Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 143 Resurrection from the Dead (First update! Please recommend!)

Nyarlathotep, the outer god representing chaos among the three pillar gods, is keen on deceiving and tempting human beings. He is the factor of madness, chaos and destruction. He sets traps for those who are not careful. His greatest The fun is to induce human beings to fall into terror and despair until they become insane. He is also known as the God of Many Faces and has countless incarnations. Chaos, confusion, deception, and conspiracy are his forte.

Salomon can now be sure that Nyarlathotep definitely knew about the conversation between Randolph Carter and him, and also knew that Randolph had told him that there were thousands of incarnations in the Walking Chaos. The mystic can also be sure that if the Natasha in front of him has not been replaced, then the Matthew Hopkins she saw who went to the witch's residence is definitely the incarnation of Nyarlathotep. It is to remind Salomon that the incarnation of Nyarlathotep in Salem is not just the "man of darkness". It has already planted the seeds of doubt in the mystic's heart, and is waiting for the seeds to take root and germinate.

What the mystic has to do is to judge whether Natasha in front of her is herself. If so, what other avatars in Salem are unknown to Salomon? And who did those avatars become? Coulson? Or Judge Cotton Mather?

If not, then Natasha is one of the incarnations of Nyarlathotep, where did the real Natasha go? How to find her? What would he do with the incarnation of Naia in front of him? Did He lie about Matthew Hopkins? Was the avatar in front of him transformed by the Dark One, and was there only one Nyarlathotep avatar in Salem?

A large number of problems emerge in an instant, and several reversed problems are entangled together. This is the joy of Nyarlathotep. Everyone who faces him must be very cautious and use his lifelong wisdom to solve it The deadly question left by Nyarlathotep. Salomon didn't think about it immediately, but put his wand against the throat of the person in front of him - the most important thing was to ensure that Natasha/Nyarlathotep could not pose a threat to him.

"I said." Natasha/Nyarlathotep said, "It was a children's hospital, and I burned it down. That's the thing I regret the most. I told you before that, if this If there is a devil in the world, then it has already done what it wants to do with my hand."

The mystic did not move his wand away, and the blue aura at the tip of the wand was also ready to go. He didn't expect to be able to find out the answer through this question at all. Because he couldn't confirm whether he would get Natasha's memory if Nyarlathotep replaced Natasha. It is a paradox for someone to prove that she is objectively herself, and this question of philosophical identity is the trap Salomon prepared for the possible existence of an incarnation of Nyarlathotep, which he and A mental game played by Nyarlathotep.

"You don't believe it, do you?" Natasha/Nyarlathotep blinked, "I've read philosophical books on the question of identity in my spare time, and it's an almost unprovable question. If you add Hume If you don’t have the idea of ​​skeptical philosophy, then I can’t prove it, after all, I have eaten breakfast, and the elements and cells of my body must be different from before. Little boy, what are you doubting?”

Whether it is Nyarlathotep or Natasha, knowledge of philosophy will be involved, which proves nothing.

"You don't even know how many people like you in the world." Salomon changed the topic, but his hand holding the wand remained steady, "In fact, when I was learning oil painting when I was twelve years old, I still Painted an oil painting about you."

"I really didn't know you were my fan." Natasha/Nyarlathotep laughed, although half of her face was now covered by a fake beard. She said, "Did you know S.H.I.E.L.D. at that time? Isn't the European Union Young Scientist Awards Ceremony the first time we met? What do you draw? What clothes am I wearing? Leotards? Business attire... Or underwear?"

"I have known about your existence for a long time." Salomon's words were not directional. They could be directed at Natasha or Nyarlathotep. He said, "What I drew was an oil painting of you in the uniform of a Japanese high school girl, and the red cheongsam, and the extremely ornate court attire."

The various human incarnations of Nyarlathotep mentioned by Salomon, as for the uniforms of Japanese high school girls... who knows if Nyarlathotep has an incarnation called Nyarlathotep, the God of Thousand Faces His name was not put on his head for no reason, so let's just bring it up together now.

"Okay~ I really didn't know you liked this." Natasha/Nyarlathotep turned her eyes away, with an embarrassed expression. But this is only superficial, in fact her answer is still watertight, Salomon doesn't know whether this is due to the agent's instinct, or Nyarlathotep's characteristics.

"I just think that suit suits you well." Even after digging repeatedly, the person in front of him didn't show any doubts about his relationship with Nyarlathotep. Salomon frowned, because he couldn't waste all his time on this matter. If he really did, he would have fallen into Nyarlathotep's trap.

He thought of a way to verify his identity—since the words could not be determined, it would be a good way to jump out of the problem and solve it from the outside. Although the cost and risk of this method are extremely high, it is not unacceptable. Salomon is confident that he can master the safety of this method.

He took a step forward, forcing Natasha/Nyarlathotep to turn their backs on him, and walked towards the depths of the alley.


"I'm sorry, really, really sorry." Salomon followed Natasha, and followed her through the dark and narrow alleys of the town, and behind him, followed a dog. Natasha, who was walking in front, had a large red and black bloodstain on her chest and back, but there was no wound under the bloodstain. No matter how much the mystic mage apologized, Natasha didn't want to pay attention to him, and Salomon could understand it. After all, Natasha died in front of her for about 50 seconds, and he did it himself.

This is how Salomon verified her identity.

Because Nyarlathotep can be killed by physical means in the human state, if killed, the body will start to vibrate and expand after falling down, and finally explode, and a huge long-clawed monster (or other monster form) will emerge. From its splintered corpse, the repulsive troll would soar into the sky before disappearing without further molesting its slayer. This is the knowledge taught to Salomon by Randolph Carter, and the mystic has the courage not to worry about accidental killing because of a spell he has mastered - the three-ring necromancy spell resurrection. This is a positive energy spell that can revive creatures that have been dead for less than one minute in a dying state. The mystic spent 6 pounds of gold and diamonds in order to perform this magic.

Without warning, he inserted the dagger into Natasha's heart along the gap between her ribs. After confirming that Natasha's body had not changed after she lost a lot of blood, Salomon revived her. In addition to casting this spell, he also cast a ring spell "Healing Wounds" and poured a lot of potions into Natasha, which allowed her wounds to heal and regain her health.

Salomon himself didn't want to conduct such a verification again, not only because of the risk of this method, but also because he had squandered all the life-supplementing potions in his dimensional bag. All in all, he spent enough to cast Resurrection again.

What made Natasha angry was that Salomon didn't inform her of this method in advance, and didn't even say hello. "I have imagined many ways to die." She gave Salomon a fierce look, "but I never thought that I would die in this way."

"You were only dead for a minute, Natasha. It's nothing, and you're alive and well, with no scars, and I feel like you're even healthier than before. Because I gave you some Potions you don't need, if you have any disease that affects you, are now gone - except cancer." The mystic blinked, "The reason I didn't tell you is to surprise you, only in this way can we achieve The effect of verification. Otherwise, the other party may pretend to be dead, making it impossible for me to confirm the death, and then I will fall into another predicament."

"I actually died once." Natasha lowered her voice, "How on earth did you come up with this method!"

"This is a secret, you can't know." The mystic curled his lips, "Also, maybe you will die a second time, but I will try my best not to let the second happen."

"This is the best news I've heard today!" Natasha rolled her eyes, "I'm going back to the hotel to take a shower. Thanks to you, I'll be conspicuous wherever I go in this outfit!"

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