Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1348 Slaughter (Second update)

This is already the third day of the closed-door session of the Hungarian Parliament. As promised by the emperor, there was an unlimited supply of water and bread, but one must not attempt to leave the voting hall to go home to rest or go to the toilet. Whenever a congressman couldn't stand it and fell asleep, soldiers wearing black bulletproof armor would push a "giant metal sheet".

This is according to Azariman, deputy marshal of the Ministry of Justice. He didn't know anything like a gong, but he knew that every time that thing was struck, the entire Capitol could hear it, not to mention the members of Congress who were in close contact with the thing. According to what he told Victoria Hand, that thing could wake the dead from their graves - and in such difficult circumstances, the emperor's bills were passed one by one. It was not until the most solemn and civilized place in the grandest building in the Hungarian province had turned into a place of stinking barbarism that the regent who came to take charge was satisfied and arranged rooms for the councilors to wash and rest.

They still can't leave the Capitol.

The emperor could not stand the inefficiency of these congressmen, nor could he tolerate the backstage supporters of these people who embezzled state-owned assets after the drastic changes in Eastern Europe and turned into oligarchs who controlled the political arena. These congressmen had already arranged their escape through the political and business revolving door. All resources must be used to save the survival of the human race, and appropriating assets used for the resistance cause is tantamount to self-destruction. Now this escape route has been completely interrupted, because the emperor's nationalization bill was passed by the parliamentarians themselves. The energy companies (including coal, natural gas, etc.) and all military industrial companies in the Hungarian province have all been prepared for Mars. Foundry takes over.

Now that the historical mission of these congressmen has been completed, the regent will naturally not continue to retain them.

The document that the emperor showed to the parliamentarians was now in the hands of the regent. There was no need for communication, and Victor von Doom naturally knew the emperor's intention. Before the arrival of the emperor, corruption and laziness spread from top to bottom in the Hungarian province, and Latvinia's administrative reforms encountered great resistance in the Hungarian province. While other provinces were moving at high speed, the Hungarian province was still stumbling forward slowly, making the city of Budapest still incompatible with other Balkan federal cities that were being established.

Before the instigators could gather a parade, the regent took control of major transportation routes and several major cities, sending genetically modified warriors to monitor the mortal army. Only then did the news media report on the bills passed by Congress one by one. This will take a whole day. It is conceivable that today's Hungarian provincial news is all about these bills, and many experts and scholars will interpret the bills later.

The varnished wooden door opened after being greeted, and the regent Victor von Doom in the office was very happy to see the visitor. "Ms. Hand, you are here at the right time." He took off his mask and breathed a long sigh of relief, "I hope the establishment of two other war tribunals did not bore you, because you still have to form a new court here. ."

"I'm an agent, not a politician," Victoria Hand said bluntly, "and the Department of Justice is an executive agency, not a judicial agency."

"The current Ministry of Justice is not only a law enforcement agency, but also a judicial agency. When you were training at Kamal Taj, we had completed the split and merger of functions. You can represent the emperor to form a court, and I represent the emperor's authority to This power is delegated to you. Congratulations, Victoria Hand, you now have single-handed control of the law throughout the Balkans, and countless jurists will be working for you. If your work is not quite legal, then you can make it legal , just like the CIA." The cold sense of humor on Victor von Doom's face made the Marshal of the Ministry of Justice very angry. She did not feel the pleasure of gaining power because she thought the Regent enjoyed this kind of embarrassing people. Feel. "Now, before the Federal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia is formed, I need your help."

"Is there anything that a bureaucrat like you can't solve?"

Victor von Doom discovered that his temper was changing for the better after his acquaintance with the Emperor.

"We need the rule of law, Victoria, and that's why I need you," he said. "We can't rely on the emperor's authority for everything. It would be an insult to his ideals. He needs you to establish the rule of law for this land." Symbol, even if this symbol is too serious and bloody, it is still necessary. Our act of forcibly taking over energy companies and military companies is itself illegal and breaks contracts, so some less important companies require you to use legal means To solve it. Not only that, the trial of those congressmen must also be put on the agenda. I hope that when those people wake up from their sleep, they will find that their past greed has become evidence of being imprisoned."

Victor von Doom handed her a five-centimetre-thick document, "This is Appendix A to Appendix D."

Victoria Hand took a deep breath. "That's impossible. My people can't do the job in such a short time, and no judge would be willing to conduct such a rushed trial in such a short time."

"I know, but I don't want to use the emperor's authority to push this matter." The regent smiled, "I believe it shouldn't be difficult for you to master the dirty information of several judges, right?"

"how about you?"

"Me?" The regent pointed to several trolleys beside the desk, which were filled with printing paper wrapped in brown paper. Victoria Hand counted almost six trolleys, and each trolley was stacked with at least thirty documents more than ten centimeters high. "These are my jobs. After the bill is passed, someone still needs to push it forward, and I will be the one to take on this job." He said, "If the trial can start as scheduled at that time, then my work of promoting the bill will be much smoother. If If I have evidence of crimes against certain officials or business owners, then I will bring more than just paper and pens to my door."

"You are so cunning, Victor."

"Thank you for the compliment." The regent stretched out his hand towards the door with a smile on his face. "I have prepared an office for you." He said, "The documents, equipment and personnel you need are all available, and you can start working soon. When the work here is over, I suggest that you apply for leave from the emperor. He Will agree, he knows what you learned at Karma Taj and you need time to digest some things that are difficult to understand.”

Before leaving, Victoria Hand hesitated for a moment, seeming to consider whether it was appropriate for her to say the next words. Victor von Doom seemed to read her thoughts and asked her not to go against his character. After all, what the emperor admired most was her straightforward style, never beating around the bush and always going straight to the point. She doesn't need to be a politician because the emperor doesn't need her to be a politician.

"I heard Master Hamil mention you, Victor."

The regent nodded.

"I will not deny my experience of studying at Kamal Taj. Master Supreme taught me a lot, and I will never deny this kindness. Master Hamil is also one of my enlightenment teachers." He pointed to the pile of documents. . The next second, the brown paper and code buckle wrapping the documents were automatically untied, and the papers floated orderly and then landed on the regent's desk, neatly stacked according to page numbers, as if an invisible, silent servant had given help. "We all know who the real enemy is, which is why I am willing to work with the Emperor. Now you also know our true purpose, so I will not hide the threats we face from you, but not now, you Need work now.”

The regent said sincerely, "You are not mentally strong enough to accept that information now. Even just knowing some information is risky. The stories I will tell you are a thousand times more sensational than the stories Master Hamil told you, so I hope you Be able to know that information at the right time and in the right state, otherwise your mind will be damaged, and the emperor and I will be burdened with debts that are difficult to repay."

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