Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1320 Warning from the Goddess of Wisdom (Second Update)

Information isolation in outer space is a long-term strategy. Stephanie Malik’s so-called plan is just to increase the priority of some of the targets and then use two more missiles. However, Stephanie Malik does not directly have the right to dispose of the freighter. Even if she passes administrative orders and other means that may leak secrets, she cannot get her hands into military operations. She claims that it is impossible to sink the ship. , because the decision lies with Victoria Hand.

However, the Emperor did not deny the possibility of scuttling the ship as mentioned by Stephanie Malick. After all, the former S.H.I.E.L.D. executive also proposed the same plan. You only need to click on the file logo on the data pad and use the genetic key to unlock it to see the relevant files and discussions. After years of influence and education from Hydra, even the staunchly loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Victoria... Hande's talent and opinions in this area are no better than those of Hydra.

Although slightly inferior in playing tricks, he is equally ruthless. Compared with Hydra agents, Victoria Hand's advantage is that she abandons the selfishness that Hydra has and dares to make choices. Like a spider crouching in the center of a web, Victoria Hand's plan was made up of hundreds of criss-crossing threads, summarizing any situation that emerged on the emperor's data pad. Therefore, the emperor was not worried that Victoria Hand could not solve this incident perfectly. He was waiting for the latter to bring him some intelligence and clues that he did not understand.

At the same time, Victoria Hand also arranged the "prison break" of agent Maria Hill in accordance with the order, releasing her to the place where Nick Fury last appeared. She painstakingly weaved a long The chain of conspiracy connects General Hale, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, and Agent Coulson. The end of the calculation is the Kree space station and the Hunting Cult lurking in the Corboy Belt.

After the meal, the emperor stayed at the orphanage for fifteen minutes before taking the car he came from to see his adoptive mother. There was no way he could let the rest of the Malik family know the location of the Mount Athena Orphanage, so he asked the driver who picked him up at JFK Airport to take him and Stephanie to a garage in Manhattan, with all Malik family drivers and security You can leave work early.

He and Witch stored most of their vehicles here before moving out of New York, then looking for opportunities to transport them to Oxfordshire. But until now, there are still several cars that have not been able to find the opportunity to transport, because he does not want to use the transportation power of the Eternal City to do this. It is not a good thing to open the portal for several cars. Now he can only drive one of them. A car took him and Stephanie to the Mount Athena Orphanage.

The layout of the apartment where Athena lives has not changed for many years. White marble walls and alabaster statues are combined with large-scale use of exquisite golden decorations, as well as solemn and serious classic paintings and reliefs everywhere, making this space elegant and tidy. At the same time, it is full of the beauty of order. When the emperor saw Athena, she was sitting alone in front of the long dining table with a glass of wine and two empty wine bottles in her hand. The cold anger on her face even made the somewhat complaining Stephanie Malik He closed his mouth involuntarily.

Although she had never met the emperor's adoptive mother and did not know who the woman in a pleated white dress was, the aura of the female war goddess was not something a mortal like her could bear. Her intuition told her that this woman was related to the emperor. extraordinary.

The emperor thoughtfully asked Stephanie to wait in the car, while he closed the apartment door and planned to negotiate with Athena. The latter had already foreseen the emperor's intention, so she was so angry. The emperor did not intend to use arguments to convince her. Appropriate words that could express his thoughts were enough. There was no need to convince the other party.

When he first started learning ancient Greek debating, he knew that although this art was called eloquence and was a required course for politicians and thinkers, it looked dignified and elegant on the surface, full of elite atmosphere, but in fact it was about stealing concepts and Techniques such as sophistry, logical fallacies, and inconsistency are similar to those of rogues in the market. The real difficulty lies in the fact that debating requires users to be quick-thinking and delicate, and be able to catch loopholes in the logic of the other party's speech or use inaccurate words to refute and reverse deductions. This requires extremely high cultural literacy and intelligence. Without these, it is really difficult to argue with others. There is no difference between the street scoundrels.

Athena is the winner of the highest achievement in debate among the Olympian gods. The two of them are equally accomplished in eloquence. He cannot tell the winner with Athena based on language alone. Not only can he talk endlessly, Until everyone deviates from the topic and becomes restless, it is more likely that Athena will be driven into panic and hit someone directly. He knew his adoptive mother's temperament. At best, she was visionary, at worst, she was arrogant and stubborn. From the beginning, Athena expected the emperor to act according to her ideas. However, the independent thought displayed by the emperor was stronger than she imagined. The ideals created by Kamathaj's education were also more ambitious than the petty family spirit of the old gods of Olympus. Much more. This contradiction could be resolved when the emperor was still young, but as the end of the world gradually became clear on the timeline, Athena became more and more anxious, and the ideological differences between the two became more and more serious.

This was an urgent problem that needed to be solved. She wanted the emperor to come to her proactively, but she would not speak directly because of her face. So she suddenly changed her attitude towards the witch, because she knew that doing so would make her adopted son come to her door in a short time. The emperor also knew this, so he deliberately delayed for a while after Quetzalcoatl awakened, until he estimated that Athena was impatient to wait before coming to New York. Continuing to push the bottom line of touching the adoptive mother will only cause her to throw a spear that travels through the earth, cuts through the atmosphere, and pierces the castle of the Royal City of Latvinia. Its accuracy and range are comparable to the most advanced intercontinental missiles in the world today. missile.

"We must solve it." The emperor pulled out a chair and sat next to the main seat, stating his intention in one mouth. Although the Goddess of Wisdom is tall and on par with the Witch, she also looks a bit petite in comparison. He said nothing more, because he knew that Athena had foreseen something, and both parties knew it well. "This is the end of the world for all of us."

"I saw a fragment of the future in the prophecy, and there is a place for you on the throne." Athena sniffed, not directly asking the question, and had no intention of answering. "Although the death of the Supreme Mage is shocking, it does not mean anything. Humanity will not perish. The old era has passed, and you are the new era. You must become the Human Emperor."

"I will do this, but this is because of the course of history rather than my personal ambition." The emperor said with a frown. He didn't mind letting Athena take control of the conversation, he wanted to hear what the other person had to say. "I will promote the process of history, but I will not completely control it. I will not be bound by responsibilities for the rest of my life. If the human race always needs me, it proves that this race has no development potential."

"I assure you that it is a waste of your talent. There is no crime more shameful than waste." The goddess of wisdom cast a stern look. She picked up the table knife and cut the shortbread. The silver blade could be used to slit her throat at any time. "Without you, the human race cannot survive the next disaster. You must make up for the technological generation gap. You have the ability."

"Yes, but not forever."

"No king in this world will give up his authority, and neither will you." Athena put down the wine glass, her eyes so sharp that she could slice the marble table into thin slices. "This sentence is considered a curse, but it can also be considered a curse. Warning. You cannot give up your authority, not because you are greedy for pleasure but because you can't do it. Because of responsibility, because of ideals, because of betrayal, you will never be able to let go of the burden. Unless you choose the path I built for you, go and be me The existence that I want you to become, to become a true king. You know that I am for your own good, Salomon, I, you know my heart."

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