Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1351 Witches and Curses (First Update)

Heavy government affairs cannot trouble Salomon's life, at least not yet.

He sent out all the Praetorian Guards, leaving only Hammurabi and Amon who were responsible for personal security. These two Praetorian Guards armed with shields and greatswords participated in all the security arrangements arranged by the Sisters for the manor, and retained their identity as the manor's rapid response force, responsible for guarding and maintaining the manor's emergency evacuation devices.

Of course, not all estate residents would welcome the Praetorian Guards.

At first, the two sheep raised by the emperor were very afraid of these two giants, but as time went by, the sheep chose to attack on the patrol routes of the Praetorian Guards, hitting their leg armor with their heads; although the bear cubs were naughty, But they were very smart not to provoke the Guards. They used the thinking of carnivores and their improved brain capacity to deduce that the identity of the Guards was actually a creature at the top of the biological chain. Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is a biological instinct, even for brown bear cubs. They will not provoke the guards like those silly sheep; except for the horses in the stable because Hammurabi and Amon have the ability to take care of horses. Aside from welcoming them, there weren't many animals that liked the Praetorian Guards, and the two Praetorian Guards didn't understand why the emperor kept so many animals in the manor.

The owner of the manor does not have some kind of persecution delusion. He just knows how dangerous the world is. Otherwise, he would not agree to the Sisters' application to place mines and underwater sensors, let alone fill the manor with hidden anti-aircraft artillery and anti-aircraft guns. missile. When necessary, a ballistic missile can be launched from the underground of this manor, but because the launch silo of the ballistic missile is actually in the forest clearing behind the manor, using grass and trees as camouflage, this makes Bayonetta a little confused. Angry - as an unnamed British Prime Minister put it, it's as if Britain is just a missile launching platform for the United States. This description is extremely accurate - for the emperor, Britain also functions as a missile launching platform. After all, the strategic geographical location of the British Isles is very suitable for today's Balkan Federation. The ambivalent attitude and contradiction between the United Kingdom and the politics of the European continent are also political topics that can be exploited.

As an agreement between the mystic and the witch, political issues cannot enter the manor.

Bayonetta knew Salomon's plan as early as when she bought the manor and saw the blueprint. Although Bayonetta felt a little bad when she thought that one day the most beautiful scenery and picnic spot in the manor would be destroyed, she tried her best to forget about it after a few days. After all, the function of the ballistic missile was also to protect the safety of the witch and the manor. Her partner had paid a lot to ensure the normal family life she wanted. There was no need to make a fuss about it. That was not the way Rosa taught her to seize her partner. Methods.

She and Salomon were sitting on the sofa in the small living room, wrapped in blankets, watching TV and talking silly words. Such sweet moments were extremely rare, and Bayonetta would sometimes deliberately nuzzle his thigh, or whisper something in his ear, and then look at Salomon, whose face was red and breathing heavily because of her actions. She enjoyed this behavior until Salomon picked her up from the sofa and sat on his lap, kissing her freshly washed body and starting the pleasure again.

"Joan of Arc will be back soon." The messy hair was stuck to the cheeks of the black-haired witch with a thin layer of sweat. The cold air exhaled by the air conditioner could not slow down the hot breath, and the sweat flowed down her smooth back. Bayonetta said breathlessly, "Maybe she'll shoot when she comes back."

"I don't mind her joining." Salomon said with a smile, "Let's spend dinner here."

Milia didn't see her adoptive parents all night, and it wasn't until the next morning at the breakfast table that she saw her adoptive father and two adoptive mothers with red faces waiting for her. She jumped up on the dining room chair and threw herself into her adoptive father's arms. Then she smelled her adoptive mother's scent on her adoptive father. However, she did not understand what this meant at this time, but asked Salomon if he could go home from get off work and play sword fighting games with her.

"Of course, of course, my little princess." Salomon picked up Milia, kissed her twice, and put her back on her seat. The Cheshire Cat followed the girl around the manor very responsibly. It was not until Milia met Salomon that he felt at ease to enjoy the tuna paste prepared by Dinah. "But if you can't eat more, the game won't go on." Salomon said to the girl, "I know you don't like broccoli, but you must eat some of this when you eat meat. This will make you change." Be strong and healthy.”

Jeanne wrinkled her nose and scraped her knife repeatedly on the plate.

"Don't make any noise. Milia is not your competitor!" Bayonetta rolled her eyes at her colleagues, "Be careful of the female spy, the female archaeologist, and the Hydra woman. Malik The way women in the family look at him can burn them to death.”

"My curse skills are not new yet. I don't worry about this kind of thing. I want to turn those who infringe on assets into pigs!" The white-haired witch raised her chin. What she was talking about was a very famous European curse, derived from a story in medieval Europe. The content is that a witch turns a young hunter into a wild boar. The ingredients include moonlight, mistletoe and magic potions. However, the magic of the witch clan is not that troublesome. Their curse skills are quite powerful, and they are not like country witches who need to prepare for months in advance and will be caught and burned by mortals.

"Really? Then who was shooting everywhere last night because he didn't participate in the game in advance?"

Jeanne lowered her head again, pretending not to hear. She would never admit to breaking the expensive rose window, even if the bullet did fly from the muzzle of her gun, even if Bayonetta and Salomon saw her shooting and shattering the small living room. Joan of Arc would never admit to that 400-year-old rose window. If Salomon hadn't cast a spell to catch her, she would have run away like a cat that had done something bad.

Salomon did not hear the conversation between the witches, although the secret magic they used was not that profound to him. It would be easy to crack it, but he still didn't do it. While he watched Milia stuffing salted broccoli into her mouth with a grimace, he watched the two witches whispering to each other, and occasionally throwing intriguing glances at him. He didn't think much about it. After all, after breakfast, he had to end his vacation and go to the royal city to take charge. Now the regent Victor von Doom only asked him to appear in public to ensure that the whole world knew that he was healthy, if possible. , the regent also hopes that he will appear publicly in a city in other countries as a strategic deterrent or friendly exchange.

But he won't do that today.

He is going to meet a scientist who was once employed by SHIELD. This scientist has extremely high attainments in machinery, artificial intelligence and bionics. Although he had previously arranged for personnel to follow the actions of Coulson's team and investigated the scientist's background, he did not actually have any overt contact with a certain technology before it was invented. But now he has received news that the US government is going to rebuild S.H.I.E.L.D.--the S.H.I.E.L.D. of the United States, not the S.H.I.E.L.D. of the Security Council. In the past, S.H.I.E.L.D. had to pretend to be a neutral organization, but now it is blatantly receiving U.S. military defense funds. According to the divination of the mystics of Kama Taj, the scientist has something to do with the "Dark Book of Darkness". Due to his responsibility, Salomon felt that he had to act in advance. The fastest solution was for him to meet with the scientist in person and promise technology and the future.

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