Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1367 Lighthouse Guerrilla Warfare (2-in-1)

The Mars Mechanical Soldier is an extremely large project, including tens of thousands of exclusive implants, as well as a large number of exclusive light weapons, individual heavy weapons and armor. The combination of these equipment can form a new unit to deal with different situations. battlefield conditions and tactical needs. The Ranger Cavalry is the backbone of the Martian mechanical soldiers. As the most basic light infantry system, the Ranger Cavalry can be responsible for most battlefield tasks. Not to mention hunting, guerrilla and reconnaissance tasks, other systems of light infantry can undertake Even the roving cavalry can undertake battlefield work.

As the leader of the Rangers, Alpha Bronze 2 has all the implants that other Rangers don't have. He also has implants that other Rangers don't have. A large number of mechanical implants make him not only taller than Ordinary soldiers like the First Secret Regiment who have been slightly modified are extremely conspicuous even among a large group of roving cavalry. A large number of scanning equipment implants allow the Rangers to walk on the ground in the dark, and the extremely advanced respiratory and circulatory system also allows them to absorb a large amount of oxygen from their flesh and blood that have not been replaced with steel or their life-modified internal organs. The soldiers of the First Secret Regiment wearing all-environment combat uniforms were completely unable to do this. Even with the help of searchlights and night vision goggles, they still stumbled because the air raid shelter tunnel was too slippery.

However, what Alpha-Bronze 2 said before did not seem to be some kind of ridicule. He really commanded the Ranger Cavalry to slow down and wait for the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment behind to catch up. "This is a testament to the weakness of flesh and blood," a ranger said on the internal communication network. "I can even hear their respiratory filtration systems being under high load."

"Yes, they were not fortunate enough to undergo transformation. Even so, they are still the armed forces of the regent. We must respect Victor von Doom and the emperor." Alpha-Bronze 2 turned his head and looked aside Sergeant of the 1st Secret Regiment. "The map shows that there will be a steel gate 40 meters ahead." He said in a synthesized voice, "I need you to use melta weapons."

"It will take at least three minutes to open a gap that allows all of us to pass through." The noncommissioned officer said viciously, "That blast door is too thick. Any soldier using an individual melta gun can only do this. .”

"Do your best, Sergeant." Alpha-Bronze 2 said calmly, "We still have time to waste."

The sergeant who had just gone through a fast attack almost gasped for air. Before they set off, their superiors repeatedly emphasized that the guys from Mars didn't understand any human ways, and they didn't know how to speak tactfully. Their brains are already machines. There is no need to be angry with the Martian soldiers. When communicating with those mechanical soldiers, just use the simplest and most intuitive expressions. Other humorous expressions or metaphors are ways of speaking that the mechanical soldiers cannot understand.

"I will arrange manpower." The sergeant took a deep breath, "But I also need your soldiers as the first batch of commandos, because we don't know if there will be armed forces waiting for us behind the door."

"I see."

As soon as he finished speaking, a total of 10 Ranger Cavalry separated from the original team and stood in front of Alpha-Bronze 2. As if they knew their mission in advance, they formed an assault formation in the blink of an eye and lined up at the front of all the teams. This kind of intelligent efficiency can make all frontline commanders envious. The degree of informatization of the Martian mechanical soldiers is even more incredible. It is said that the Martian sages can even control the mechanical soldiers on the ground on the orbiting space station. , communicate with the orbiting space station or orbiting information transfer station, and accurately hunt all targets under the guidance of combat procedures.

"Triangulus-Alpha-01 to Triangulus-Alpha-10 will serve as the first batch of commandos. I will try my best to give orders in a way that you can understand, and convey to you the tactical information you need to know." Alpha-Bronze 2 Said, "Because you do not own the information network between Martian warriors, I must use this inefficient communication method. However, the error is still within the acceptable range, and this communication method is allowed to be used."

The sergeant took a deep breath and repeatedly told himself not to be angry.

"Thank you very much." He was craving for a cigarette now. "I will appreciate all the help you can provide."

Alpha-Bronze 2 nodded his head, which was completely covered with metal and mechanical implants, "You're welcome."

