Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1368 Communication Intrusion (Two in One)

Although the goals of both parties are different, the cooperation between the Ranger Cavalry and the First Secret Regiment is still relatively pleasant.

Alpha-Bronze 2 will not care about being discovered by the US military. The Martian mechanical soldiers' fear of death has been suppressed to a minimum due to biochemical modifications and drugs. But these veterans of the First Secret Regiment are either veterans of the Afghan battlefield, or war dogs brought from other war-torn areas around the world. They are very concerned about the action time limit given by their superiors, and they also know what will happen if they are discovered by the US military. What impact will it bring. The armed forces they have alone cannot fight against a large number of regular troops. They also lack enough anti-tank missiles and anti-aircraft missiles. Once discovered by the US military, all-out war is the only possibility.

However, when Alpha-Bronze 2 proposed to divide their forces and follow the guidelines on the map to outflank 70.3%, 82.5% and 95.6% of the rooms that may be ambush sites for S.H.I.E.L.D. armed personnel, the First Secret Regiment could only agree to this waste of time. the behavior of. Even if the sergeant knew that SHIELD was just trying to delay time, it was impossible for the Rangers to gain an advantage on the terrain, and there was serious water seepage in the area, which greatly delayed the movement of most of the armed personnel, but the order to complete the mission was still hanging in his head. It's impossible for him to refuse.

The so-called "military action speed" of the First Secret Regiment is not based on the efficiency of ordinary special forces, but on genetically modified warriors. As the first experimental army, the First Secret Regiment has daily training and equipment to match the genetically modified warriors, allowing the two combat systems to be seamlessly connected and flexible - the non-commissioned officers of the First Secret Regiment tolerate the roving cavalry wasting time At that time, there was actually a long time before the combat limit, enough for an ordinary special operations force with the same equipment to enter the lighthouse base and seize the target.

Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 provides a lot of intelligence that is beneficial to combat, and can provide enough intelligence support even if the troops are divided. Her consciousness was swamped by the torrent of electrical charges, flying at high speed in an ocean of microscopic particles. The radio signals were relayed by orbiting satellites and entered the signal receivers of Alpha Bronze 2 and Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 respectively. , all the scenes seen by the thirty Mars Rangers were clearly displayed in front of her. Each electronic eye video output of the hunting system has the fragmented consciousness program of Epsilon Rodney Radium 223. She dispersed her spirit and thinking into hundreds of transponders with simple preset programs. Taking care of both the Rangers and the Lighthouse Base at the same time, she can even see herself from the third-person perspective of the Rangers beside her.

It is difficult for ordinary people to feel this feeling of fragmented thinking. Among the Martian sages of the same level, there are few who are as good as Epsilon Rodney Radium 223. Due to the hardware limitations of the level, She still skillfully uses multi-threaded real-time processing, tracking and command technology to control the entire operation. Compared with the powerful hardware implants and processors of the advanced sages, the personal hardware used by Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 requires a large amount of power to process this amount of calculations, which results in a high TDP. In order to run these mechanical implants smoothly, Epsilon Rodney-Ra 223 had to hide two columnar cooling systems in the hood to prevent her mind-enhancing devices and brain from overheating.

However, the high-load cooling system was discovered by Constantine's thermal imaging electronic eye.

"How long will it take for us to arrive at the lighthouse base?" The Imperial Guard was also not idle. He was working on multiple threads like the Martian Sage. From the collections organized by Agent Coulson at the Lighthouse Base, to the analysis and changes of the original database of artificial intelligence Aida and the original database of the Life-Model Decoy project, and finally to the surveillance of Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes's residence in Los Angeles, " Can you complete the analysis of the Life-Model Decoy project before we arrive?"

"It will take at least another hour." Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 said, "The Life-Model Decoy project analysis can be completed on time. The corruption is not hidden too deep. I have the ability to remove it, but I can't It is guaranteed that Aida can maintain its original functions after the resection surgery. If we want to restore the Life-Model Decoy project, the existing equipment computing power will take a long time to reconstruct and optimize. But I still use Life-Model Decoy Several things have been found in the fragments of the project, including the Tome of Darkness that you have been looking for."

