Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1357 Lighthouse Base (First update)

In the past, the relationship between Victoria Hand and Maria Hill was not good.

One is an agent supervisor of SHIELD who graduated from the SHIELD Academy and has a good reputation. The other is transferred to SHIELD from other departments by Congress to monitor and cooperate with SHIELD. Victoria Hand always believed that Maria Hill would rebel, and Maria Hill also always believed that Victoria Hand was too ruthless, too efficient, and didn't care about SHIELD's workplace culture. Work. Although she appreciates this work attitude, she is unwilling to interact with her in depth, and she believes that Victoria Hand is more suitable for the CIA or Homeland Security than SHIELD.

However, most of these grievances disappeared after the Hydra Rebellion, because that disaster allowed SHIELD agents to prove their loyalty and innocence, and Victoria Hand experienced a complete betrayal. If it weren't for the Emperor's tight grasp, Keep her soul alive, she would have been dead long ago from Grant Ward's gunshot. Although the contact opportunities between the two were later limited to the contact and cooperation between the National Defense Intelligence Department and the Intelligence Department of the Praetorian Order, the relationship between the two was not as tense as before, but it could not be said to be very passionate.

"Our opponent is most likely Coulson's team." Victoria Hand said on the communication channel, "I know you have the key to the [cold storage], Agent Hill. I want to make sure that the key to the [cold storage] is Does he have something that I don't know about? Is there something else Nick Fury is hiding from me?"

"All the contents of [Project Slingshot] are included."

What Maria Hill is talking about is a SHIELD plan to deal with unknown dangerous objects. Simply put, it is to use chemical fuel rockets to send warheads loaded with dangerous objects into the sun. However, since the satellite has to borrow the Earth's Hence the gravity slingshot's name. However, the so-called [Slingshot Project] was basically a scam, and many agents were deceived by it. Many 0-84 items that had been launched on the surface were actually transferred from the [Slingshot Base] and hidden in a secret called [Cold Storage]. In the base.

It is used to store a large number of unknown dangerous items and imprison dangerous people. The confidentiality level is one level higher than the [Sandbox Base] located in the African desert. After the Hydra rebellion, John Gartler, a Hydra agent code-named "Clear Vision", once used a 0-84 item unearthed by Coulson's team in South America to easily activate and launch it. The released plasma exploded the walls of the [Cold Storage] prison, releasing almost all dangerous felons and taking away many 0-84 items.

Although these things were later recovered, Victoria Hand still saw things on the recovery list that she had never seen before with her eighth-level agent authority. The prototype of the force field weapon invented by Howard Stark for S.H.I.E.L.D. is only used to push an egg; the mature design of the automobile vector engine was used by Agent Coulson to modify his car; the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is stored in it A strange device of energy that was recovered from the body of John Garrett and also turned the last undercover S.H.I.E.L.D. Hydra agent into ashes; the Life-Model Decoy project, the early research results of the android project ; The special filamentous virus brought out from the [Sandbox Base] is dozens of times more infectious than the samples stored in all fourth-level biological research institutes in the world, but its lethality remains unchanged.

"I have the [cold storage] list, but you know what I'm asking about isn't the weapons." Victoria Hand said, "What do you know about the Life-Model Decoy program?"

"I know that this plan was once launched to save the lives of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Later, the project was temporarily shelved due to technical problems, and even Tony Stark did not solve it." Although Victoria Hand on the other side of the video call still said His face was expressionless, but Agent Maria Hill still noticed something was wrong, "Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"If a regulated superhuman scientist can use his own abilities and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research data to completely create the product of the Life-Model Decoy project, then it is impossible for S.H.I.E.L.D., which had strong scientific research capabilities in the past, to not be able to do so ." Victoria Hand lowered her voice and adjusted her glasses. "Dr. Horton Radcliffe created the Life-Model Decoy. He must have obtained the chip manufactured by SHIELD. As far as I know, the chip factory at [Sandbox Base] has long been shut down. Agent Coulson and The manpower in other departments is completely insufficient to start up the production equipment, obtain production raw materials, and they do not have the professional knowledge to produce chips to meet the required structure of the Life-Model Decoy project."

"What you mean is that Nick Fury already knew that the Life-Model Decoy plan was successful and had begun formal production?" Maria Hill was a little surprised. However, this surprise was quickly lost, because Nick Fury hid something from her not only once. The only time he could be called honest was when he shared the existence and function of the Skrull stand-in with her. It is the same as Life-Model Decoy, but it can save a lot of research and development costs. Now it seems that that confession was also a hoax. The Life-Model Decoy project to create the androids of Agents of SHIELD has already begun, and it is very likely that it has reached the point where it can be used. If the information hadn't been leaked due to the Hydra rebellion, she might never have known about it in her life.

However, this can also be explained by Nick Fury not trusting the Skrulls enough and wanting to reduce the risk of leaks.

"I really don't know about this." Maria Hill glanced at the flight countdown. There were still five hours left, and if Victoria Hand insisted on asking for answers on the Quinjet, then she could only accept this long interrogation, "if you want to believe it."

"I want to believe it. Our former boss lost his power, but he is still a dangerous person." Victoria Hand nodded, "I investigated a place called [Lighthouse Base]. It was originally used for Aegis during the Cold War. There is nothing special about the base where Bureau agents took refuge. However, I found a piece of information that showed that even during the Hydra rebellion, supplies were still being continuously sent to the [Lighthouse Base] on Lake Ontario, and It seems there are still people there who are receiving supplies step by step."

"What supplies?"

"have no idea."

"So who's receiving the supplies?"

"I don't know." Victoria Hand sighed, "On the surface, [Lighthouse Base] is an unmanned automated facility. Someone has seen members of Coulson's agent team near that small town on Lake Ontario. Perhaps they have already settled in that facility. Agent Maria Hill, I officially entrust you to go to [Lighthouse Base], contact Agent Coulson's team, and investigate the research results of the Life-Model Decoy project."

"They won't trust me, V."

"Now they are not agents, but vigilantes. If they were still agents, they would lock you up for interrogation. Now they will only greet you with cake and champagne." Victoria Hand glanced at her watch subconsciously, as if in a hurry Time, "This Quinjet will fly you near the lighthouse base and give you the supplies you need. I hope you persuade the Coulson Agent Team not to wade into this muddy water and not participate in our investigation of Holden Radke." The arrest, search and interrogation of Dr. Reeve. The Emperor needs Agent Coulson alive - I don't know why, but he has a mind of his own and gets it right every time - but if Agent Coulson insists on getting involved, then We will not be responsible for any casualties that may occur."

"Are you planning to launch a raid within the United States?"

Victoria Hand did not answer, but gave Maria Hill a look and closed the communication. Agent Hill could only look at the former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent sitting in the seat opposite, who shrugged and looked nonchalant.

"This is not the first time this has been done." He said, "As far as I know, the previous two 'exercise accidents' at military bases in the country were all caused by the emperor."

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