Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1352 Life-Model Decoy (Second update)

The regent Victor von Doom had just returned to the Royal Castle. Before Constantine could speak, he said that he was aware of the situation. "Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes has found his target." Even with a row of internal affairs secretaries behind him, Victor von Doom still talked about extremely confidential events openly. The internal affairs secretaries responsible for connecting various departments could not hear the regent's voice, and their brains forced them to stay away from the Praetorian Guards. "This is a problem you failed to solve last time, Constantine. Both he and I believe that this task is suitable for you. It is necessary for you to bring back Dr. Radcliffe and his creations, and at the same time control the Ghost Rider. Robbie Reyes, don’t let him hurt his target.”

"I understand." Constantine said calmly, "But he hasn't told me the deadline of the mission yet."

"He will tell you on the way." Regent Victor von Doom's team passed through the security check system. As it went deeper into the royal city, the number of people following behind became smaller and smaller. "He will stay by while you perform your mission. He wants to see Dr. Radcliffe as soon as possible and talk with him in detail. And he is also very interested in Dr. Radcliffe's creation and wants to Know the limits of that artifact.”

"Ada, right?" Constantine called up the database. The tactical display in his helmet clearly displayed the information collected by the intelligence department. At least half of the information was marked by SHIELD. "I'm looking forward to the bionic man with a doctorate in brain science. Dr. Radcliffe's information shows that he is very suitable for working on Mars, and maybe he can become an excellent sage."

"It is is just said that Dr. Radcliffe's robot Ada has feelings."

"This is impossible!" Constantine immediately retorted, "The silicon-based intelligence samples from the Mars Foundry all reflect powerful destructive capabilities. If there are silicon-based intelligence on the earth, then what we have to face now will be different. It's just an android. Just like Ultron and Vision, we spent a huge price to get rid of them. Silicon-based intelligence must not appear again in this world. If this is true, we need to mobilize the military. Or call in more Praetorian Guards.”

"Calm down." Regent Victor von Doom nodded to the Sisters in mechs and power armor armed with heavy bolters in the corridor, motioning for them to open their offices. The regent's expression was still at ease, as if this incident that coincided with the reform of the Hungarian province had not made him busier, "We can listen to what he says and let him make the judgement. We can always believe him, no." ?"

Dr. Radcliffe was deeply involved in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Inhuman experiments and had a large amount of information about the Inhuman genome. One of the reasons why he attracted the emperor's attention was that Victoria Hand discovered that the "Life-Model Decoy" database of a disbanded S.H.I.E.L.D. project was re-logged six months ago and relevant information was taken away. Although the lander was careful not to leave any traces, there are only a handful of people who have this access and are interested in it. Tony Stark once approached the project but gave up, so Victoria Hand soon Dr. Radcliffe was targeted and monitored.

According to feedback from the monitor, a woman suddenly appeared in Dr. Radcliffe's home.

Through facial feature recognition, the woman’s name was Agnes Kitzwarn, Dr. Radcliffe’s ex-wife. However, Agnes Kitzwarne was still far away in Spain and could not appear in the United States. The agent disguised himself as a deliveryman and knocked on the door when a woman was alone at home. Through conversation, he determined that the woman was not Agnes Kitzwarne and that she was extremely innocent and easy to deceive. Thinking of Dr. Radcliffe's research projects and skills, Victoria Hand determined that the woman was actually the Life-Model Decoy used to save the lives of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Dr. Radcliffe used the appearance of his ex-wife to The body was fabricated for this project.

If it were just an artificial intelligence with a bionic body, the emperor wouldn't be so anxious. What's worse is that Dr. Radcliffe seems to have come into contact with something special in his interactions with SHIELD. It is precisely because of this special thing and Karma Taj's warning that the Emperor fell in love with him. Became interested.

"Tarot cards?" Constantine cast a disapproving look at the regent, "This thing cannot replace the investigation report."

"But it can also guide us in the direction of our investigation." Victor von Doom shuffled the slices skillfully. "The female pope reversed can be understood as infertility." He turned over the next card, "Lovers in the upright position, power in reverse. Doing things regardless of other people's feelings because of love." The regent threw a few words at the emperor on the throne. A look like, "What are you going to do with this silicon-based sentient being who falls in love with a human?"

"Observe, negotiate, capture, study, dissect, and destroy."

Hearing the emperor's voice, Constantine stopped talking.

"If the body of Dr. Radcliffe's living life protection project comes into contact with "Dark Magic", it means that we may face a worse situation." Regent Victor von Doom looked at Constant Ding, "Spiritual entities from extra dimensions are likely to parasitize in the electric charge and corrupt the machinery, so all weapons and equipment must be blessed before combat. I will ask the Mars Foundry to prepare nine layers of blessings and prayers so that your equipment can fight against the information demon." "

"And Robbie Reyes." Constantine nodded, "I believe that Ghost Rider can fight against this kind of malice. Although we have complied with our promise to compensate Robbie Reyes' family, we don't think he himself There is no resentment. He is very likely to hinder our actions. My Lord, do you still have control over the spirit body of Ghost Rider?"

The emperor nodded and said nothing.

"We need Dr. Radcliffe's technology. Mars believes that the system called 'Framework' invented by Dr. Radcliffe continues to have reference value and can bring information exchange and security on Mars one step closer. We also need to pull Dr. De Cleef's protection of information security. To this end, Mars will send the Martian Custodes troops to participate in the operation."

Constantine's face darkened. He knew what the so-called Martian Guards were like. Although those half-human, half-machine guys were also Guards, he could kill an entire Martian Guards like an animal. That such a slave-like and despicable thing can be called a Praetorian Guard is simply an insult to this term.

However, the Emperor acquiesced to Mars' actions and did not interfere.

Regent Victor von Doom stood up.

He has sat in the closed-door meeting for long enough and must leave to deal with official business. The civil servants of the Ministry of Interior are still waiting for him. The problem of the Hungarian province is not that easy to solve. He must turn it into a Balkan federation. The northern defense line enables it to resist NATO attacks.

"That's it, eh? It's best to hold such a meeting in a dream next time. It's more convenient and faster, and you don't have to sit sore and backache!"

The action planning was completed in a short period of time, and the information support department and command department were also assembled. They can connect to Constantine's combat system at any time to provide intelligence and information support. This is a profession that sounds very cool, similar to the super hacker behind a superhero. However, this job is definitely not as easy as imagined. Not to mention the 24-hour information support, many people ask for a salary increase or replacement of more comfortable equipment due to occupational diseases. But this time, the information support department was not busy for too long, because the network technicians from the Mars Foundry joined the operation and a new office was set up next to the intelligence room. These Martians don't need soft chairs or engineering keyboards, but use mind-linked methods to control computers.

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