She inserted her fingers equipped with small devices into the open abdomen of artificial intelligence Aida and groped through a large pile of messy wires. Immediately afterwards, a small stream of burnt green smoke rose from the intricate insulating rubber. Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 stretched out his palm and clamped a small piece of the still wriggling organism between his steel fingertips. .

This is a fusion of electronic components and organic matter.

"The Psalms of Purification are driving away corruption," she said, "but don't think it's easy."

Alphonso McKenzie has been keeping a close eye on frontline monitoring after dealing with the problematic generator set.

All rooms whose surveillance cameras are destroyed mean that the room has been occupied by enemies, but the network security department has also issued a warning. Even if the surveillance cameras are not destroyed, it does not mean that there are no enemies in the room. The enemy's information offensive and defensive capabilities are extremely powerful. It is very likely that false videos will be used to cover up the offensive route, and it is not completely certain that the enemy is following the established route to the ambush site. The survival rate of the armed team previously sent to lure the enemy to the preset ambush site was only 60%. Through feedback from frontline personnel, SHIELD gradually figured out the enemy's weapons, equipment and characteristics.

As precise as a robot, the whole body is made of metal that can defend against full-power bullets. The weapons used have extremely advanced technology. The body armor equipped with ceramic inserts cannot withstand the weird electromagnetic explosion. The human body and ceramics will be penetrated together. Those armed personnel recruited from the special forces of NATO countries at the peak of S.H.I.E.L.D. had never experienced such a scene. Most of them were already frightened. If they did not remember the escape route and mission objectives, they would probably be caught in the crossfire. The whole army was wiped out in a few seconds.

Melinda May frowned in the control room.

The SHIELD troops at the lighthouse base are completely at a disadvantage, and the frontline intelligence may not be accurate. The most reliable way is to spread out the armed personnel to search and detect the enemy's movements. However, without the numerical advantage and surprise attack, the survival rate of the dispatched armed personnel will be as low as a pitiful number, which is basically equivalent to a death mission. No SHIELD armed personnel is willing to perform such a mission, especially Soldiers who had seen the Rangers.

"C-2 channel to engage the enemy!" Daisy Johnson's voice made Alphonso Mackenzie suddenly anxious. He also heard Daisy Johnson's unique "superpower" air spikes in the communication channel. Howling. The surveillance video promptly switched to Daisy Johnson's C-3 channel. At this moment, everyone saw the former rookie hacker relying on the bunker to fight against enemies that came into view sporadically. "The enemy... is not a robot." As soon as she came into contact with the enemy, SHIELD's combat channel began to be interfered with, and Daisy Johnson's voice was intermittent. Although she failed to elaborate on the situation, Melinda May and Maria Hill in the control room both saw the appearance of the enemy, "They are human beings!"

"That's the First Secret Regiment! The experimental army under Victor von Doom!" Maria Hill immediately recognized the logo on the fully enclosed bulletproof armor. "This means that genetically modified warriors should It’s not far from us. The First Secret Regiment rarely performs independent missions, and in most cases only cooperates with genetically modified warriors.”

The surveillance footage was a bit blurry, but Melinda May could still see the scorching lasers hitting the armed men like raindrops. Many combustibles were immediately ignited. The defensive forces, including Daisy Johnson, all huddled in Unable to move behind a solid bunker.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

Alphonso Mackenzie came from behind, followed by a large group of armed men. The addition of active forces increased SHIELD's firepower density by one level, barely suppressing the opponent's firepower. When he passed by the infirmary, he had already seen many armed men whose bodies had been penetrated by lasers. Even if the critical part was not hit, the pain of the laser burning was not as painful as being hit by a bullet, but the subsequent sequelae such as edema would be Make life worse than death. Alfonso Mackenzie could occasionally fire two shots in the direction of the laser, but the weak shotguns could only slide feebly on the bulletproof armor. Only the firepower of the general machine gun could make those enemies stumble.

"Evacuate to C-4. We need to lower the blast doors. Daisy, evacuate! Now!"

