Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1317 Joint Action (First Update)

Steve Rogers and Silver Sablinova knew nothing about the debate taking place in the Royal City meeting room. They only knew that they were facing a group of terrorists who hijacked small freighters and coastal villages. A few weeks ago, the Italian military used missiles to attack refugees trying to flee by boat along the coast of Syria in an attempt to reduce the number of refugees smuggled into Italy. The result of this action was that more and more smugglers accelerated the frequency of transporting goods, and more Many extremists also seized the opportunity to smuggle themselves to the coast of Albania by boat, intending to enter the "heaven on earth" Europe from this place.

The border military police first discovered the smuggling cargo ship that was putting down the boat. When they took a speedboat to stop it, they were attacked by armed men from coastal villages. The speedboat was hit by an anti-tank missile, and the bodies of the three military policemen on board were left intact. The navy and air patrols who were alerted immediately dispatched to block the sea area and blocked the stowaway cargo ship to prevent it from escaping to the high seas. Although this village has a sparse population, almost every family is involved in the smuggling business to earn windfalls. However, these coastal fishermen are only the second link in this black industry chain, and the money they earn is not too much, and They have to be harvested once by overseas underground banks, but this money can make up for years of hyperinflation and scarce fishing, allowing them to support their families.

Starting from the first smuggler who sent the refugees from the coast of Syria to Albania, they changed hands and finally sent them to France, Germany, Sweden and other Western and Nordic countries, and finally to private refugee resettlement agencies. Refugees allocated from European governments Until they receive money from the resettlement project and share the spoils with greedy and corrupt officials, a black industry chain is formed. Such an industrial chain will definitely be used by extremists or criminal groups. The weapons sold by arms dealers to the battlefields in the Middle East are returned to Europe through the hands of smugglers. Well-trained armed personnel, mercenaries and drug lords will also pass through this Transport lines passed between Europe and the Middle East without leaving a trace.

When the Steve Rogers team and Silver Sablinova arrived, some of the refugees who had landed and other refugees on the freighter had been hijacked by the extremists in the smuggling team and were fighting with the help of the weapons delivered. . The extremists asked the Latvian government to provide them with transportation and escort across the border, and then release extremist prisoners held in British prisons. If only one place had been hijacked, Steve Rogers would have taken action long ago, but with the linkage between the two hijacked places, the difficulty of the action instantly increased by several levels.

"Otherwise they will kill every refugee here!" In the armored command vehicle, Steve Rogers put down the phone angrily and interrupted the call with the terrorists on the freighter. He has never seen such a nervous smuggler. Even the drug lord transport team he met at the US-Mexico border in the past would not be so nervous that he would risk his life. "This group of extremists is a little strange." He said to the team members beside him, "Are they hiding any secrets?"

Silver Sablinova, wearing a silver tights suit and long silver hair, sat opposite Steve Rogers with a calm expression. She could answer Steve Rogers' questions, but she wouldn't do it. The regent's order to clear smuggling routes has caused the prices of illegal weapons and contraband throughout Europe to skyrocket. The drugs and guns shipped from North America are completely unable to satisfy the appetites of European criminal groups. Under such circumstances, it is natural that some people want to take advantage of the opportunity to make a lot of money. Make a fortune.

At the same time, all the smugglers and refugees who tried to cross the border during that period disappeared, something that is easily reminiscent of genocide. For the sake of their own lives, those extremists no longer intend to continue cooperating with the smuggler. The unlucky smuggler is even one of the hostages. Steve Rogers' rescue targets naturally include them. This means that the courts are waiting for them, if they survive.

"After the frogman equipment arrives, I need a team with experience in underwater demolition to infiltrate the cargo ship with me."

Although Steve Rogers was angry, he finally found the best solution. As the commander of this operation, he must remain calm. This is not difficult for a veteran who has experienced hundreds of battles. What is really tricky is that the special operations experience he has learned is not the technology of World War II. Latovinia Nor did they give him the abundant resources that S.H.I.E.L.D. However, the newly established naval base nearby actively cooperated with the operation and sent over the equipment for underwater demolition subjects, along with all the tools and weapons needed, including amphibious silent flechette rifles and underwater propellers. Wait, this gave Steve Rogers a huge sigh of relief.

"Ms. Silver Sablinova, I hope you can lead the team and sneak into the village with Sam and Bucky to rescue the hostages. The attack route has been planned, and we must act in sync after nightfall. Only in this way can they There is no chance of harming any refugee."

"We can interfere with their communications now." James Buchanan Barnes listened for a while to the calls monitored in the command car, but all he heard were complaints and abuse. He crossed his arms and said, "Interrupt the communication between the freighter and the village. Their discipline and training cannot keep them calm. When we start to infiltrate, they will definitely become chaotic because they have lost command, creating conditions for our infiltration." "

"It's a good suggestion, but the position of the freighter may allow you to hear the gunshots coming from here." Steve Rogers nodded, "Those extremists are not professional soldiers. As long as someone shoots, everyone will shoot. This Something I learned from past missions is that not everyone with a gun is a soldier."

"What about the airdrop of narcotic gas? As long as there are no gunshots and communications are interrupted, the freighter and the village will not know what happened." Sam Wilson asked. However, this plan was rejected in the end. Both the airdrop of anesthetic gas and the combat personnel required an extremely wide area. The method of releasing poisonous gas upwind like the German army did during World War II could not be carried out because the sea breeze would blow the anesthetic gas back. For the hostages, It seems that extremists in the village are still a threat. "In other words, there is a high possibility that there will be hostage casualties in this operation." Sam Wilson shrugged, "It's possible anyway, right?"

"Yes, we must admit this." Steve Rogers looked at Silver Sablinova who was silent next to the armored vehicle command room. "Are there any casualty indicators in the latest instructions?"

"No, but the regent's office set the end of the operation at five in the morning."

Silver Sable Sablinova uses her own key to unlock the message, proving that the message is authentic and that she is the ultimate controller of the operation. She has prepared her personal weapons in the Legislator command vehicle, and other members of the Wild Team have also begun combat preparations. The firepower of a total of five Legislator armored personnel carriers is enough to wipe out the area built on two low hills. Between the small village and the marina. She didn't mention casualty figures, because casualty figures didn't matter at all. Steve Rogers' operation was propaganda material if it succeeded, and nothing happened if it failed.

"There is a tourist attraction not far away. As long as tourists take a boat out to sea tomorrow morning, they can see the cargo ship with telescopes. As long as relevant information leaks out, foreign media will seize every opportunity to exaggerate what is happening here. So we interfered signal from nearby tourist attractions, but this cannot last long, and we try not to disturb the fishermen’s fishing work, because this is a secret operation.” Then Silver Sablinova pointed to the command vehicle and stopped one after another. The truck that got off was supplies that had been transferred from the nearest military base half an hour ago. "In addition to frogman equipment, the supplies also include bulletproof armor, which you must wear." She said, "No matter what the situation is, the regent requires that you do not allow casualties."

If you see chapter 1314, refresh it. I accidentally posted the next chapter.

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