Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1350 Witch Manor (Second update)

"I reject!"

Bayonetta didn't have time to deal with any financial products, not to mention Salomon's advice was never reliable. More of a joke than a suggestion, the absurd investment advice of buying Dutch cheese in bulk might come in handy when everyone thinks the product is growing off the shelves. In response, she patted Salomon who hugged her from behind. Then she seemed to feel something, turned around and looked at Jeanne and smiled secretly. She rested her head on the mystic's shoulder and whispered something into his ear through the scattered strands of hair.

Jeanne didn't notice this at all at the moment because her fish had already bitten the hook.

Bayonetta drove to the London Temple of Karma Taj today with Joan of Arc, where they took Salomon back to the Oxfordshire Manor (the Guards used the portal, and he wanted to be alone with the Witch for a while) , and by the way, he also received the hunting order for extradimensional creatures in the British Isles issued by the London Temple of Kama Taj during this period and the bounty from long ago, which greatly filled his wallet - most of Kama Taj's secular industry Real estate and venture capital managers can give good earnings reports every time. Therefore, when Bayonetta chose to claim her bounty, she asked for worldly currency rather than gold, which amounted to almost two million dollars.

Although this amount of money is nothing compared to the account of the Supreme Mage that Salomon has on hand, the witch likes the feeling of making money from hunting extradimensional creatures.

After returning to the Oxfordshire manor, Salomon began to live a lazy life. He first lay on the sofa and watched TV, until after lunch, Melia whizzed past the living room with a sponge sword, hitting him like a cannonball. On his belly, he remembered that he still had a child to take care of at home.

So he took Milia to the stable, where he trimmed the horses' hooves and brushed them. This work was carried out until the afternoon tea time. Finally, under the gaze of Pegasus, he selected a dark brown Arabian horse and rode on it. He picked up Melia and put it in front of him, and swayed towards it. The manor's marina. Sometimes, when Dinah's android maids finish their work or take a break, they take fishing rods and buckets and go fishing near the dock - this is a recreational activity rather than fishing - this time Salomon Taking Milia to participate in this activity, he taught her step by step how to choose fishing bait, identify fish types, and determine the water areas where fish gather. But after a while, even the Witch came to the dock under the leadership of the Cheshire Cat. At the same time, the maids also brought a soft couch for Salomon and the Witch to rest.

Although in a legal sense, this entire several-kilometer-long body of water is not private property, because there are no estates built nearby and the area is not a traffic water area, in fact this tributary is not privately owned. Territory makes no difference. Of course, this is not the main reason why the Imperial Guards and the android maids placed anti-frog mines upstream and downstream. Even if this is a traffic water area, as the emperor's security department, they will try their best to maintain the safety of this manor and will Various detection instruments are sunk into the water, and automatic weapons stations are even installed on the docks.

Fishing requires a lot of patience, and it is impossible for Milia to have such a thing at her age. She ran back and forth by the river, either to harass the Cheshire cat waiting for the fish to bite, or to play with the Arabian horse that was chewing the grass. Fortunately, the maids followed her closely, otherwise she would definitely break by the river. The neck, or a kick from a tall horse that couldn't be bothered.

Even more fortunately, Milia fell asleep on the sofa after a while.

She escaped nap time, but not her biological clock. After enjoying grilled fish and picnic sandwiches by the river, she finally fell exhausted into Salomon's arms after playing around all day, and fell into a deep dream within a few seconds. Dinah also put on a trousers for her. Small blanket. Salomon carefully laid her aside and blessed her dreams with a brief incantation, keeping her soul safe from storms and whispers. Her fate is doomed to be very unhappy. The energy flowing in her veins is enough to make a poor spellcaster summon a demon with sorrow, anger, cunning, decay, and joy as its internal organs. All Salomon can do now is to protect it. Good to her soul, keep the monsters away until the day she is able to face it alone.

This little spell also puts Miria into a deep sleep, ensuring she doesn't wake up suddenly before dinner.

"We have to have some children of our own." Bayonetta looked at Milia who was in a sweet dream, feeling itchy in her heart. She finally ended the passionate kiss and said quietly to Salomon, "We can start now."

"I suggest in the bedroom." Salomon was reluctant to part with the witch's lips, and it seemed that he could never be satisfied. That kind of softness and sweetness is what he wants. Bayonetta's hot body is squeezed in his arms, and her slender and perfect body is wrapped in a thick black bear skin cloak. Even he can't help but be moved by the sight in front of him. . Kamal Taj emphasizes rebirth, but this does not mean that Salomon must be an ascetic all his life. "If I can't fill you up, I lose." His wise words made Bayonetta blush. This situation is rare. Only when he has a clear victory, the witch will throw away the strong expression and express another one side,

Bayonetta glanced at Jeanne who was completely immersed in the fishing activity. This fellow witch seems to be interested in all kinds of fun, whether it's cards, darts, horse racing or fishing, she wants to get involved in any game where she can win or lose with others. Now she keeps hoping that the water in the bucket at her feet of fish could exceed Salomon's harvest.

"Joan of Arc is not willing to put down the fishing rod now." Bayonetta could completely feel the enthusiasm of her colleagues, but this enthusiasm was not concentrated under the water, but in the bucket at her feet. So far, there are only two fish that are so thin that the species is almost unclear. Salomon’s fish bucket has long been dumped back into the river, but Jeanne still refuses to admit defeat. To be precise, Joan of Arc just wanted to win against Salomon, that's all, but this small wish was difficult to satisfy. In other words, her competitiveness just meant that she didn't want to let herself go. "Maybe it's because her performance last night was so embarrassing, and now she wants to regain face here." Bayonetta said with a smile, "You were too rough with her last night."

"She likes it too, doesn't she?" Salomon shrugged and wrapped the witch tightly in his arms with a bearskin cloak, just like Cleopatra hiding in a blanket. He picked up Bayonetta and walked towards the manor. His movements were so light that almost no one noticed them, "The two of us are enough. Are you worried about not being able to make it in time for dinner?"

"Oh, dear, I think Dinah wouldn't mind having dinner delivered to the bedroom."

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