Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 144 Falling into the Trap (Second Change! Ask for Tickets!)

The mystic and Natasha walked out of the alley, one behind the other.

This is his plan.

He and Natasha showed discord on the surface to show that he still doubted Natasha's true identity, and there was still a rift between the two (although there was, Natasha was very angry with Salomon for killing her. things to worry about). This was a play for Nyarlathotep, the mystic who wanted him to think his plan had succeeded in driving a rift between his enemies. Natasha's performance was so realistic that Salomon didn't even know if she was really angry (it might be true), and the blood on her chest seemed to tell others that she had a conflict with Salomon, and Natasha Sha held her chest even when she was walking, showing that she was injured.

If he is monitoring this scene, then he has fallen into the trap set by the mystic.

This is what Salomon wants, because Nyarlathotep can only be fooled by doing his best. He wanted the evil god to think that his plan was going well. Only in this way could the mystic find a chance to kill him. The purpose of forcing Natasha into the alley before was to ensure that Nyarlathotep would not know that he had verified Natasha's identity.

Salomon patted the dog's head and left the town with the stray dog. Since Matthew Hopkins may be the incarnation of Nyarlathotep, it is most important to escape from his surveillance and ensure that Nyarlathotep cannot track him—because Salomon will Carry out an assassination plan, as for the target, it is Matthew Hopkins.

From dawn to dusk, the witch trials slowly stopped. This is not because the judges and interrogators are tired of torturing prisoners, but because there are not enough gallows. Today, the king's army has arrested a total of more than twenty people, but there are not so many gallows. According to the regulations, the witch must be hanged on the gallows to rot, so Cotton Mather had to stop the trial and announced that the rest of the prisoners would be imprisoned. Judge Cotton Mather also arranged tight guards, and there are people patrolling the prison at all times to ensure that other prisoners will not disappear inexplicably like Tituba.

Some people in the small town are frenzied with frenzy, and with it, fear. They are afraid that their neighbors, their wives and mothers are witches; some people worry that people who usually have a bad relationship with them will slander them for being connected with the devil, so they will be the first to report those people. As a result, the chaos spread further in the small town of Salem. While the witch trials were in progress, the judge and interrogator also received many reports.

For such an accusation, Cotton Mather still chose to take all the suspects into custody even though the prison could no longer hold them and several suspects had to be squeezed into a small cell. Immediately afterwards, chaos began to spread in the small town of Salem, and it was time for everyone to be in danger. This is exactly what Nyarlathotep wants to see, this is the drama he loves.

If Nyarlathotep was monitoring the town of Salem, then he would know that Natasha was the only foreigner staying in the town. After Coulson sent Tituba back to Randolph Catena, he set out overnight to find the stone tower that Salomon needed; while Salomon was wandering on the edge of the dark forest—the mystic didn't know what was going on in the town. There are several incarnations. He first assumed that Matthew Hopkins was transformed by the dark man, so at this time, Nyarlathotep should return to the dark forest after the witch trial, where Salomon is located. The location is at the junction of the peninsula on which the town is located and the forest on the mainland.

It is close to the coast, and Salomon can even smell the salty smell of the sea breeze. The mystic holds the sword of vowed victory and guards here alone.

If Matthew Hopkins or the Dark Man do not appear, it means that there are probably two avatars in the town, or that Nyarlathotep returned to the Dark Forest with a teleportation spell. In this case, Salomon will go to the small town of Salem and go to the residence of Matthew Hopkins to find out-if he disappears, it means that there is only one incarnation in the town, then It also means that Salomon must go deep into the forest again to face the countless monsters summoned by Nyarlathotep.

This is barely good news, after all, one less avatar equals one less trouble.

It is important to note that Salomon never cast the portal spell in Salem. Although he can use the portal to travel through this reality after deducing the nature of this reality and knowing the time he is in, but this kind of strategic magic, Salomon is not necessary take it out. Now, his caution is paying off. Tonight, the portal can help him quickly raid Nyarlathotep's avatar in the small town or in the dark forest before Nyarlathotep reacts, and solve this problem completely.

Salomon waited for a long time, but no one came. After a while, after looking at his watch, he opened the scroll and added spells to himself. Strides, the grace of a cat, the strength of an ox, and, in addition, various protective spells to ensure that he is sufficiently resistant to various attacks that may come his way. After the preparations were complete, Salomon untied the stigmata that could be released safely, put on the hanging ring, and cast a spell to open the portal.

His destination is in a dark alley in the small town of Salem, not far from Matthew Hopkins' residence, and few people pass by, no one will see Salomon open the portal ——This is the information Natasha provided him. The mystic quickly rushed towards the temporary residence of Matthew Hopkins, which was under the name of Cotton Mather. The judge specially lent this residence to Matthew in order to entertain the interrogator appointed by the governor. · Hopkins temporary residence.

It would be too embarrassing for the interrogator to live in a hotel and mix with merchants who are not noble at all.

The mystic was galloping all the way, even when he reached the door of the house, he didn't have the slightest intention to stop. He swung his long sword, and the heavy copper-inlaid oak wooden door was slashed diagonally from left to right, like a piece of torn paper. Salomon didn't pause at all. He quickly ran into the hall, ignoring the butlers and servants who rushed over after hearing the loud noise of the door falling down. Instead, he jumped up the stairs covered with soft carpets, and jumped up the stairs again. Run to the master bedroom.

Natasha really deserves to be a tenth-level agent. She bought the maid of Mather's house and got the bedroom of Matthew Hopkins. Without this news, Salomon would not have launched the raid easily. He slammed into the corridor like a fast-moving heavy jeep, cut open the door of the master bedroom with a long sword, and with the sound of the door panel collapsing and the wall cracking, he strode in.

Candles were lit in the master bedroom, and Matthew Hopkins was not asleep. He was still neatly dressed. This eerie atmosphere made Salomon stop in his tracks, and held the sword more cautiously. "I was wondering when you would come." He seemed to have anticipated Salomon's arrival, showing an uneasy smile. He said, "A man who should have died in 1647 appeared in 1692. What a conspicuous bait, you actually took the bait. Now it seems that I value you too much?"

"You are not Nyarlathotep." Salomon felt an extremely uneasy premonition, and he felt that he had fallen into an undetectable trap. The mystic frowned and pointed his sword at Matthew Hopkins, "Who are you!".

"I am Nyarlathotep, but I am not Nyarlathotep." Matthew Hopkins raised an eyebrow. "Who do you think is talking to you, dear."


"Sweetheart." Matteo Hopkins beat his chest and stamped his feet, burst into laughter, opened his jaw to the widest range human beings can reach, and then, under Salomon's horrified gaze, he tore open the mouth with both hands. own cheek so that the jaw can move freely. But Matthew Hopkins didn't seem to feel pain, and what flowed through his skin was not blood, but foul-smelling yellow pus. Following his movements, pus dripped to the ground, fat white maggots came out of his muscles, and his eyes were quickly covered with a white cloud, but he could still speak, but his voice gradually became hoarse, as if his body The moisture in it is gradually disappearing.

"Oh, poor man, my little sweetheart, you are so poor." He let out a wild laugh, and he said with a laugh, "Why can't Matthew Hopkins be a dead man now? You think I'm Where is it? Hahahahaha, hahahahaha!"

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