Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1361 Base coordinates (first update)

The Life-Model Decoy artificial intelligence named Aida launched an attack on Epsilon Rodney-Radium 223 without hesitation. In the eyes of ordinary people like Leopold Fitz, Aida's speed was too fast for people to react, but Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 still hit the bionic with a thing equipped with a huge capacitor. Human, Aida's chest and abdomen covered in a gray women's suit had huge electric burn wounds, and a large number of precision components and cables were exposed from the punctured blackened steel. Constantine saw Epsilon-Rodney-Radium-223 adjusting the discharge to the minimum, but the Life-Model Decoy artificial intelligence, known for its toughness, was still temporarily short-circuited. As for Leopold Fitz on the side, However, due to the collapse caused by the excessive bright light and the intensive shooting of other mechanical soldiers, he fell down and fainted by coincidence.

At this moment, outside Dr. Radcliffe's residence, the Zephyr-1 pilot was restarting the engine non-stop. The armed men who attacked the attackers in the rear cargo compartment saw the two heavy trucks approaching increasingly without any intention of slowing down, and quickly pressed the ramp plate lift switch. Only when the ramp plate wrapped with thick armor plates gradually rose and closed tightly did the armed personnel think about how to rescue Leopold Fitz and Dr. Holden Radcliffe who might have been captured. come out.

"I need to get through to Agent Coulson's satellite phone." David, as the highest-ranking veteran S.H.I.E.L.D. agent on Zephyr One, is full of the Old School combat style of the military academy. Although he is usually very friendly, he is very serious and strict when performing tasks, so Agent Coulson made him one of the few remaining commanders of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s armed personnel.

Before the subordinate could get the satellite phone, the warning sound of damaged aircraft began to flash along with the dazzling red light. The tightly closed ramp plate seemed to have been attacked by a sudden rainstorm. A large number of dense red-hot high-temperature spots appeared on the armor, and then two mechanical claws flowing with electric current penetrated the armor plate and locked it firmly. The ramp was forcibly pulled down, and what appeared in front of David was a towering steel beast, as well as several densely packed black firearms.

"Don't try to resist." The leading soldier, wearing thick protective clothing, warned the armed personnel in Zephyr 1 through a neck sounder, "Your weapons cannot cause harm to us."

By the time Leopold Fitz regained consciousness, he had fallen on the grass with other S.H.I.E.L.D. armed personnel. Everyone's arms were handcuffed behind their backs, looking like maggots in an awkward way. Fall to the ground. He could still feel the damage left by the other party's rough movements on his shoulder. In any case, it was lucky that there was no irreparable damage. However, Leopold Fitz still thought of himself for the first time. purpose of the trip.

"Aida!" He struggled to sit up, his mouth filled with grass that tasted of ash, "Their target is Aida!"

"They are repairing Aida." Gemma Simmons' voice made Leopold Fitz calm down a little, but the physicist did not hear the tangy sourness in the ambiguous subject's tone. "I witnessed a certain cyborg using tools to perform maintenance on her. Don't worry, it's fine, our most important thing now is to notify Agent Coulson."

"It's her, Gemma."

"Anyway, we still don't understand why they wanted to find Aida or Dr. Radcliffe." Gemma Simmons did not want to dwell too much on this issue. She tried to correct her boyfriend's ideas several times but failed. It ended in failure, and this time was no exception. Compared to her, Leopold Fitz seems to be more concerned about the artificial intelligence of the Life-Model Decoy project, and even regards Aida as a living person rather than an android composed of algorithms and machines. This makes Gemma Simmons very angry. However, she did not dwell on such a trivial matter in this situation, because the most important thing now was to inform Agent Coulson and Agent May, and tell the agents staying at the lighthouse base that the Emperor seemed to really want to use Aegis this time. Catch them all in one go. "Maybe they'll ask us questions. Fitz, you have to ask something."

"I...I will." Leopold Fitz finally calmed down at this time. He blinked hard, as if to squeeze out the dry feeling in his eyes caused by the strong electric flash, "What can you think of? Yet?"

"There must be electromagnetic interference nearby." Gemma Simmons whispered. She showed her boyfriend the micro transmitter in her hand, "I have sent out the alarm, but there has been no response. Zephyr 1 also seems to have suffered damage, and they will definitely not abandon the heavy robot, so they must We have an evacuation aircraft. We still have some time before their aircraft arrives. They will definitely come to interrogate you, Fitz. You must hold on. Agent Coulson may have discovered something abnormal here and is sending someone to rescue us. .”

As soon as he finished speaking, the originally dead Zephyr No. 1 suddenly started to operate.

It was as if a dying patient was coming back to life in his final moments. The engine noise changed from soft to screaming. Rows of fully armed soldiers walked into the Zephyr-1 on the ramp that had been temporarily repaired. The two-wing vector engines pushed the huge and heavy body slowly into the air, lifting the aircraft below. The grass was scorched, and ashes were blown into the sky. The launch of Zephyr 1 shattered the last hope of the SHIELD agents present, especially Gemma Simmons. Zephyr 1's warning system was made by her and Leopold Fitz to replace the tower for conventional aircraft. The function is to lock the final position of the aircraft and maintain contact with the base after the aircraft loses contact. The remaining soldiers who had not left packed the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents into the carriage, intending to take everyone away from this place, even the giant battle robot. When Agent Coulson really realized that something was wrong here, he When people were sent to search, they could only find ashes and Dr. Radcliffe's house, which had been smashed to pieces by a hail of bullets.

"I've seen you." Before being pushed into the heavy truck, Leopold Fitz looked at the guards standing aside, "What do you want?" Constantine glanced at him, and then escorted the god The soldiers of the First Secret Regiment of SHIELD agents pushed him and Gemma Simmons in. They were surrounded by soldiers holding weapons on both sides. They could only curl up and squat on the ground. "We may be doomed this time." It seemed that because he did not see Aida, Leopold Fitz temporarily regained his senses. He whispered to his girlfriend, "What they want has something to do with magic. Remember last time What about us getting the Berserker’s Cane?”

"I remember." Gemma Simmons' eyes quickly glanced at the armed men in the carriage. Although she couldn't see clearly, she was able to determine that the soldiers wearing black armor should be human beings, and the soldiers whose whole bodies were covered with metal were probably products of some kind of technology, because those legs were obviously not made of flesh and blood. The former sat alert on the bench, while the latter remained standing, never swaying even when the vehicles started, as if they were firmly locked to the floor. "How much do you remember about the magic spectrum?"

"Not much," Fitz said. "It's unlikely that Asgardians will come to save us this time."

Gemma Simmons is a bit pessimistic. SHIELD hasn't heard from Sif since the Lorelai incident, and it's not known if she is dead. At that time, Grant Ward had not revealed Hydra's identity, and their team could still have the resources and information base of SHIELD to support them. Now they have nothing, and they are unable to make any effective resistance in the face of the menacing Emperor. . She didn't even know how these people obtained information about SHIELD. She was more worried that Zephyr One's database would expose the location of the secret base and guide this armed team to launch an attack on Agent Coulson and other colleagues.

"Then we must save ourselves." She took a deep breath, the air was filled with the pungent smell of engine oil and phosphorus, "The countdown will begin after the end."

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