Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1314 Chapter 1310 Pragmatism (Second update)

Gideon Malik discovered that the emperor was different from what he imagined. He showed no importance at all to the tasks undertaken by General Hale, and did not even mention the details of those tasks a few times. The emperor's negotiating tension and grasp of General Hale's character in the previous conversation were as if he knew himself better than General Hale, knowing what topics could arouse her interest and what secrets could drive her to do what she did. thing. This attitude changed when the task was assigned. Due to his years of gaming experience, Gideon Malik instinctively felt something was wrong.

However, what happened next only gave him a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg of the emperor's plan.

Gideon Malik thought that the Emperor was telling General Hale through him, asking her to bring his daughter. The bargaining chip given by the Emperor in that conversation was enough to make General Hale realize that her work required more. A trusted helper, a helper that no one else can do except Ruby. This situation made him subconsciously judge that the emperor's real target was the young and beautiful girl Ruby - and then he felt something was wrong. If this is the case, there is no need for the emperor to go to great lengths or even fabricate a mission or crisis. This is too exaggerated. There is no need to pay so much to obtain a youthful body. The real target should still be General Hale.

The Emperor also gave General Hale the resources to build a conservative Hydra family, a revolving door of top military-industrial complex contractors, a family trust fund, and a government position that could be occupied by the family. General Hale could do it himself). This is extremely important to General Hale, a product of Dr. Whitehall's Aryan eugenics project. It means that she can get rid of the shadow and identity of the past and climb to the top of Hydra, which is Dr. Whitehall's Duda. less than the height.

Seemingly out of motherly love or reasons known only to the Emperor, General Hale agreed.

The critical part of the normal conversation was like a fog. Even Gideon Malik, who was listening on the sidelines, was confused. He only knew that the emperor's one-time bargaining chip easily defeated the psychological defense of General Hale, who had been in the officialdom for many years. , manipulating a person like a puppet. As for where these resources come from, Gideon Malik has no idea. As for what his daughter Stephanie knows, Gideon Malik also knows that he cannot ask at all. His daughter has completely fallen in love with the emperor. My body and mind belong to this terrible man, and I will not have any thoughts of betrayal.

"I have only one request, for the sake of completing my job." Gideon Malik said, "The Malik family has been passed down for many years. Don't let us disappear completely. I don't want the Malik family to fall into those ambitions." In the hands of Bo Bo's distant relatives, I don't want the Malik family's emblem to be erased and its glory to be forgotten."

"Don't worry, I won't be so harsh." The emperor patted the old guy's shoulder. The warmth from his palm through the woolen coat made Gideon Malik feel hot. He was startled to walk slowly on this gray and cold night. The coming dusk exhaled a breath of rotten air. "Stephanie has done a great job, you have nothing to worry about." The emperor said, "I hope she can take on heavier responsibilities."

"I'm worried she's doing too well."

Gideon Malik chewed for a while, but finally couldn't spit out the corrosive acid words from his throat, which made his throat sting unbearably and kept coughing. The emperor used the purest violence and fear to conquer the Malik family. Although his subsequent methods gave him the same preferential treatment as those feudal kings in the past, that was only because the Malik family was still useful. Gideon Malik doesn't think the emperor will have too much patience when it comes to judging others by himself. The future of the Malik family can only be maintained by the relationship between Stephanie Malik and the emperor, nothing more. But the line was too tenuous, and Stephanie ignored her cues so many times that Gideon Malik knew he had to act.

Also preoccupied is General Hale, for the future revealed to her by the Emperor is filled with despair.

The alien fleet is approaching, and humans have no ability to resist. Ground-based anti-orbital weapons may not work. Even if the satellites are equipped with weapons, they are just slow-moving targets in the eyes of aliens. The insurmountable technological generation gap is frightening. Earthlings' bills and money are meaningless to aliens. How to preserve human survival in this environment is the key.

When she told the emperor that there would be surrender factions on the earth, she was testing the emperor's attitude. She was testing whether mankind could survive on a certain stand. Issues such as dignity and loneliness do not seem to be difficult to choose in the face of survival - but the emperor's words revealed his position. He firmly stood on the independent side of mankind and confidently believed that mankind can repel aliens. fleet. The Emperor promised her that biological samples and individual equipment from the Chitauri and the Black Order's genetically modified biochemical troops would be sent to the base for her testing.

According to him, these samples came from his harvest as an interstellar pirate. Although General Hale liked the emperor's iron will and insight very much, and she also knew the emperor's individual combat ability, she would not put her hope in one person. She had to consider the cost of resistance. The population in industrial areas was more important than the population in agricultural areas, soldiers were more important than civilians, and engineering majors were more important than liberal arts. She had to consider how to reduce losses. Losing science and technology meant that the human race was very likely to Just perish. As for the Avengers... General Hale never thought highly of them. The premise of special operations is to have an army that can hold back the enemy's main force. When atomic skyfire falls from the sky and the human air defense system is helpless, it means destruction. No matter how powerful the special operations team is, it will be useless.

No, this is not surrender, this is pragmatism.

She must find helpers she can trust. Not Ruby by his side, but a more reliable and powerful helper.

"Ronald Reagan (Washington National Airport)." Stephanie Malik gave instructions for the emperor as soon as she got in the car, "I hope the private plane will be ready for the trip to New York." The Malik family's estate is located in The McLean Langley District next to Washington, D.C., is an informal activity area for the Republican Party and has a very good environment. At the same time, the nearby community of Langley is home to the CIA's headquarters, so the Emperor's journey was right under the enemy's nose.

The driver nodded.

The Malick family has its own minions, and it's not difficult to do something small, as a bottle of the drug already appeared in the wine cabinet of the car in which Stephanie Malick and the Emperor were traveling. This kind of thing is nothing to the Malik family. As the car of the Malik family, this car is also equipped with weapons, but the accompanying security team has been forcibly removed. No security work is needed this time. The driver knew his mission, and he would tell the future family patriarch at the right time. He would tell her that the patriarch had arranged everything, and she just had to follow it. "In ten minutes, we can complete the arrangements before arriving at the airport." The driver asked, "Do we need the flight attendant to arrange meals and drinks, ma'am? Our catering company can prepare dinner when we arrive, making the one-hour flight very convenient." Comfort, would you like to confirm the menu?”

Stephanie Malik turned to look at the emperor, and after receiving a negative answer, she relayed it to the driver. "As soon as possible, we won't be staying in New York for too long," she said. "I hope New York's JKF (John F. Kennedy International Airport) will be ready to pick up the car. We will go to Mount Athena."

"We are professionals, ma'am. Obedience is rewarded, and serving the Malik family is ours—" The partition between the cab and the back seat slowly rose, but the driver finished the rest of his sentence dutifully. Line, "—an honor. Huh... what a big shot."

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