Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1343 Maintenance Tools (First Update)

Ordinary encrypted data boards are produced by the military industry and pay more attention to quality than user experience. They can be used as bulletproof chest ceramic inserts and inserted into Kevlar body armor, and exert a bulletproof effect that is no less than the latter. Although the encrypted data tablet used by Victoria Hand was produced by Mars like other data tablets, its hardware encryption level was much higher, and it was connected to the database of the National Defense Intelligence Agency through the Kama Taj satellite network. After waiting for the icon of a golden hand bone on a black background to pop up on the data pad interface, she used her authority to open a database with a gray eagle emblem, and then entered the keywords: Montana, ranch, cattle, cult, 2012.

SHIELD had taken over this case from the Montana Livestock Brand Enforcement Division, but ultimately handed it over to the local FBI. The former was the first law enforcement agency to take over the case because a large number of livestock died on nearby farms. Then they found that they could not contact the farmer, and then they discovered that the farmer and his family were missing. The latter identified it as a cult sacrifice ceremony. Although no body has been found so far, they still found DNA samples of ten humans and a large number of dissected cows, internal organs, bodies and blood from the blood stains left at the scene. The heads were piled in three different places.

Since Nick Fury had deployed almost all available manpower to New York at that time, and this kind of case required a long investigation and it was difficult to find the body in a short time, SHIELD withdrew from the case investigation and just recorded it in the database. took a hit and waited for the Montana FBI office to share the intelligence.

The Montana FBI office has yet to respond.

However, the details described by Master Hamil completely correspond to the on-site investigation information. The mystics of Karma Taj did not find a body at the scene. Victoria Hand also believed that it was a good thing that they took the corrupted woman away. She could not imagine what would happen if ordinary people were exposed to that lump of flesh. what happen. Coupled with the so-called "fourth right" in various media, human beings' fear of the unknown is very likely to lead to the outbreak of large-scale panic incidents and the large-scale spread of extreme cults. Various street tabloids and self-media will also exaggerate and spread it. .

Victoria Hand can be sure that there may be madmen who worship that lump of meat. Her career has long taught her not to overestimate human rationality and average intelligence. There are countless absurd things in this world caused by stupidity. .

"I need you to focus on the Emperor's trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina." Constantine reminded unceremoniously on the other end of the communication, "My Lord's safety is much more important than old cases."

"You spied on my dataslate?"

"I have the highest authority and can exercise the power of the emperor. No secrets can be hidden from the emperor." The commander of the imperial guards said coldly. The noise from the powerful engine penetrated the thick composite armor of the assault transport craft, but the pickup in the power armor still clearly picked up Constantine's voice. However, this tortured Victoria Hand, who was wearing headphones, because Kang Standing had no intention of turning on the noise reduction function. "Now I need you to issue a report. Regarding the recent arms smuggling cases in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the names of those foreign arms dealers, I know that those arms dealers have government backgrounds. But this is meaningless. I need to know what we have done so far. How many channels have been used to transport weapons overseas? I will continue to verify this document."

“I’m at Kamal Taj now.”

"But your subordinates are still working, and you still have half an hour to contact the deputy. I need him to summarize and sort it out, review it with you, and then officially file it. I know that the merger of departments and the extension of authority will cause him a little trouble, but this This is not a reason to delay the report. I will contact Master Hamil and ask him to reduce your coursework. At least you will not have to hand in the paper tomorrow. I hope to get the report before my Lord arrives in Bosnia and Herzegovina."

"I understand." Victoria Hand exhaled slowly, "Two hours, this is the fastest speed."

"Very good." Constantine left a message before hanging up, "We have no rest time, we only have to perform our duties. Please hurry up, Gendarmerie Marshal, otherwise I can only communicate directly with the staff of the Ministry of Justice."

This was a very serious accusation of malfeasance. Victoria Hand felt aggrieved, but she did not show this emotion because she had been experiencing the pressure of high workloads when she was in SHIELD. In fact, many Latvian civil servants have been equipped with mechanical prosthetics to speed up work efficiency. Just from the appearance, it is not obvious that they have replaced part of their flesh and blood with machines. In addition to prosthetic modifications, there are a large number of biochemical modifications to choose from. It is said that these technologies are by-products of research on genetically modified warriors. The technologies are mature and proven. With her status, she can fully accept biochemical modifications to extend her life and improve her abilities. It can even improve intelligence. However, Victoria Hand's cautious attitude makes her trust neither machinery nor flesh and blood produced in petri dishes.

She is one of the rare high-ranking officials who has been almost completely unmodified. She has almost no electronic devices in her body except for a genetically encoded verification signal transmitter implanted under her skin. The Ministry of Justice and Defense Intelligence are two military departments. Victoria Hand has to deal with affairs not only limited to the Balkans, but all over the world - although she recently learned that those jobs all over the world actually come from Kamatai. Ji Lai, the emperor's main job is also to guard against supernatural threats - the excessive work intensity has long made her exhausted. She does not have the body and will of the imperial guards who are always vigilant. She is just an excellent ordinary person. Coupled with the backlog of old cases from SHIELD in the past, as well as the sequelae of the emperor's forcible unification of the Yugoslav Federation and the overthrow of religion, the opposition caused by the infiltration of Western culture, illegal parades and rallies (the kind with weapons, the folk customs here are strong), Between superstitious cults, idiotic middle-class parades (without weapons) and cultural censorship, she'd just be exhausted without the use of external devices.

Coming to Kamal Taj this time can be regarded as some kind of vacation.

Karma Taj possesses many secrets of longevity (but not immortality) that can help her relieve physical and mental fatigue. These processes were concentrated in the last two days. Victoria Hand was currently busy processing documents sent from the fax machine, and she did not know that the emperor had arranged a full range of convalescent services for her. The emperor promised to bring light, reason and truth to the Balkans, but he did not forget his servant. If there is anyone in the world who wants her to live long the most, it is the emperor.

A qualified and loyal agent supervisor is hard to find, and the Emperor will not fail to cherish his tools.

Victoria Hand rang the bell. After a while, an apprentice wearing a low-level mystic robe knocked on her door - all mystic apprentices had to serve as servants to the high-level mystic deacons, and even the supreme mage had several apprentice servants around him. Most come from mystic families and are chosen for their loyalty rather than their ability. Similarly, except for a certain golden guy who studied here, he has never dressed anyone except the Venerable - "Tell Master Hamil that I won't be able to submit the paper tomorrow." Victoria said through the hollow board Men shouted, "Maybe I'll be absent from class tomorrow morning too."

"I understand, Ms. Hand." The apprentice said softly, just enough to be heard by Victoria Hand. "Does it need to be delivered in the morning?"

"Yes, it is necessary." After Victoria Hand finished speaking, she complained a few more words in her heart. "Besides vegetables and fruits, those are the only things that can be eaten anyway. The luncheon meat tastes really like the stocks from World War II." She thought to herself, "Could it be to reduce expenses that she really bought the lunches of the US military during World War II? The meat was then repackaged?”

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