Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 145 Detective Wang Wang (First update! Ask for tickets!)

What is Matthew Hopkins in front of him? An undead creature, or a driven corpse? Nyarlathotep seemed to have gained the upper hand in this conspiracy, and he mocked Salomon, mocking the idiot who fell into the trap he set.

Salomon didn't have time to think about it. He swung his sword horizontally and cut Matthew Hopkins' neck. But even though Matthew Hopkins' body fell to the ground and couldn't move, the half-rotten, stinky head was still babbling nonsense. Nyarlathotep seemed to understand that the corpse he was manipulating could not exist for too long. In the last time, he still tried to use words to disrupt the mystic's thinking.

"Ah, sweetheart." He said extremely nasty words in a hoarse middle-aged male voice, "I know you hate your own powerlessness and can't save your companions. It's so pitiful, don't you really want to find them?"

The plan of the God of Many Faces is very effective. Even if Salomon cut Matthew Hopkins's head in half from top to bottom with a sword and successfully shut him up, the many mysteries he left behind It was also successfully inserted into Salomon's mind - where is Nyarlathotep? Are Coulson and Natasha in danger? If Nyarlathotep did attack them, who was the target? How would he find Nyarlathotep's avatar?

The mystic strode out of the mansion. Before the king's army arrived, he cast a spell to open the portal. Holding the long sword, he walked in cautiously. In Natasha's room (formerly Tituba's room), Salomon didn't see her, he frowned and looked around - bullet casings, bullet holes, and a small blackened bloodstain and the remains of rats that have been trampled. In addition, the door was open, and the window was also open. He didn't find any footprints on the window sill, but there were many traces of coming and going at the door, depending on the size, both men and women.

It's not safe here anymore. Salomon thought to himself, perhaps Natasha's gunshots after returning fire attracted attention, and now many people probably know what happened here. But he didn't know where Natasha went, was she taken away or escaped? In order not to waste time, the mystic could only confirm the safety of the other person first.

Salomon casts his spell again, this time his destination is Plessy Farm. All the livestock and poultry in this farm were taken away by the king's army. On the surface, there was no one and no light, but Salomon still found Coulson here—because Salomon had warned him He, let him not go through the dark forest at night, so Coulson can only stay temporarily on the farm. In order not to attract the attention of the nearby villagers, he deliberately chose to hide in the basement of the farm. The Pricey couple used this basement to store sundries. Although it is a bit humid here, it is still an excellent hiding place, barely considered a temporary safety Room.

And not only Coulson is hiding here, but also the stray dog ​​Jones who got here before him. This dog was arranged here by Salomon before preparing for the battle. When Coulson arrived here, this variegated dog was Coulson's only joy during the boring waiting. One person and one dog get along well done.

"I gave it a name," Coulson said.

"Jones." Salomon interrupted the agent's next words, "I know it. The point is not here, there are some things you must know." Both Coulson and Jones listened attentively as the story was told in general (although Salomon didn't know why a dog would show such a human face).

"She'll be fine." After listening to Coulson, he acted very calmly, "Agent Romanov is the best agent. She may have moved away after being attacked. I think your target should be The black hand behind the scenes, solve it first, and we can go out. According to you, after this matter is resolved, Agent Romanov will appear in the real reality, and we can go find her again at that time. "

After Agent Coulson finished speaking, Jones the stray dog ​​wagged his tail and started barking. After confirming that it had attracted the attention of Salomon and Coulson, it ran to the corner of the basement and scratched the ground with its two front paws. The mystic walked over and saw that the thing buried by the stray dog ​​Jones was half a human-faced mouse—Salomon guessed that the other half might have been eaten by Jones. "Wow!" Jones jumped up, wagging his tail, trying to put his tongue on Salomon's face. The mystic reluctantly declined Jones' warm invitation.

"Good job." Some of Salomon's spell effects have ended, and he can no longer understand the animals' speech. The mystic patted the dog's head helplessly, "But I don't eat rats, and neither should you. Who knows if this stuff is poisonous."

"Wow!" Jones sneezed in dissatisfaction, and it sat down with its two front paws propped on the ground. The mystic seemed to see the look of contempt in the dog's eyes. "I don't think it's inviting you to eat that thing." After examining half of the human-faced mouse with a small wooden stick and checking Jones' teeth, Coulson concluded, "The bite mark is only one line." , it may have accidentally bit off this strange mouse. It should have other purposes for you to look at things."

"Really?" Salomon looked at the dog suspiciously. He said, "If yes, call twice, if not, call once."

"Wow woof~"

"What's this?" The mystic shrugged and took out the magic book, "I'll just assume you have other purposes, I should cast spells—well, what are you going to do? No, there's no more butter, the rest I can't give it to you, it's my spell-casting material. What? Help you take a bath? Now is not the time to do this! You said you can lead us to find the owner of that mouse, are you serious? Natasha sprayed perfume You can't find her after that, and I've never seen a dog as useless as you."


"Okay, I apologize, you are the most useful dog I have ever seen." Salomon sighed, "I promise you will definitely bathe you after this. What, you still want to increase the price? Beef? All right, I promise you."

"You're talking to it." Coulson pointed at Jones, and asked Salomon hesitantly, "I don't think I heard it wrong, it's just barking. How did you hear so much content? "

"Magic." Salomon watched as Coulson quickly retracted his fingers, dodging Jones' fangs. He held down the angry dog, "Jones is a little unhappy because you think he is in the same group as those stupid dogs."

"Okay..." Coulson blinked, "Should I apologize?"

"Yes, otherwise Jones would not have forgiven you."

"Well, this is the weirdest dog I've ever seen."

"There is another thing," said Salomon. "The stone tower."

"I found it," Coulson said. "There is an abandoned stone tower not far from here in the eastern wilderness. It may have been left by the Indians. I found some murals on it, but those murals are now gone." It's blurry, and the whole tower is in dilapidated condition. I went to the village to find tools and hands, and built the altar according to the pattern you gave-but I have to say, this matter can't be hidden for long, and many people came to help They all thought that I was going to practice some kind of witchcraft instead of studying folklore, and I also think that this excuse may not be able to catch many people."

"We're sure we don't have time. Most people in Salem should know about the death of Matthew Hopkins by now. I didn't cover my face during the raid. I'm afraid the king's army will come later." Hunting outlanders and witches in the town. As for Matthew Hopkins' body rotting, they'll just think it's witchcraft. We need to act fast. The witch trials are tonight. It won't stop, it might not be safe here anymore. How many bullets do you have, Coulson? Come on, Jones, lead the way."

"Tonight, I must kill him."

Yesterday’s subscription and tickets are so bad, I’m disheartened QAQ

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