Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1344 Chapter 1340 Shield of God (Second update)

The emperor first went to Bosnia and Herzegovina according to his itinerary, and did not leave until near dusk in the afternoon. After that, he took an aircraft to Hungary, which is known as the "Shield of God". In the Balkan Peninsula, a land with strong folk customs, Hungarians can be regarded as the best. The impact of the ban on religion is the greatest in Hungary, and most of the opposition is concentrated here.

Although the regent has taken a gentle approach and has not demolished the church but instead used it as a tourist attraction, the banned religious organization continues to incite believers and preach in private. The current right-wing ruling government in the Hungarian province is based on religious belief. In addition, Latvinia continues to transform the minds of civil servants to give up religion and accept the "United Truth", and reorganizes administrative agencies and gradually erodes the power of the current Hungarian ruling party. Both parties There are irreconcilable power conflicts, and it is difficult not to make people wonder whether there is secret support from the government behind this.

For a province that was conquered through military means, the Federation's decision could not be described as soft. It neither overthrew the current leader nor thoroughly investigated those in the past, but only took control of all military facilities and public facilities. However, the emperor does not allow religious organizations to have any privileges, nor does he allow government agencies to secretly support religious organizations. Compared with the suspects in Bosnia and Herzegovina who were sentenced by the criminal court of the former Yugoslavia, the religious organizations in the Hungarian province are the ones who really step on the emperor. bottom line.

The order Constantine received was to transfer heavy weapons to the Hungarian province and send additional genetically modified soldiers to the Hungarian side. The decision would be made based on the outcome of the conversation between the emperor and the ruler of the Hungarian province. The worst result is that the Latvian Federation has to use force to conquer Hungary again, but it will not just be a beheading attack like last time, but will completely erase all administrative agencies and erase all traces of the existence of the Hungarian nation. , erasing all culture and history, and erasing religious superstition from this land through extermination. The emperor had a productivity advantage in his hands and could stabilize the unemployment rate in the Hungarian provinces. Faith and survival, this is the choice that the Hungarian province must make. The emperor believes that as long as the survival of the majority of people is guaranteed and the military forces of all religious armed forces, that is, the far-right religious guerrillas, are exterminated, then this land will not be destroyed in a few generations. There is also the title of "Shield of God".

If the Hungarian provincial rulers were unable to fulfill the emperor's instructions, this would be the only outcome.

Budapest is still deathly silent, with only huge war machines and genetically modified warriors patrolling the city. Their huge weight has caused all the old-fashioned concrete pavements to collapse and crumble. The War Engine's intimidating power was unparalleled, and the complaints from the road administration were drowned out by the shadow cast by the War Engine's towering, titanic form. On the day when Hungary surrendered and signed the surrender agreement and merged with Latvinia, there were several war engines in the city of Budapest. Even after the war, those war engines did not leave, but were stationed together with genetically modified warriors. Near the city.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a sign of the emperor's distrust. Facts have also proved that the emperor's idea is not wrong. When it comes to implementing the "Unified Truth", the current Hungarian ruling party has made slow progress and has been blocked. Civil protests have broken out from time to time. Rural areas spread to cities. Compared with the Hungarian peasants who had never seen the emperor, many people in the city of Budapest had seen the emperor. The radiant golden giant is like a god in the hearts of many people. This image display also reduces possible opposition in the city to a certain extent. Therefore, many banned religious organizations are not based in cities but in rural areas, causing La Tovinia's team of teachers and grassroots civil servants are repeatedly hampered in their work.

The emperor wants to let the current ruling party of the Hungarian province solve this problem, because he knows who the real supporters of those rural religious organizations are, and he also knows the background of the group that attempts to restore the voting system to kidnap the work of the Latvian government . Common people don't care about religion. At most, they express their opinions without actually resisting the emperor's rule. After all, the emperor provides great support to rural agriculture and small businesses, and does his best to ensure social stability. Not only is civilian life not affected , is still developing in a good direction under the emperor's policies, and the demonstrations can only be caused by the instigation of groups whose interests have been harmed by the "United Truth".

"This is a big problem," the Emperor said in the regent's holographic call. "We must solve this problem."

"Try to deal with the people who caused the problem?" Victor von Doom sneered twice. "For now, this is the easiest way. Don't put them in prison, but execute them on the spot. Performance of the Hungarian Province Just as we originally imagined, the reform efforts are not as powerful as those in other provinces, and the lack of strong implementation methods will inevitably cause backlash. Tito and Hoxha have left us enough lessons. Middle-level business owners will only annex the interests of lower-level workers. Privatization has intensified, leading to collusion between government and business, and we cannot make the same mistake again."

"I will tell you the outcome of the deliberations," the emperor said, "activate the Zeta-13 and Zeta-15 plans."

"Peaceful means and war means?" The regent took off his iron mask, and the smile on his face was chilling. This plan was one of hundreds he had drawn up with the emperor at his mountain hut in La Tovinia, as they envisioned what would happen if they retained the provincial ruling party and allowed it to promote the "United Truth" , Zeta-13 and Zeta-15 are two of the religious solutions. The plan has been formulated in advance. Regent Victor von Doom only needs to call up the document and distribute it to various departments to start execution. All the details from start to finish are in it. All he needs is someone on the post. implement. No subjectivity is required. "Which plan do you prefer?"

"Zeta-13, peaceful means. Ballot politics under the parliamentary system are weak. The core of this system is to maintain rule rather than change the status quo. The basis of all policies is for votes and support. In order to maintain rule, they have to make Concede." The emperor said, "But I will delay and wait for Victoria Hand to return from Kama Taj. I need the Ministry of Justice to have full authority to handle this incident."

"How's your patience?"

"Too bad, I just received a call from Milia." The emperor's face did not show any impatience. "She thought I was out hunting and came home late. Except for the Cheshire Cat, I can't think of anyone else." Who else would tell her this explanation, now I have to carry the prey home. I suspect my pet said this on purpose, just to eat more."

The regent didn't answer. He didn't want to hear the emperor talk about cats. "I sent both plans to Victoria Hand. If you want her to handle this matter, don't give the results today." ."

"I will tell Orban that this is a negotiation and consultation." The emperor smiled bitterly, "But I don't think he will believe it, after all, now the war engines and knights have surrounded the entire city. I will lock them up for enforcement Vote, let them think I won't replace them easily, and this will delay it until Victoria Hand comes off her leave, and then I can get out. This is your problem, Victor, I'm just yours Guaranteed by force.”

"But you are the ruler, and I am the one who follows your orders, aren't I?"

"It's best not to give me a reason to work overtime next time, Victor. I made a promise to Bayonetti and Joan of Arc, and you also know the weight of the oath. If you don't want the witches to attack the royal castle one day, then perform your duties well. Well, I have no doubt that they can do such a thing. Don't forget, they are witches, they don't care about power and influence."

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