Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 142 Quietly crawling to your side (second update!)

"Hello, puppy dog."

Salomon led the dog to the place where Natasha had been, trying to let it smell the place. The dog was lucky enough to survive only because it was a mongrel, not a pure bloodhound, otherwise Salomon would have peeled off its skin to perform biolocation.

For this "casting", Salomon also paid the price of two British sausages-this emulsified high-fat offal tube is not very expensive, because the British local sausage contains 32.5% fat, 6.5% pig skin, 20% water, 10% rusk, 5% seasoning, coloring and preservatives, only contains 26% meat - mainly including cartilage, head, leftovers and mechanically deboned meat slag peeled from the carcass with steam.

But the dog is very satisfied, and it is also very willing to help Salomon. It said that as long as it adds more butter and helps it clean the fleas, it will follow Salomon. Don't ask the mystic how he knew, Kama Taj also has a collection of druid spells, and the complete ritual was copied in the magic book by Salomon. The mystic agreed to the condition of the stray dog ​​and named it "Jones", because Salomon hoped that it would lead him to find the target.

Jones led the mystic out into the street, sniffing and following two ruts. The mystic mage frowned. He thought that even if Natasha was subdued by the witch, she would not be taken away in a grand manner on the street, and the king's army would not be able to do so. Then the reason why Natasha left the monitoring site is worth thinking about. Now the mystics tend to think that she left on her own. If it wasn't for nothing important, Agent Romanov would not do this.

But thinking didn't stop Salomon from continuing to follow the dog until Jones came to the door of the court. Salomon was surprised that these Puritans actually put down their work and continued to watch the newly captured witches today. This kind of thinking is incomprehensible to the mystics, because these people's brains have been occupied by ignorance and superstition , reason has long been expelled. Judge Cotton Mather even struck while the iron was hot and carried out an open-air trial, interrogating the "witch" under everyone's noses. If this reality is expanded, according to the historical process, there will be a witch trial in the whole of New England The upsurge was not stopped until it spread to the Governor's wife.

Compared with the original history, due to the intervention of external factors, although the scope of influence of this trial is not as large as before, it is much more cruel. Coulson is eager to save people, and the disappearance of Tituba makes Cotton Mather more convinced of the existence of witches. As for Matthew Hopkins, witch trials are not only a business for him, but also a hobby. He is keen on using the "Witch Inspector" - a torture instrument full of needles and knives - Used to find traces of demons on witches.

Salomon suddenly realized something was wrong. While comforting Jones, who was wagging his tail desperately, he recalled the information he had read: Matthew Hopkins had passed away in 1647, and now it is 1692, that is, Say, this Matthew Hopkins shouldn't be here at all. As far as Salomon knew, Matthew Hopkins traveled throughout Suffolk, Essex, Norfolk and other East Anglian counties, not the New World.

Unless this Matthew Hopkins is a new character added by Randolph Carter, he is absolutely inseparable from Nyarlathotep, but it is impossible for Randolph to cause trouble for himself, so only the latter possible. The mystic hurriedly let the dog lead him to look for Natasha. He found the four witches in the carriage next to the court——Bridget Bishop, Susannah Martin, Alice Parker, Margery Te Scott - They were shackled and imprisoned in a wooden cage with spikes on the top of the carriage, and whenever they tried to climb out of the carriage, they would be bloody from the wooden spikes .

They cried and cried in their cages, but only drew curses from the crowd of onlookers.

The mystic could not approach the carriage, as it was surrounded by an army of seven kings with dog-chain fusiliers. He looked around, but found no trace of Natasha. It may be that she followed the captured witch to come here, or she was also arrested by the king's army after being bewitched. Salomon took the dog to a corner, tried his best to describe Natasha to Jones, and then he sent the dog to check in the prison van—not good luck, Natasha was not there. Nothing else would be good news unless Natasha was found alive.

Salomon patted the dog's head helplessly. Unless the dog becomes a bloodhound, he won't be able to cast the spells he needs now. Suddenly, a hand reached out from behind him and grabbed the mystic's arm. Salomon looked back and saw a man in black with a beard grabbing him, trying to pull him aside.

"Natasha?" Salomon concluded after comparing her height.

"It's me." She said, "It's not safe for women to walk on the street now. I watched you arrive at the surveillance location..."

"F*uck! Next time something like this must be notified in advance! You don't even know how worried I am about you!"

"I still left a mark." Natasha didn't turn her head. "I'm a spy, and I won't be caught so easily."

"But I'm not a spy. I thought it was just a scratch left by a drunk. Even dogs can't find you. How did you do it?" Salomon followed Natasha to a crack between houses Here, away from the noisy crowd, only one person can pass through. Natasha figured out the streets of this town within a day, and she was even more familiar with some buildings than some locals.

"Perfume, produced by S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Okay, what exactly did you find?" After making sure that no one heard it, Salomon held down the puzzled dog, intending to hear what Natasha had to say.

"Matthew Hopkins..."

"I know that." Salomon nodded, "He's already dead, this is not him."

"I saw him teaching witches' magic, and he went to the house of those four girls!" Natasha said, "He is a wizard! Do you have any information there, telling you that Matthew Hopkins is not dead? ? I'm not only following the girl, but also him."

Salomon was pretty sure there were no other male spellcasters in town other than himself and Randolph. Suddenly, he thought of a possibility, which made Salomon's hair stand on end - Nyarlathotep has tens of millions of incarnations! He is likely to be anyone, any creature, any object, or even any kind of natural phenomenon. It's even possible that Matthew Hopkins is one of Nyarlathotep's avatars, assuming Randolph Carter didn't modify the character to include Matthew Hopkins.

Thinking of this, Salomon had a plan. He intended to attack Matthew Hopkins directly on his way home, rather than wandering the forest looking for the Dark Man. If he is really the incarnation of Nyarlathotep, then the sword of sworn victory can definitely destroy him, and Salomon's purpose is half completed.

But there is still a problem that needs to be solved urgently, because Natasha's discovery seems to have gone too smoothly. Isn't Matthew Hopkins worried that those girls will identify him? Or, is he sure that the confessions of those girls will become slander?

"What are you thinking?" Natasha couldn't help asking when she noticed that the mystic was looking at her strangely. But Salomon had a problem.

"What's your biggest regret?"

"Why do you say this?" Natasha's eyes widened, quite puzzled, "Don't tell me, you are under the spell of a witch."

"You have to prove that you are you." Salomon pointed his wand at Natasha who was disguised, "Answer the question."

"are you serious?"

"Answer the questions and don't say anything else."

"Well, I……"

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