her know that his power had touched Asgard, and other details were relatively unimportant. For example, during this trip to Wakanda, Regent Latovinia not only reached an agreement in private with Queen Mother Ramonda of Wakanda on the issue of vibranium security and the development of neighboring countries around Wakanda - referring to that A sum of money for military aid and training courses - and the formal appointment of a Latvian diplomat in Wakanda. Victor von Doom did not break the emperor's promise and found a place for the diplomat where no one would disturb him. On the day the emperor arrived in Washington, former Sokovian special forces EKO Scorpion commander Hector Colonel Ermut Zemo and his wife arrived in the Golden City, the capital of Wakanda, on an Eraser fighter jet.

Although this is a diplomat's job, the actual work is extremely leisurely.

Not only did Colonel Helmut Zemo and his wife not need to perform espionage work, they would also be warmly received by the Wakandan royal family, because the Wakandan nobles knew who had withstood international pressure for vibranium on their behalf. , while becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the indecisive current king T'Challa. Even if they are tired of the city scenery, they can drive to the prairie and wander around. The only job is to clock in at the diplomatic embassy every day, although Colonel Helmut Zemo has always had doubts about this job because he does not believe that anyone He would keep his promise and let go of someone who did the dirty work, but that didn't mean he wasn't grateful for the help Latovinia provided.

The prosthetic technology and equipment used by his wife were extremely expensive. The jaw and spine were replaced with prostheses, and the throat, esophagus, lungs, liver, and heart were all replaced with permanently usable bionic organs due to irreparable damage. . With the help of superb prosthetic technology and bionics technology, his wife was not only rescued from the brink of death, but also regained her beauty and health before the injury. The dirty work he did to split the Avengers was completely Unable to pay this fee.

That's why Colonel Helmut Zemo let it slide while his wife excitedly selected furniture for the embassy residence using a data pad. His wife was very enthusiastic about this diplomatic job, and it seemed that she could forget the pain of losing her son in the Battle of Sokovia. It is conceivable that the final civilian job had to fall into her hands, just like The same job she held in the Immortal City while she was recovering. The document in Colonel Helmut Zemo's hands now is not a diplomatic mission, but a relationship diagram of the royal family of Wakanda - who is related by blood to whom, who has conflicts of interest with whom, and who has personal relationships with whom. There are friendships and so on underneath, which makes him feel more and more that the so-called diplomat work is an espionage mission, but he has no excuse for this. This afternoon he has to go to the grassland with the Wakanda royal family to see the teeth of lions and giraffes. Let’s talk about the arms production line.

The industrial aristocracy needs this production line, and the Wakanda royal family (Queen Mother Ramonda to be precise) also needs the jobs provided by this production line and supporting facilities to accommodate refugees from neighboring countries. The task was simple. Colonel Helmut Zemo knew that all he had to do was nod. This was what Victor von Doom, the regent of Latvinia, had ordered. All he had to do was follow the terms of the contract and not give in. As long as the Wakandans take advantage.

"I don't want to be a stupid nodding kid," Colonel Helmut Zemo complained. Yet his complaints were met with ridicule. His wife has adjusted her voice machine to her past voice, and even if she listens carefully, she cannot distinguish the electronic sound in it. "I thought you were still hesitating between baroque style and Wakanda's technological style, dear." Colonel Zemo shrugged, "I don't know what I would do without you."

"You know what to do, dear, there are only two of us in this embassy except for the receptionist." Mrs. Zemo shook the data pad in her hand, "I'll leave it to you to check the furniture for listening devices. , you know this is not my strong point, my plug-in cannot detect radio signals that are not within the communication channel, this is just a civilian device."

"Okay, Okay, I just hope there won't be any particularly dangerous missions in the future. You know, the Latvians are a bunch of people who eat people but don't spit out bones. If they do something bad and we don't know, Otherwise, we may not be able to leave Wakanda intact."

"Have more confidence, dear." Mrs. Zemo took over a large, expensive-looking ceramic vase from the Sisterhood combatants who were temporarily dispatched to Wakanda. "Don't think everyone is so bad, I've seen what they're doing. They rescued a lot of those girls from Eastern Europe and the Middle East, and I believe there's a great thing going on in Latvinia .”

"A great cause must be sacrificed. I just hope that the price is not ours." Colonel Helmut Zemo collapsed on the sofa and closed his eyes in frustration. As a Latvian diplomat, he reluctantly put on a suit, but under the suit there was a holster stuffed with a laser pistol. "We finally reunited, and I will never allow anyone to separate us again."

"I believe you too." Mrs. Zemo held the vase in one hand and brushed her husband's short brown hair with the other. The nerve impulse lines that received nerve signals and chemical transmitters operated the prosthetic body under the synthetic skin according to a predetermined program, making her smile and lower the corners of her eyes. The palms that were once smashed by collapsing concrete and bricks have been completely replaced with prosthetics. Neural pulse sensors, temperature detectors and tactile sensors simulate real touch and temperature. She relaxed her tone as if coaxing a child, "We will not forget the sadness of the past, but we can also enjoy some of the beauty of the present, right?"

Colonel Zemo nodded. He did not open his eyes, but held his wife's hand that was not as soft as human skin, with tears shining at the corners of his eyes. Warm sunlight shines through the large floor-to-ceiling windows common in Wakanda, leaving a blurred halo of color on the retina through the eyelids. "I will protect you." He sniffed and said decisively, "I swear."

General Hale left the manor in his own car. Gideon Malik stood in front of the manor driveway with the emperor, watching the black car in which General Hale and Ruby drove out of the iron gate of the manor and left. The orange-red afterglow of the setting sun blurred his vision and swallowed the entire car not far away, but the emperor could still see the scene of General Hale's car remerging into the traffic flow and finally disappearing. "If you continue to drink, alcohol and death will be synonymous for you." He suddenly said, "Don't think that the blood filter can be used in this way. This is just a preliminary rejuvenation operation."

"I'm just enjoying life. And I've watched that Soviet animation. Don't think I can't remember the lines in it. You're just imitating the speech of the animated character." Gideon Malik replied with a smile. The wrinkles on his face have been reduced a lot. This is just a side effect of the rejuvenation surgery, rather than a special cosmetic measure. After the joke was over, Gideon Malik immediately returned to the topic, "Are you really planning to let Ruby take on an important role? Or, are you really so serious about General Hale's arrangements?"

"Of course not, Gideon. General Hale has many tasks, but they definitely don't include the ones she knows." The emperor shook his head and took off the gold-rimmed glasses used for disguise. "However, if she can follow the instructions I gave Training a few ace pilots with simulation equipment can be considered a reward. I am now a void fighter pilot!"

"How much truth is there in those words?" Gideon Malik asked with interest. "Fifty percent?"

"Just ask Stephanie, she knows everything."

I finished writing half a chapter that I wrote last night at midnight, and I couldn’t bear it anymore so I posted it.

Next chapter later.

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