Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1353 Mechanical Soldier (First Update)

The android project has always been the focus of attention from all parties on earth. If the conditions are relaxed, humanoid robots such as Ultron and Vision can be regarded as androids to a large extent, and even the artificial humans created by the Emperor and equipped with alchemy engines. Maid can also be considered one of them, the only difference is whether it has a layer of simulated skin. The technology used in Dr. Radcliffe's creation was largely due to Stark Group's research and scanning of Vision. The robot created by Ultron using 3D printing technology has an extremely delicate structure and is extremely powerful. Reference value. The bionic man created by Dr. Radcliffe most likely referred to Stark Group's research data on the Vision Robot in terms of joints and other bionic parts, and controlled the volume of the joints while ensuring balance, so as to maximize the size of the bionic parts he created. The robot has a perfect human form.

However, Vision does not possess one key device, and that is energy.

Until now, Dr. Radcliffe's project has still not been able to have the ability to leave the house, for no other reason than the limited size and insufficient energy of the battery pack. According to the observations of the Defense Intelligence Department and the Praetorian Order Intelligence Department, Dr. Radcliffe seems to be using his authority to access information on the Ark Reactor. Although Tony Stark has repeatedly stated that he will not hand over the manufacturing methods and knowledge of the Ark reactor to any official organization, his relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D. is not among them. Nick Fury actually obtained the ability to create this small plasma reactor. method, Dr. Radcliffe, as the external technical consultant of the current S.H.I.E.L.D. team, is naturally able to obtain the information.

According to the intelligence sent by the agents, the U.S. government will announce the establishment of a new S.H.I.E.L.D. in a few days. Previously, the new S.H.I.E.L.D. had already had contact with the Coulson team and tried to obtain the Nick Fury from the Coulson team. Secret information that Ray had hidden from Agent Natasha Romanoff.

It was a small black box of vibranium equipped with a holographic projection device. Nick Fury told Agent Coulson that it was S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most comprehensive database, and all the information he had ever disclosed and that he had not disclosed was in it. ——Even on the WikiLeaks website, there are not many records of confidential information revealed during the Hydra rebellion, because it is rare for all US intelligence agencies to temporarily put aside their intrigues and join forces to protect their own futures and jobs, and publish relevant information on the Internet. files are quickly deleted.

The files that the world can still see today are just the remnants of the rebellion and information salvaged by a few famous hackers. Even that information has led to the arrest of hundreds of entrepreneurs and officials around the world on charges of money and power trading, leaking state secrets, and other crimes.

Mars' goal is to take away everything about Dr. Radcliffe, and the Emperor's goal is to take away the technology and interrogate Dr. Radcliffe and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who have come into contact with him, to figure out the "Dark Book" ” and how many people had access to that book. However, Constantine does not want to cooperate with Mars because it will take time for Mars to transport equipment and combat forces to Earth. He does not think that his patience and the development of things can wait until the equipment and combat forces sent by the Mars Foundry arrive. Earth.

However, just a few hours later, a spacecraft with a Martian crimson paint landed at the Royal City landing site. Dozens of semi-human soldiers dressed in crimson robes, whose bodies were completely replaced with the same metal masks, electronic eyes, respiratory filtration systems, sound collection systems and mechanical prosthetics, lined up in a long queue and walked neatly down the lowered ramp. The mechanical appendages on the power backpack behind him are locked firmly behind his back. Standing at the front of this group of Martian soldiers is a Martian sage whose lower face has been replaced with silver metal, and a soldier who obviously looks different from other Martian soldiers. The mechanical plant used by this soldier The entry is obviously more refined, the functions are more comprehensive, and the operation speed is more efficient. Constantine can even smell the mixed smell of blood, nutrient solution and engine oil under the bodies of this group of people covered up by dark red robes.

"These are all slaves." Amon and Constantine said to the commander in the communication system as they walked forward to meet the reinforcements from Mars, "But slaves also have their uses."

"I have always had doubts about Mars' loyalty." Constantine frowned and stopped, waiting for the Martian sage to come forward to greet him. He recalled what the Emperor had said about Mars—the loyalty of Marbas, the forging sage of Mars, could be guaranteed, but the rulers of other forges on Mars. Marbas' subordinates don't necessarily share the same loyalties - but they do need technical support from Mars in this case. "This operation can be included in the inspection criteria."

"Agreed." Amon responded briefly and then stopped talking.

He stood behind Constantine, holding a halberd in his hand, and looked warily at the Martian team walking neatly, his eyes full of assessment of the team's combat capabilities. Three seconds, this is the conclusion he just came to, but it cannot be counted as collateral damage. Although the weapons of these Martian mechanical soldiers cannot cause damage to the power armor of the Guards, due to Mars' abuse of radioactive weapons, once these mechanical soldiers fire, the radiation concentration on site will reach carcinogenic standards. If we were to take action here, no mortals working on the landing site would be spared. The protective equipment worn by those workers would not be able to withstand this kind of radiation at all.

"Three seconds." Constantine whispered the same answer as Amon, "Try not to do anything, my Lord pities the lives of those mortals."

The Martian Sage stopped less than two meters away from the Imperial Guards.

"Dear Commander of the Praetorian Guards, I am Epsilon Rodney Radium-223, the ruler of the Forge of Olympus." This senior Martian official has a clear and smooth simulated female voice, but whether it is Constantine or Ah Mundu was unable to discern whether the sage's remaining physical body had any concept of gender. The Martian sage pulled out a chip from the device on his waist, "This is my identity verification code, data communication password and mission reception code. 12 hours, 31 minutes and 20.9 seconds ago, I was still undergoing prosthetic transplant surgery and Artificial nerve fiber cloning, but Mars believes that among the foundry sages on Earth, only I can bear this responsibility with my professional skills and research on the inefficient social structure between flesh and blood."

Then a few more incomprehensible binary curse words came out of its voice machine, which probably meant something like "bad tutor", "deducted points", "boring code" and "stuff you all into the reactor radiator". Class words.

In any case, the Martian sage seemed reluctant to participate in the operation. Constantine took the chip and read the information to confirm the identity of the young sage and the numbers of the mechanic soldiers behind him. He matched the information on the list one by one, including weapons and equipment. Finally, he turned his attention to the squad leader, who was much taller than the other mechanical soldiers and had more exquisite implants.

"Alpha-Bronze 02."

The voice of the leader of the mechanical soldier squad was dry and electronic. It seems that nice voices and easy-to-approach appearances mean nothing to these soldiers. Mars has no intention of making these mechanical soldiers look more like humans. Even the sound generators in the respiratory system follow the principle of minimalism. Although the Imperial Guards do not care about the combat capabilities of Alpha-Bronze 02, they are very worried about the weapon in its hands, because the radiation index of that weapon has already exceeded the standard. If ordinary people use this weapon, they may only be exposed to radiation all over the body. fester.

"Arrange the cleaning of the site." Constantine said to Amon behind him, "I will take these Martian visitors to the rest area to isolate them from the people on Earth."

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