Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1342 Bigfoot Snow Monster (Second update)

The answer is naturally the latter. Although Master Hamil did not answer directly, Victoria Hand understood it.

"The Eternal City?" she asked, "or Latvinia?"

"The defensive measures of the Eternal City were made by us personally to prevent someone from summoning existences that should not appear into reality and destroying important facilities. The defensive measures of Latovinia were personally designed by him, but compared with the external defense measures The existence of the dimension pays more attention to the attack of the material universe, and the Praetorian Order is part of the defense measures." Master Hamil said, "He is the most powerful and intelligent human being in history, but he is unwilling to take the final step. , because that means that reality will become an illusion, and the road to perfection is endless, but what is waiting at the end is not the answer we want.”

Victoria Hand asked, "So this is my course? To teach me some of the secrets of witchcraft?"

"You have gone through four days of study. The first four days are for you to understand the truth of the world, the second day is for you to understand, and the last two days are for you to rest. Seven days, no more, no less, your study The journey is essentially a ritual. The ritual does not necessarily require long words or passionate prayers. The action itself contains metaphors. This is the essence of witchcraft." Master Hamil seemed to see her Uneasy, he comforted, "This is a safe ceremony to protect your soul and body from pollution. From now on, power, money, honor and other things that trouble mortals will not make you feel Confused, because you have seen the scenery from high places, and naturally you will not care about the mud under your feet. Now you have realized the truth of this world, and what we have to contribute to protecting human beings. When your life system is related to the survival of the human race At that time, what is there to hesitate about?”

"The first half of your words sound very much like the sermons used by hippies." Victoria Hand gritted her teeth. "I have seen the appearance of those apprentices after taking medicine. Their eyes will sparkle at night. I never want to be like those. Swallowing LSD like a hippie, I'm not a drug addict."

"Don't worry, the medicine the apprentice takes has nothing to do with you." Master Hamil shrugged pretending to be relaxed, "But I admit that there is indeed some ergodiethylamide in those ancient prescriptions, which we recognized thousands of years ago. The role of ergot. Our job is to use the power of extra dimensions to fight against extra dimensions. Foolish apprentices need to use trace amounts of drugs to get started. Compared with the horrific hallucinations they will see, drug hallucinations can be called safe, and The side effects are bearable, and after all, it’s much better than having them go completely crazy.”

Seeing that Victoria did not immediately object, Master Hamil continued, "I admit to you that taking this road is to step into hell with one foot. Everyone you see in this building is not good. Death. How much magic we used while we were alive, how many bills we owed, how long we will suffer after death. Even so, we still did it, because no one except us has the ability to do what we should do, because We have sworn to use everything we have to protect the survival of the human race. There is no justice higher than the survival of humanity, and no morality lower than the survival of humanity."

The old mystic mage was visibly depressed, as if those heroic words had nothing to do with him. Victoria Hand understands this sense of mission that urges others to move forward. Accepting the mission means giving up a lot of things. To this day, she has not been able to start a family, and she does not even have spare time. All her energy is focused on work. The dormitory where I live has only one bed and one computer.

Sometimes she would be confused and confused as to what she was doing.

"We have seen too far and are aliens among human beings. No normal person will believe everything you see and believe everything we resist. That's why he established Latovinia and used the power of science to Come make us stronger. Now, do you want to continue studying, or do you want to see Bigfoot?"

Although everyone already knew the answer, formal admission and private suspicion were different things.

Regent Victor von Doom held a press conference and admitted the fact that the prisoners held by the Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia were snatched away in a raid on the United Nations Detention Center in The Hague, Netherlands. He also announced that the Hague Tribunal refused to return the prisoners to the Latvian government. Trial documents. According to the speech, the diplomatic spokesperson strongly demanded that the United Nations face up to the status of the federation and respect the political entity of the Yugoslav federation. Otherwise, it would announce one by one all the agents trying to infiltrate Yugoslavia and respond by executing the spies.

"I don't think the current federation has any status at all. It has no importance other than its geopolitical and military strategic status." The Pegasus-type Pegasus heavy assault transport boat has extremely powerful electronic information warfare equipment and protective devices. , the emperor, who was watching the live news broadcast on the assault transport boat, couldn't help but said to Hammurabi, "But bluffing is also an art. Now the five permanent members have nuclear weapons and the ability to deliver nuclear weapons, but when they do not use nuclear weapons, they can only Being able to rely on conventional military means will have extremely serious political and economic impacts. Therefore, low-intensity, low-impact decapitation special operations have become the choice of most countries. The capabilities we have demonstrated are of great significance to the world. , no less than nuclear weapons in special operations operations."

"You mean that teleportation strike is the source of our deterrence, not orbital strike? If other countries also master teleportation strike technology, then Latovinia will have no advantage at all." Hammurabi asked , "Do you think General Hale might give the Chitauri teleportation pad to the U.S. military?"

"Hydra is always selfish, and if she is not pushed to her limits, she will always cling to that machine."

The emperor gave his assessment without hesitation. In his eyes, General Hale's so-called rescuing humanity from the alien fleet is actually a little over-the-top. If humanity is really saved by the so-called alien alliance, then who can communicate with the alien fleet and become a member of the alliance committee? General Hale would naturally assume an unprecedented political position. The first time the emperor met General Hale, he smelled the strong smell of ambition exuding from her - the emperor admired ambitious people, but General Hale foolishly placed his expectations on an organization he did not understand, and even more so. was foolishly and blindly deceived. From the beginning to the end, the emperor believed that General Hale was unable to take on important tasks and could only perform basic work in the middle level.

"She will realize that there is no difference in the technical principles between the teleportation strike and that machine. If she wants to get something from us, she will most likely use this as an excuse to blackmail." Amon on the side gave Prompt, "Now we need Ruby to tell us the location of the machine. Immediately, and then take it away. The importance of Corboy's star fort is completely inferior to the deterrent power of Latovinia. If there is no pull Tovinia, we just went to the production base, and then all lifelines will be controlled by Mars."

"But the progress of Ruby's participation is not ideal." Hammurabi said. "According to reports from Gideon Malik and White House informants, intelligence dossier A-11415, General Hale seems to be suspicious of his daughter. . Although the daily affairs have been handed over to Ruby to handle, Ruby has never arrived in Washington, but is working and training in the training camp."

"We will talk about this later." The emperor called up the flight route map. At this time, it was less than ten minutes away from Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is still counting the speed of the assault transport boat loaded with armored vehicles at the rear. "We need to help maintain the safety first." Let Kedo solve this problem."

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