Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1321 The foreshadowed end (first update)

The sound of the silver-plated knife cutting bread, meat fiber and plant fiber is almost negligible, but the noise produced by the tableware hitting the fine ceramics is very disturbing. Athena, who is famous for her elegance, rarely makes this kind of noise. Even the emperor could tell that she was in a really bad mood with her rude behavior. In the past, when he was a child, he would have received a burst of curses for being so rude at the dinner table.

The future is not optimistic, and the emperor does not know what Athena's plan is for his future. It is certain that the future she foresees is very different from that plan. Although he had always known that his adoptive mother had her own thoughts, he also knew that Athena was telling the truth and that she really cared about him. He could taste the true feelings in the etheric ripples caused by Athena's emotions, just like a snake spitting out its tongue to catch the scent molecules. Perhaps it was the relationship born from long-term relationship, or perhaps it was because of the abandonment after the plan was stillborn, Athens Na began to guide him in another direction.

The noise stopped and the surroundings became extremely quiet. Even the slight noise outside the apartment after the double-layer soundproof glass disappeared. The emperor felt a gentle, flashing consciousness enter his brain, gently brushing aside the mental protection that he had carefully designed on paper and added layer upon layer before embarking on the path of arcane magic. He closed his eyes and cooperated with the solution. Open the labyrinth of surface consciousness and the illusion of false memory formed by thousands of mantras, and embrace it in your arms.

He ignored the cold wind blowing on the surface of his skin and accepted that awareness with all his heart.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw a world composed of layers of clouds, towering peaks and floating islands. Soldiers wearing golden Spartan muscle full-body armor, Corinthian helmets and human-faced visors, holding gleaming spears and glowing shields, lined up neatly in a square formation from behind the mosaic tiles depicting the great victory. , walking on the broad and straight bridge, the brown cowhide studded with rivets hangs from the layers of shoulder armor and skirt armor, and every neat marching movement will make it swing to the same extent. A few kilometers away, the end of the bridge was a hellish scene. Countless bodies were burnt to black, and it was impossible to distinguish their pre-birth shapes. Gray-black poisonous smoke rose continuously from the horizon into the sky. The hard soil is soaked with the blood of humans and non-human creatures, and a pool of putrid and black old blood will collect in any low-lying pit.

Smoke and dust mixed and rubbed with clouds, thunder fell from the sky, and everywhere you looked was scorched earth.

The twisted buildings that grow wantonly stretch into the black sky like towering trees, and sarcastic laughter falls from the clouds, mocking the fate of the losers. Blood overflowed from every dark window and evaporated into bloody clouds on the land melted by weapons. Fear, anger, indulgence and many other emotions turned into poisonous snakes trying to climb up the emperor's ankles.

"This is the end, the end for you and humanity."

Athena stood on the bridge. The originally pure white mosaic ground was now contaminated by blood and internal organs. Her soles without shoes gently stepped on the sharp edges of the armor, stepped on the mountains of corpses that were piled higher and higher, stepped over the desecrated and dismembered corpses, and sank deeply into the bodies that were blown out, cut, and squeezed out, and still radiated heat. In the stinky, slippery internal organs, corrosive greasy smoke squeezed out from the gaps in the flesh, and the sound it made was like a sigh. With every step she took, turbid blood would drip from the tips of her slender toes. Even so, her movements still looked elegant and light. The pure white pleated skirt swept over the lake of blood like the mist on the lake in the morning, and it was so beautiful. Be a little polluted.

Glowing giant metal stars fell from the sky, and the debris hit the ground with the heat of friction with the atmosphere, kicking up dust and flattening the mountains at the same time. "This is just one of a million battlefields," she said to the emperor beside her. "Fights are taking place everywhere, and the enemy behind the curtain finally wins. Even my father, Zeus, who claims to be a god, is also fighting. In such a battle, no rational being can win. The entire galaxy will be reduced to ruins and horror, and heat death will eventually come to this universe."

He didn't see the enemy, to be precise, he just didn't see it now.

He knew what was happening here, he knew who the enemy was, and he also knew that what he saw was not the real scene that took place in the material universe, but was instead a bizarre thing that could not be understood using common sense. He had stepped through the silver stone gates of Paititi and seen the horrors within, but long before he did so, he had read descriptions of them in Karma Taj's ancient books.

Nothing in the etheric ocean can be defined. Maybe it’s just the suicidal thoughts of an artist who uses illegal drugs, the malice of a desperate person who breaks through social moral norms, the fleeting jealousy and anger between a man and a woman, the desperate gamble and prayer of an adventurer, or the complacency of a liar. Lies may open their fangs and swallow up the soul that gave birth to these thoughts. The reason why the emperor can see things in common sense is entirely because this is a metaphorical portrait displayed by the etheric ocean and Athena. It is a picture that Athena salvaged and interpreted from the etheric ocean. Everything is a metaphor, a reference, not a real picture.

Even after careful interpretation, counterintuitive and counterintuitive existences still manifest themselves in inconspicuous details, such as scattering that violates optical principles, abnormal gravity phenomena, or sizzling and smoking ice cubes. Everything tells the observer that this is not reality. If an ordinary fortune teller or dream interpreter accepts the ripples formed by such a pan-dimensional reflection, they may have to pay the price of burning their brains or falling into complete madness before they can interpret it. In this vast ocean, for a moment, fragments of thought will be intercepted and transformed into reality - either symbols, gestures, songs, or body parts. Those with weak minds will see things that are even more complicated. Terrifyingly, any projected sanity gap will be absorbed and infinitely amplified to create something irresistible. His soul was tough enough, and the existence behind the curtain roared at him. He stepped forward without fear to crush the greasy and cold malicious entity under his feet, causing the predators lurking behind the increasingly fragile curtain to scurry away, like ghosts in the sunlight. Melt down.

"Destruction!" shouted a roar composed of layers of corpses.

A gigantic beast with several horns came from under the horizon, covered in smoke. Only now did he realize that he was wearing armor forged from a psychic protection spell. To be precise, it is powered armor. The surface of the golden armor is covered with layers of runes, which are his mental protection spells. The soft sealing part and cables can be intuitively understood as the underlying thinking maze cast by logic programs. Even if you encounter It can also give him reaction time to resist the irresistible mental shock.

"I don't want to come to this." Athena lowered her eyes, her smooth blond hair hanging from her ears. She stood on the pile of corpses and stretched out her hand towards the emperor, who tacitly put his arms around her slender waist, let her sit on his arms, and put his palms on his flat belly to prevent her from falling backwards. She was very light, with almost no weight at all. She crossed her slender legs as if she were sitting on a swing. "This ending is a failure for everyone. You have to make a choice."

"Death!" The snake-like beast screamed.

The air was filled with the smell of blood and ashes, and he could smell the blood of genetically modified warriors filled with high concentrations of iron. The madness of many hidden things was revealed, and the shocking reality and horror did not dampen his spirit. He watched coldly as the mountain-like beast dragged its claws and ran over everything, shattering the soil where metaphors and references were formed. Athena jumped off his arms, hugged his neck and kissed him gently on the cheek.

"Remember," she whispered in his ear, "make the right choice."

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