Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1362 Malicious code removal program (second update)

Gemma Simmons once joked with Leopold Fitz.

She said that the universe did not want them to be together, but this statement was quickly refuted by Leopold Fitz. He believed that the universe did not care about anything, let alone the proximity of two microscopic particle aggregates. There is no repulsion in the physical sense between them - the two of them knew each other in SHIELD Academy. The collapse of SHIELD led them to follow Agent Coulson to escape around the world, and later experienced various experiences. Through this task, the relationship between the two continues to heat up. No matter what kind of dilemma they face, even if they are locked in a safe and thrown into the bottom of the sea, they can always face and solve the problem together.

However, they were separated for various reasons. Either Gemma Simmons was sent to work as an undercover agent in Hydra's company, or she was transported to an alien planet by a strange portal. It is for this reason that Gemma Simmons made this joke to poke fun at their situation of being together and separated - when the Emperor was still using the identity of Salomon to negotiate with S.H.I.E.L.D., he used to take advantage of it with great interest Opal Fitz performed tarot readings because he saw twists of fate and a jumbled timeline in these two men.

Although Leopold Fitz didn't believe in such random numbers, he had nothing to do at that time and planned to play a guessing game with Salomon. However, the tarot cards used by Salomon are not cards with pictures drawn in advance, but cards that require the use of extradimensional energy to draw card patterns. The action of turning over the cards is equivalent to an observation of the outer dimension. From the fate of the superposition state Extract a vague concept and compress it, superimposing it on the diviner and the card.

Salomon told Leopold Fitz that he would eventually marry Gemma Simmons.

They will have a wedding underground, with all their friends and family standing on dense leaves, and they will meet their offspring at the wedding. Leopold Fitz decided that this was just a trick of random numbers, and that some illogical words were just a trick. He didn't understand what a wedding was held underground and why there were leaves underground, but because of Salomon's past deeds, Accuracy, he still took this sentence to heart. After all, after working in SHIELD for so long, he still knew that the human brain could not understand all problems.

However, now he could not recall the name Salomon at all.

When the spell takes effect, all connections that can be linked to Salomon and the identity of the emperor are completely replaced. For Leopold Fitz and Gemma Simons, the only information they can recall is that the emperor Once a partner of S.H.I.E.L.D. Now that their partners suddenly turned against each other, they were caught off guard. Although Agent Coulson warned them that their former partners had their own positions and were no longer reliable, and Constantine had also shown extreme aggression, but today In the past, they still believed that the two sides would not get into a tense situation.

Bolters, lasguns, and arc weapons shattered Leopold Fitz's final fantasy, as did Aida, the Life-Model Decoy artificial intelligence. As early as during the evacuation, Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 used the equipment in the heavy truck to read the storage device of artificial intelligence Aida. Since the target was likely to be contaminated, Epsilon Ron Rodney Radium 223 was extremely careful when reading and isolated the data of artificial intelligence Aida.

Although Mars is eager to immediately begin analyzing the equipment removed from Dr. Horton Radcliffe's residence to find out the algorithmic data about the mind frame, the Praetorian Guard strongly requests Epsilon-Rodney-Ra 223 Now start the analysis of artificial intelligence Aida and capture abnormal code fragments. If we put it in words that ordinary people can understand, it means that Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 is performing tumor resection surgery on a cancer patient. Although it is not certain that it can kill all cancer cells, it can alleviate many of the consequences. symptoms.

"Malicious code removal file: 1-0-1214.Aida has been created."

Since the data interface used on Mars is almost different from that on Earth, Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 brought the universal data interface, a very important invention in the history of Mars. In contrast, the artificial intelligence Aida, whose chest and abdomen had been penetrated, was completely stripped of its simulated skin at this moment, and was laid flat on the floor of the cargo box by a mechanical soldier. A large number of cables of various colors were densely extending from its chest and abdomen, bridging to each device to read specific data.

Dr. Horton Radcliffe created a very realistic bionic shape for the artificial intelligence Aida, which almost perfectly matched the body of his ex-girlfriend one-to-one. This is a completely abnormal behavior in the eyes of most people, but for the Martian Xian For researchers, a simulated appearance that cannot improve efficiency has no meaning. Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 did not even care about the damage to the simulated body during the analysis process. She can feel the romantic feelings of Dr. Horton Radcliffe, but not because of the appearance of the Life-Model Decoy project, but because of the name of the artificial intelligence Aida. Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 is very sure that this artificial intelligence is named so because Dr. Horton Radcliffe wanted to create an artificial intelligence with a female identity, so he chose Le Augusta Ada King-Noel, Countess of Lovelace, named her work after a piece of her name.

This idea is just like the naming of the core computer group of the Olympus Furnace on Mars as "Babbage". It is a romantic sentiment that remembers the history of the development of science, mathematics, and art.

"The pruning chant implant...the implantation failed; the second purification chant implant...the implantation was successful, and MLDB access rights have been obtained." Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 was silent for a while, and was The thinking enhancement device hidden under the hood keeps making slight clicking sounds and faint, orderly, almost musical sounds that hide mathematical laws. She told Constantine, "The data disks of the Life-Model Decoy project were cleaned very clean. I detected traces of multiple cleanings, and it is very likely that nothing will be left. If necessary, I hope to remove it from Horton Dr. Radcliffe has some information, and I think the disks recovered from the house may well hold key clues."

"I know, please continue." Constantine nodded, "Be careful, there is probably corruption in those disks."

The Martian Sage raised her head and glanced at the Praetorian Guards, confirming that Constantine's reminder was not out of personal feelings, but mission efficiency, and then she nodded in agreement with Constantine's statement. Epsilon Rodney Radium 223's job is far more difficult than performing tumor removal surgery on cancer patients. To protect her own safety, she cannot scan all data and find remnants of malicious code. All she can do is Search through millions of codes based on pictures and make inferences based on the information processing efficiency advantages of powerful processors produced on Mars and algorithms. This is equivalent to performing surgery with your eyes closed, and you do not tell the surgeon where to operate. However, Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 can also rely on external observation to diagnose an abnormal state of certain electric charge in the disk. She will be told the location of the lesion.

Even machines can suffer from witchcraft lesions, and Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 has dealt with machines contaminated by witchcraft several times. Although the teaching tool only provides examples, and there are only a few diseased charges in the contaminated machinery, that experience provided a lot of help for her operation. What's more, the Mars Foundry has also issued a standard diagnostic manual to provide guidance to ensure that all machinery produced on Mars can remain pure. This experience can also be applied to the artificial intelligence Aida.

Multi-line work did not affect the efficiency of Epsilon Rodney Radium 223. In order to find the original data of the database as quickly as possible, she had to use hard links and bypass many security procedures. Her gains were completely worth the risk, and the raw data and algorithm framework of the database in Dr. Holden Radcliffe's computer were revealed in front of her.

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