Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1349 Financial products (first update)

The emperor was not as indifferent to life as others imagined. Kamal Taj's education and past experiences made him attach great importance to the value of life rather than treating it as an asset. The same is true for the regent Victor von Doom. Even if his nature is cold enough, he has always followed the teachings of the Supreme Master and never let down the value of any life - even if it is a lie that all people are created equal, even if his Personal experience shows that not everyone in this world values ​​the lives of others. The lives of powerful people always seem to be much more valuable than those of ordinary people.

For example, the life of his father and the life of Princess Vladimir. After studying at Karma Taj, he still followed the teachings of the Supreme Master. Many years ago, the superstitious Vladimir heard that there was a healer in a certain village. The doctor was terminally ill, so he ordered his servant to find the doctor. This doctor was Victor von Doom's father. The Duke's servant asked his father to cure the Duchess. Even though his father kept refusing and claiming that he was powerless, the Duke's servant still forced his father to get on his horse and go to the castle. , otherwise the servant would swing a whip or shoot the then young Victor von Doom, and their village would be affected and driven out, falling into a wandering life of hunger and hunger again. .

There is no doubt that the Vladimir family was the source of most of Victor von Doom's suffering in the first half of his life.

His father froze to death in the snowy mountains, his mother was forced to use black magic and lost her soul, and many other sufferings can be traced back to the previous ruling family of Latovinia. The psychological wound left by Victor von Doom when he was young took a lot of time to heal. However, just when he was about to forget the past, fate played another trick and dragged him into despair. However, few people are as strong as him, otherwise he would not have found Karma Taj and learned from the Supreme Mage how to use his talents and abilities. The only time Victor lost control of his emotions was when the emperor led his army to attack the royal city and win. He demanded that all members of the Vladimir family be executed without procedure, including the Vladimir woman who was captured by the Proclaimer. However, the emperor did not agree with the regent's approach until the regent regained his composure and was willing to give in, agreeing to hold a public trial and using the blood of Duke Vladimir to establish the rule of law and civilization in Latvinia.

The quarrel took place in a secret room and no one knew about it except Constantine who was present. Victoria Hand, the current Minister of Defense Intelligence and Marshal of the Ministry of Justice, was in charge of field intelligence work at the time. Because of her responsibilities, she knew about the Vladimir family, but she also did not know that the initial cooperation between the regent and the emperor was far away. There was no such tacit understanding now. Naturally, other cabinet members did not know this situation. After all, the emperor chose them because their minds were empty and easy to manipulate, especially those in the executive department who were promoted from various provinces. Their brains were so fertile that they could easily Spreading materialist theories that are currently quite shocking to the whole of Europe. These people will not object in any case. Their greatest advantage is not their ability but their attitude. This is the best thing, because the emperor cannot bear the cost of internal discord and political strife. Real talents are still being cultivated. The regent has selected many ambitious young officials and is now arranging heavy responsibilities for these young people to hone their skills.

After all, the emperor cannot always let himself handle official affairs, and cabinet officials who only know how to obey must be replaced sooner or later.

"The Latvian government will support the EEC (European Community), not an institution or an action, but its concepts and conventions." The regent talked to the European Commissioner in his office in the Parliament Building, seemingly There is no such thing as a Hungarian congressman sleeping dozens of meters away and covered in stench. "You must know that the emperor's support for EEC does not support that in the eyes of the emperor, all human beings should attach importance to a community with a shared future for mankind. EEC is a good practice. For example, the circulation of grain has reduced the hunger index in Europe... As a participant in international trade, I believe that Hungary debt can be resolved."

"Oh! I understand." The European Commissioner leaned back in his chair. "As far as I know, the United States has been losing ground in its strategy of exporting agricultural products to Africa because French farmers are too diligent. As you know, the number of black people in France is extremely high. many."

"Then I believe there must be many people harvesting crops." Regent Victor von Doom nodded understandingly. The import of French agricultural products to Latvinia is a foregone conclusion. This is a trade in which Hungary’s foreign debt is used to purchase French agricultural products. The World Monetary Fund will never give up this opportunity. After all, they have long believed that the Hungarian province’s foreign debt will never be able to Taken back. As for the sanctions plan proposed by the United States, the EU can still choose to confront it, but Victor von Doom knows that this confrontation will not last long. A large number of European companies have moved abroad because of Latvinia's first expansion war. At this moment, the EU desperately needs money, "I believe we have reached a consensus."

"Yes, it was a pleasure talking to you, Lord Regent." The European Commissioner said with a smile. "It can be seen that the modern media always overexaggerates and exaggerates. I will convey your request to the committee, and they will definitely recognize your wisdom. .”

"Please call me Victor, we don't have to be so strange to each other." Victor von Doom also smiled, which made the EU Commissioner feel warm inside. He poured the commissioner a glass of sherry. "The media always exaggerates and paints the Balkan Federation as hell. The media will never see how much we have done and will only cling to small mistakes."

"Yes, sir." These words made the commissioner empathize. If it weren't for the fourth power media, he would not have been kicked out of Whitehall and fell into the job of commissioner in the European Union. "But I think this situation should improve. Welcome to join us, Lord Regent. I believe this is the first step in improving the image of the Balkan Federation."

"Of course, of course." The Regent smiled and raised his glass, "I will not be stingy with my friends."

"I sincerely believe in your wisdom in political affairs." The commissioner nodded and raised his glass, "Cheers, for our future. But...the Netherlands has some opinions on this."

"I heard that Dutch farmers are protesting because of the proposal of the radical environmentalist party?" the regent said. "Perhaps raising the price of agricultural products can help a lot. Dutch agricultural products are worth the price, what do you think?"

"A very good suggestion. I think the Balkan Federation has expressed its determination to assume the responsibilities of the European Community and the Commission will definitely know the attitude of the Balkan Federation."

"Very good. I believe you will be warmly received by the crew on the special plane."

"Thank you so much."

After the European Commissioner and the International Monetary Fund Commissioner left, the regent edited a message and sent it to the Emperor. The general meaning is that the problem in the Netherlands is gradually being resolved. In the coming period, he will continue to incite the extremist tendencies of the Dutch agricultural parties and arrange people to intensify the conflict - such as organizing protests on social media, throwing Molotov cocktails, and arranging Actors disguised as injured people, etc. - forcing the Dutch government to choose his proposed conditions within a short period of time. Even if this condition means that the price of Dutch agricultural products on the market of the Balkan Federation will increase significantly, according to Victor von Doom's research, most of those products have domestic substitutes. After the price increase of Dutch farm products will completely lose its market advantage. But for the Dutch government, a policy to stabilize public sentiment is the most urgent need. As for what will happen next, even if someone realizes it, it will not become a reality that hinders trade. After all, the United States will not import a large amount of Dutch dairy products.

"It seems we have to buy some Dutch cheese." The emperor looked at the data pad and turned to the witch and said, "This will be the best financial product nowadays."

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