Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1358 Everyone is in their place (second update)

With careful thoughts in mind, Maria Hill's Quinjet landed on the outskirts of a small town near Lake Ontario.

The National Defense Intelligence Agency has already prepared a safe house, fake identity, fake documents, online accounts, cash, vehicles and weapons for her. Even if she is stopped by the patrol, she will not have any trouble. The fake identity and fake documents are enough for her to get away. . Even if she insists on escaping by car, this American muscle car is enough for her to get rid of most of her pursuers and run until the police patrol helicopter runs out of gas.

But she wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

She knew that she was now a wanted criminal, and she had not done so for a long time as she was scheduled to report to Congress every Friday. The FBI and Homeland Security were unable to find her at her residence. It was conceivable that they would naturally take her there. Listed on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most wanted list. The current cover of the new S.H.I.E.L.D. is largely to trap past S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, and to regain control of the secrets left behind by Nick Fury when he controlled S.H.I.E.L.D. through an inventory of past S.H.I.E.L.D. assets. Now that the Coulson Agent Team has been exposed to the sight of the US government again, Maria Hill knows that she is likely to return to the Pentagon's watch list, but she will not let Phil Coulson get away with it. Go dark and let the last S.H.I.E.L.D. team fall.

Even if she knows Victoria Hand is using her, she must stop Agent Coulson from doing something stupid.

"Did you just see that! How fast that car was going!" the Route 62 patrol officer almost spat out his lunch sandwich. "Did you write down the license plate?"

"Almost 150 miles (about 240 kilometers per hour)." The old policeman in the main driver's seat skillfully stepped on the accelerator, and the sudden push on his back almost caused the Diet Coke in the hand of his partner sitting in the passenger seat to spill out. However, the old policeman turned a deaf ear to the rookie's complaints, and instead held the steering wheel tightly, intending to catch up with the car that was about to drive out of sight. They catch a lot of speeding drivers on this road every day, but it is still quite rare for people to drive so fast. The old policeman feels that the passion in his career has been ignited again, and he can't wait to follow them. Let's see who is so desperate. "If we're lucky, we can still catch up."

"Maybe." The rookie policeman chose to call for reinforcements, "Route 62, black Dodge Demon SRT, heading towards Eden. Need reinforcements, need reinforcements!"

"215 received."

"214 received."

"Helen is already in position."

Constantine, who was still on the Tianma heavy assault transport craft, received news from the defense intelligence department. I don’t know who came up with the code name, but actually used the Trojan War as an allusion, turning Maria Hill into the whirlpool Helen in the Trojan War.

At this time, the aircraft they were riding in was already close to the target, and they planned to land and rest near a safe house dozens of kilometers away. This aircraft specially designed for stealth operations replaced the number of a cargo flight, but any serious and responsible tower commander would be alerted to the abnormal altitude and route of this flight and report it to the U.S. Air Force. After unloading armed personnel and equipment near the safe house, the Tianma heavy assault transport craft must fly to suborbital space in a short time to avoid information leakage. The real cargo flight is already following behind, piloted by a former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent from the Defense Intelligence Agency, ready to take over the flight number and continue flying, eliminating all suspicion.

Constantine plans to lead this group of armed men to wait in the safe house for more than ten hours until Dr. Horton Radcliffe returns to his residence. The first detachment of the First Secret Regiment and the Martian Mechanical Soldier Mixed Combat Team will be there. After stopping on the only way, the second team will simultaneously launch an attack on Dr. Holden Radcliffe's house to find the products of the Life-Model Decoy project and all information related to the thinking space called "Framework". material.

Dr. Horton Radcliffe also lived near the Great Lakes.

There are many high-speed freight highways between the United States and Canada, and countless heavy trucks drive through it every day, continuously delivering agricultural products and industrial products to Canada. Constantine's team can ride in a pre-modified heavy truck, stuff all the armed personnel into the cargo compartment, and pursue and intercept them on the road. The commander of the Imperial Guard has seen the battle plan of the Martian mechanical soldiers. The automatic combat robot transferred from the Royal Castle can be used to target helicopters and National Guard armored vehicles, and can also block the highway from south to north in a short period of time. all traffic on the road to buy time for movement and evacuation.

This is a very complete combat plan with several plans and two sets of command systems.

The chain of command used by the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment is completely different from that used by the Martian mechanical soldiers. The latter is more efficient but requires the thinking network link of the mechanical implant. Through the Martian Sage who is equipped with a command center and a thinking amplification implant, The controller and the mechanical soldier captain serve as the instruction issuer and information transfer station, issuing different instructions to the thinking processor of each mechanical soldier. The soldiers of the First Secret Regiment still use the old method. The communication system in the void combat suit is already the limit of what human soldiers who lack large-scale mechanical implants can achieve in terms of informatization. The conventional ones used by the knights and the Praetorian Guards The chain of command is just to make information processing faster and the database more comprehensive.

The SHIELD team will most likely be involved in the fight, but Constantine is ready to deal with Daisy Johnson.

Daisy Johnson, formerly known as Skye, has a high school education and is a former Rising Tide hacker. Her relationship with Phil Coulson, Agent Rainbow, is similar to that of a father and daughter. After being exposed to the Terrigen compound mist, he showed a considerable degree of ability to manipulate shock waves, and the external manifestation was an extremely harsh inhuman scream. Judging from Daisy Johnson's experience, she was not able to use this power to its limit. She is able to emit shock waves to promote material vibrations, rather than manipulate matter to vibrate. Even so, she is still a dangerous target for ordinary people, but no matter how powerful the Inhuman superpower is, there is always only one person in her, God. The special equipment owned by SHIELD has already been registered and sent to the Martian Sage's database, so it is unlikely that it will be caught off guard.

This area is vast and sparsely populated, and the safe house arranged by the National Defense Intelligence Agency can fully accommodate this combat team setting off from the Balkans. There is even an apron and underground garage available for use. After the heavy assault transport craft landed on the apron, Constantine opened the disguised entrance to the underground garage in accordance with established procedures, and guided the First Secret Regiment and the mechanical soldiers in. The style here is quite simple and plain, with the SHIELD eagle emblem on the gray concrete wall. This is a SHIELD transit base. There is only one Indian reservation in the surrounding area, except for the small town of Govanda where Dr. Horton Radcliffe lives. White people will not go to the reservation through here, and Indians will not go to the small town through here. Both sides dislike each other, which makes this a true no-man's land, which is very suitable for concealing traces and arranging large-scale material mobilization.

"Stray 2 has begun to evacuate and is entering suborbital orbit."

"The Imperial Guard has received it, please start preparations for evacuation."

The pilot's voice came from Constantine's communicator. Time was very tight, and the engine of the heavy assault transport craft did not stall at all. After clearing the armed personnel, the vector engine was immediately started, allowing the aircraft to escape gravity and fly into the sky again. This heavy assault transport craft will arrive when the mission is completed, and there will be no external support at other times. Everything will rely on this armed team deep in the United States.

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