"We captured the intruder's information." Melinda May handed a data pad to Maria Hill, who had been sitting in the control room. This kind of information should have been handed over to the commander in the level 3 security room, but Melinda May didn't care so much at this moment. Agent Maria Hill's cold face and past identity were enough to drive away anyone who knew her. agents, not many people would hear the conversation between them. The cybersecurity department had burned down its sixth computer, and the stench of burning electronic components and PCB boards filled the room.

"The fourth plan has been activated. All entrances and exits have been sealed with concrete and alloy, but we can't get out." She said, "The hidden entrance of the outermost air-raid shelter has been destroyed, and we found that the intruder is not... a human being. , most likely some kind of robot.”

Maria Hill saw the intruder on CCTV.

Due to practical factors, the modernization process of the lighthouse base has been progressing slowly. Agent Coulson has limited supplies and cannot install the clearest surveillance probe with cashier equipment on the outermost layer. Therefore, Agent Maria Hill The picture I got was just a gray-white picture captured by an ordinary infrared night vision camera.

The moment she saw the picture, she understood why Melinda May was so hesitant.

In the picture, an irregular hole was opened in the explosion-proof door. A large group of soldiers of the same height and wearing dark robes walked through a pool of bright white liquid on the ground like mud with shocking order and precision. It was obviously a large pool of molten high-temperature metal, and these soldiers waded through the liquid metal without fear. The black iron legs burned in the high temperature, and bright flames climbed up the alloy. There was no flesh and blood on these soldiers' faces, only metal, and the places where their eyes were originally were now glowing. A few seconds later, a robot with a distinctive head walked in and took a look at the camera, and the surveillance screen turned into a large snowflake. Maria Hill felt that the robot saw her through the surveillance camera. She couldn't help but raise her head and glance at the monitor above her head. The cold light dispelled the chill in time, but she still felt lingering fear.

Melinda May asked, "Is this part of the information you have?"

"No." Maria Hill said frankly, "I once had an in-depth understanding of one of the orders, but I did not know all the secrets. I even knew very little about the secrets of that order. The enemy's intelligence control was very strong. It's so powerful that even Nick Fury can't know more information. But I have a guess... Did you see the mechanical skeletons on those robot robes in the picture? I only know of one place with such a symbol."


"Mars, Olympus Foundry." Maria Hill said, "Long before the Emperor unified the Balkans, he had already arranged for manpower to go to Mars. Now he is negotiating with countries around the world to invite top scientists to go Build a colony on Mars. In order to achieve this goal, the Balkans will conduct a public Mars landing to show other countries the scientific and technological strength of the Balkans. In fact, the emperor wants to take those scientists to the Mars foundry, and he wants to invite those people Working at a scientific research facility on Olympus Mons, the highest peak in the solar system. I once saw them receiving a landing ship with a Mars logo, which shows that they have been able to exchange materials with Mars very early."

"So, these robots are from Mars?" Melinda May cursed under her breath. She has encountered many bizarre things since joining S.H.I.E.L.D., but facing a horde of robots from Mars is something that can only be found in science fiction novels. "How are we going to deal with these robots? Recoilless cannons, rocket launchers or machine guns? Our concrete structure can support the attack of recoilless cannons, but the shock wave is enough to cause non-combat attrition of our agents."

"It doesn't have to be a robot, it could also be a mechanically modified person." Maria Hill's words were so horrifying that normal people could not imagine the pain of having their flesh and blood replaced by machines. It's not like Melinda May has never seen old movies about transforming people, such as "RoboCop". Although she also knows that the actual situation is different from the movie, she is also sure that the pain involved will not be less. "Stretch the front, and then do what you have to do. Even if the enemy breaks through the blockade, we can fight a guerrilla war here. I will ensure the safety of the generator sets of the ventilation system and order the logistics personnel to disperse food and water sources to various secrets Room. If the other party is really a robot, ordinary people like us won't be able to last long after they turn off the heating and ventilation systems."

The fourth plan of the lighthouse base is to guard against alien invasion, and the third plan is to guard against nuclear attacks.