"Copy that!" Daisy Johnson turned her head and looked around, and made a gesture towards some armed man. This gesture meant that she wanted to stay and break up the rear. Under the suppression of fire support behind her, Daisy Johnson remained in a crouching position and stretched out her hand towards the bunker in front of her. The shock wave roared out, pushing the heavy bunker to hit the soldiers of the First Secret Regiment at the entrance of the C-2 channel. Before she could check the situation, she was pulled into the slowly closing concrete alloy blast door by an irresistible force.

Steel and concrete slowly came together before her eyes.

A ray of ruby-colored laser squeezed in along the gap, blackening the edge of the blast door. It also scorched the helmet of an agent and the bones and flesh under the helmet. Daisy Johnson watched an agent fall in front of her with wide eyes, unable to react for a moment.

Youyou wiped the sweat from her forehead while holding her knees while panting. She had dodged bullets, but dodging laser weapons was a different story, and Melinda May in the control room told all agents to never get close to the firing path of a laser weapon if they didn't want to be scorched. It was not that Alfonso Mackenzie didn't notice Yuyou's tiredness, but he didn't go to comfort the ambiguous partner immediately. Instead, he grabbed Daisy Johnson's shoulders and shook her hard. After the latter woke up, he realized that A Fonzo Mackenzie looked into her eyes.

"Don't do this again!" Alphonso Mackenzie shouted, "No one needs your sacrifice to survive. Do you know how important you are!"

The order to shrink the defenses came from the control room.

Even though he didn't understand why the commander would issue such an order, Alfonso Mackenzie looked at the wounded around him and still chose to retreat. The enemy is attacking SHIELD's communication system. Any instructions from the control room are precious. Only Daisy Johnson strongly objects to this instruction. "We should figure out the rooms that the enemy has not occupied." She said to Alfonso Mackenzie, "We should go around behind them and attack. We are more familiar with the lighthouse base than they are, and our movement speed is definitely faster than them .”

"Follow the order, Daisy." Alfonso Mackenzie ordered the troops to retreat in an orderly manner, while taking Daisy Johnson and Yoyo, the two most important combatants, to the control room, "All elevators are now The passages are already under the control of the enemy, and the only result of our guerrilla warfare is to be completely trapped here, and then watch others die in front of us."

"Then we should break out of the encirclement!" Daisy Johnson suppressed her anger and said, "The Quinjet can still take off. We need someone to go to Agent Coulson for support!"

Alphonso Mackenzie shook his head. "Agent Coulson doesn't trust Jeffrey Mace. We must not let the U.S. government know the location of the lighthouse base." He raised the certificate in his hand and passed the fourth bunker, "But we do need Coulson. Agents know the situation here. I will arrange a commando team and a pilot for you, and there will be other Quinjets taking off with you. The airspace outside is likely to be controlled, and we must increase your chances of escape. .”

The return to the control room went smoothly. Except for the attack on the edge stronghold, the enemy never appeared again. But this is not good news. The enemy does not seem to have the idea of ​​blasting or cutting the blast door. Instead, he keeps wandering around the core rooms and passages, occupying the rooms one after another, seemingly looking for something.

"I did not issue an evacuation order." Melinda May saw Alphonso McKenzie returning to the control room, and then she closed the communication channel and looked at Maria Hill. After confirming that the latter did not use the secret communication channel to issue orders, Melinda May and others present realized that the communication channel had been hacked, and the opponent could do it silently and even forge communications. "I wish you hadn't said your plans over the intercom."

"No!" Alfonso Mackenzie shook his head, "This matter requires your consent, so I came to the control room."

"Very good." Melinda May immediately tore off a few pieces of paper from her notebook and wrote words and her signature on the paper. "Using the most primitive method to convey information, I will let the network security department start playing false combat voices on the communication channel. Mike, take my order to find the people you need. I will delegate the authority to you now."

"Understood, sir." Alfonso Mackenzie nodded and put away the paper solemnly, "Do you think Agent Coulson can do anything?"

"I don't know." Melinda May sighed, and she glanced at Maria Hill again, "I just hope Nick Fury told him some secrets that we don't know."

Refreshed at 8am.

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