Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1318 The Secret of Mars (Second Update)

"Public opinion, the lives of refugees, the mission of the Avengers... do you really think he cares about any of this?"

Amon opened his palms and asked the regent in the throne room. Victor von Doom, who was wearing a green robe and ribbon, responded silently and seemed not to hear the voice of the Praetorian Guards. He and the Imperial Guards were the only ones in the throne room. None of the officials in the conference room followed him. They all accepted the mission and returned to their offices. Only the bright lamps and the shadows near Wang Zuo could hear the Imperial Guards' voices. Facing the empty throne, Amon believed that the emperor might appear on it at any time, especially if he did not allow the imperial guards to follow him.

"If Latovinia cannot achieve his goal, then Latovinia is a failure." Amon took a step forward reluctantly, "Reorganize order before the arrival of the Dark Order and form effective productivity and combat effectiveness. He would not wish you to be unduly merciful, Lord Regent."

"I have never been kind, and I'm afraid no one in this world will think that I have this quality." Victor von Doom raised his eyebrows, as if he was suppressing a smile. He didn't understand why Amon still thought he was too gentle after seeing his own methods. "With so many corrupt officials in prison, they would never say that, and neither would the paid foreign media. Or is it that now he doesn't even trust me?"

Amon held the halberd in his hand tightly. "Of course not, Lord Regent. My Lord trusts you as always, but he needs efficiency, and the entire organization also needs efficiency." The Imperial Guard lowered his head, "You agree with my Lord's ideals, but more importantly, let the civilians live. There is no time to consider their ideas. The prerequisite for establishing a utopia is survival, and the path of our Lord is the bottom line of survival. So I hope you will speed up the elimination of superstition, build a military factory as soon as possible, and reduce the supply pressure on genetically modified warriors."

"I understand." Victor von Doom turned around to face the Guardsman Amon, "So this is Constantine's need?"

He knew that everything the Praetorian Guards said expressed the dilemma the Emperor now faced.

The armaments used by mortals and the armaments used by genetically modified warriors are two completely different production lines. The existing production lines cannot be modified for production. Instead, they require specialized equipment and are manufactured starting from the most basic materials. The Mars Foundry uses automated small cargo ships as a means of supply, which requires a long wait to reach the Tianjian Space Station. Currently, the Immortal City Military Factory is responsible for the manufacturing of ammunition and ordnance for all genetically modified warriors on the scale of an entire city. This is a huge pressure on everyone, especially the gap in the ammunition inventory of the Praetorian Guards, which is the ammunition stored for the purpose of world war, but now the Praetorian Guards also have to take supplies from the inventory to the knights They resupplied.

"I know how important the factory is, but it takes time. Even after the Wakandans join, it won't be much faster." His attitude was very serious, just like when facing the emperor. Even if this is Constantine's need, it is also a need that the emperor has to face, but as the head of the civil service, he must make a choice. "No matter how impatient he is, he has to wait. Military expenditures account for the majority and may not yield results. This is the objective law of things. He cannot play with time on Earth like he did on Mars. There will be no good consequences if he violates the objective laws. "

The so-called playing with time refers to what the Sorcerer Supreme and the Emperor did on Mars.

It has not been long since the establishment of the Mars Foundry. Even if the Immortal City, which has advanced engineering capabilities, sends over equipment to build from scratch, it is impossible to continuously produce any war engines or main battle tanks in a short period of time. However, although the production capacity of the Mars Foundry is not very high, it is still sending supplies and fighter jets to Latovinia's newly formed air force. This obviously violates objective laws. Victor von Doom returned to Karma Taj and did not see the Eye of Agamotto. The answer is obvious - in order to fight against the Dark Order, the Supreme Sorcerer and the Emperor had broken through the eyes that Karma Taj had held for thousands of years. Bottom line. Perhaps the subsequent price will be too heavy for anyone to pay, but if you don't do this, you will be destroyed by the alien fleet, so it doesn't matter whether you play with time or not.

The degree of prostheticization of the Mars Foundry technicians also shows how exaggerated the flow of time is in the Olympus Foundry. Mortals without a high degree of prostheticization simply cannot survive such a long time. Nowadays, the technicians dispatched by the Mars Foundry are almost all the second, third or fourth generation of Mars who came out of culture tanks and artificial wombs. They were cultivated by the genes donated by the first generation and the excellent genes collected by the Eternal City from the earth (using White Hall's genetic testing company), these people had no idea that there was a world of human existence outside the Olympus Foundry before receiving knowledge indoctrination. Due to the emperor's delegation of power, no one except the emperor himself, the Supreme Mage who participated in the whole process, and the owner of the foundry, knew what kind of secrets were buried in the highest peak of Mars, and no one knew what experiments were conducted there that violated fragile scientific ethics. Only then did we integrate the existing foundation of the galaxy and summarize the mature prosthetic transplantation technology that belongs to humans.

However, what really breaks the taboo is the summary about artificial intelligence technology and psychic machines.

If entered into a foundry database on Mars, the piles of crap code would overwhelm any server cluster on Earth. No earth database can contain these abandoned codes, and the light of wisdom still wanders in these binary wreckage. These intelligent ghosts born from the oldest silicon-based life forms in the universe have brought technological breakthroughs to the Mars foundry. They demonstrate capabilities that would make Stark's most powerful so-called artificial intelligences look like children's building blocks. However, these intelligent ghosts were dismantled, studied, and then discarded as soon as they were born. The flesh-devouring horror machines and thinking centers they created composed of nerves, muscles, and steel were also buried together or burned by atomic fire, leaving only The technology available to the people is used to fight against the uncontestable, and the emperor takes the knowledge and theories of species destruction and forges them into weapons of war.

Uncontinuous fragmented thoughts flash in the network of photons and radio waves, singing and cursing intermittently over the ever-expanding steel dome and red sand, extending to the boundless deep space of the universe, even in the communicator of the Mars technician , these are just incomprehensible radio noises. The purification of the database is now carried out by the Supreme Mage. Data and electronics, silicon and carbon. The festering silicon-based intelligences emitted by the pan-dimensional madness need to be eliminated, lest they radio wails of pain and unborn hateful silicon-based Dreams break through firewalls and sandboxes, and in the red sand and storms are born electric currents of malice that can corrupt the entire foundry. During that time, the cleaning process had become a habit and routine for the technicians of the Martian foundry. For these people, steel was more like a companion and living thing than flesh and blood.

Drinking poison to quench thirst can still survive, but the Emperor and the Supreme Mage have given up the bottom line because they have no other choice.

Victor von Doom recalled what the Emperor had told him about the prophecy of the Sorcerer Supreme's death.

It is hard to say that there is anything else in the world that could upset the emperor so much. This was one of them. The emperor had to do something he didn't want to do and could never forgive himself. The Supreme Mage had always hoped that the Emperor would know the news later, but as the most talented mystic in the history of Kama Taj, the Emperor's level of prophecy had already far exceeded that of the Supreme Mage who did not use the Eye of Agamotto. He had already seen To the threads of possibility tangled in the future, he clung to those threads of destiny until the thin threads sliced ​​through his skin and muscle, leaving future scars on his indestructible bones.

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