It is normal for this base that was renovated during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union to have facilities to prevent nuclear attacks. It even has supporting atmospheric nuclear radiation detection devices to judge external conditions and prevent agents hiding inside from being exposed to nuclear contamination. This facility can allow at most The agents would stay home for fifteen years, and the nuclear reactor would be enough to support all the electricity needed for that long. However, alien invasion as the fourth plan was something that no one had thought of. You must know that at that time, humans had not yet openly contacted aliens, the Chitauri had not invaded, and the Skrulls and Kree had not yet invaded. It's a secret, so the person who designed the fourth plan must be Nick Fury or the controller of Project Pegasus - related to the Cosmic Cube. Except for these people, no one knew about the existence of aliens at that time. Maria Hill did not know the information about the builder of the lighthouse base, but she knew that many situations had been encountered in the original design. As the best field agent, Melinda May would definitely be able to delay the battle until Enough to be discovered.

This isn't a massive invasion, time is on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s side.

The safari cavalry advanced in an orderly manner.

They broke through the last layer of camouflage of the air raid shelter and encountered only sporadic attacks from preset machine gun towers. The rudimentary equipment and weak attacks from 7.62mm bullets only scratched the blood-red robes of the Rangers, but could not stop their attack. pace. The existence of the Ranger Cavalry confuses the simple thinking circuits and programs in the machine gun towers. Subsequent remote active control is limited by the reaction speed of ordinary humans, and delayed attacks have no effect. Before all the machine gun towers lock on the target, the electromagnetic The explosion completely destroyed all the effective structures of the crude attack equipment.

Although the First Secret Regiment was not satisfied with the role of engineers, in this case, the sergeant allowed Alpha-Bronze 2 to step into the underground passage of the lighthouse base as a pioneer. The explosives carried by the Second Combat Detachment from the heavy trucks to Zephyr 1 are being continuously sent to the front for use by the Ranger Cavalry. Violent explosions and dazzling fire accompanied the footsteps of the Rangers. There were only scattered corpses at the feet of their replaced legs. Most of the SHIELD armed personnel chose to evacuate immediately after they destroyed the blast doors or concrete. There was no hesitation.

"SHIELD is luring us forward." The sergeant gave his own judgment, "I think they have already prepared an ambush site."

"This possibility has increased to 70.6% and has been included in the operational process thinking variables. Priority, dark red, notification has been issued." Alpha-Bronze 2's voice remained unchanged, as if he had not started the operation two seconds ago. Shooting down the small grenade-laden drone that fell from the sky, as if he had just failed to save other combatants, including himself. Alpha-Bronze 2 paused, as if calling some program, after which his voice suddenly became softer, "Your suggestions are very useful, sergeant."

"You're welcome."

"Praise the sage for his foresight. Communication procedures can indeed improve combat efficiency." Triangulus-Alpha-01 said in the internal communication channel while changing the rifle magazine. "The minds of ordinary humans are fragile enough to require communication procedures for maintenance."

"This is a common disease of flesh and blood, a tendency toward irrational impulses."

Triangulus-Alpha-02 and Triangulus-Alfa-01 are a rare pair of twins on Mars. They came from the same training chamber. Their flesh and blood genes are very similar, and their thinking methods are also very similar. This is a fascinating quality. Genes, as machines that make up flesh and blood, possess many secrets that Mars has not yet fully discovered. All Martian sages know that only the emperor in this world masters the miracles and mysteries of all genes. Others can only perform clumsy work. imitation. The Rangers even have accents, something that many Martian sages cannot understand, who can only believe that it is an as-yet-undiscovered epigenetic trait engraved in the genetic code.

"The transformation carried out by Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 Sage allowed us to overcome this weakness." Triangulus Alpha-02 fired another shot. Although he did not see the target, the hunting program indicated that there were radio signals and electricity in the darkness not far away. "Now it's time to focus on the mission, genetic brothers of the training pod."

"I thought you were talking about me. We also have the same genetic makeup." Triangulus-Alpha-03 sent a short communication, "But you are right. The content of the epinephrine syringe is running low, and we need to end it as soon as possible. Fight and fuel our biochemical hearts with high levels of adrenaline.”

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